
The man entered the nunnery to ask for medicine, hugged and cried with the nun, and afterwards the nun fulfilled his wish


Nunnery asks for medicine

In an ancient village, there is a legend about a nunnery and mysterious herbs. It is said that the nunnery was inhabited by an elderly nun who possessed a miraculous herb that could cure all diseases. However, this herb is not readily available, and only those who really need it and are sincere in their hearts can receive its blessings.

There is a man in the village, named Li Qing, who is hardworking and kind, but has a bad fate. The old mother of the family was seriously ill and could not be cured for a long time, and Li Qing heard that there were miraculous herbs in the nunnery, so he decided to give it a try.

It was an early morning, and Li Qing, with a pious heart, set foot on the path leading to the nunnery. The mountain road is rugged, but he has no complaints, he only hopes to find a chance of life for his mother.

After several days of trekking, Li Qing finally came to the nunnery. The door of the nunnery was closed, and there was silence all around. He knocked lightly at the door, and after a while, an old voice came from inside the door: "Who is coming?" ”

Li Qing replied respectfully: "Under Li Qing, I have come to ask for magic herbs to save my mother at home." ”

The door slowly opened, and a gray-haired nun appeared in front of Li Qing. Her face was kind, but there was a hint of depth in her eyes. The nun introduced Li Qing into the nunnery and asked him to sit in the guest hall.

The man entered the nunnery to ask for medicine, hugged and cried with the nun, and afterwards the nun fulfilled his wish

Li Qing saw that the furnishings in the nunnery were simple, but there was a solemn and solemn atmosphere. He was more respectful in his heart, and he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

The nun made Li Qing a cup of tea and asked slowly, "Do you know the origin of this magical herb?" ”

Li Qing shook his head, indicating that he didn't know. The nun began to tell an old legend. It turned out that this miraculous herb was planted by an enlightened monk who had practiced in the nunnery for many years and eventually left this herb as a lineage. This herb has miraculous powers and can cure all kinds of incurable diseases, but it can only exert its maximum effect in the hands of those who are destined to do so.

After listening to the legend, Li Qing became more determined in his heart for the purpose of his trip. He stood up, bowed deeply to the nun, and said sincerely, "Please also ask the master to give me medicine to save my mother's life!" ”

The nun smiled and nodded, and she led Li Qing to a small courtyard behind the nunnery. I saw that there was an ancient well in the courtyard, and there was a green plant growing next to the well, which was the legendary miraculous herb. The nun stretched out her hand to pluck a leaf, handed it to Li Qing and said, "Bring this leaf back and decoction it with water, and your mother's illness will be cured." ”

Li Qing took the medicine leaf and was grateful. He bowed deeply to the nun again and turned to leave. At this moment, the nun suddenly stopped him.

"Li Qing, you go slowly." There was a hint of strangeness in the nun's voice.

The man entered the nunnery to ask for medicine, hugged and cried with the nun, and afterwards the nun fulfilled his wish

Li Qing looked back and saw a trace of tears flashing in the nun's eyes. She slowly walked up to Li Qing, held his hand tightly and said, "Child, do you know that I and your mother were old friends?" ”

Li Qing was stunned when he heard this, he had never heard his mother mention this past. Seeing that he was puzzled, the nun slowly recounted the story of their youth. It turned out that the nun had practiced with Li Qing's mother when she was young, and the two were like sisters. Later, for various reasons, the nun chose to become a nun, and Li Qing's mother married a farmer in the village. As the years passed, the two gradually lost contact. It was only recently that the nuns learned about Li Qing's mother's illness from the villagers.

"I thought I would never see her again in my life, but I didn't expect to hear from you today." There was a hint of choked in the nun's voice, "Although this miraculous herb can cure diseases, it can only cure the symptoms and not the root cause. If you want your mother to truly recover, you need to let go of her obsessions. ”

After listening to the nun's words, Li Qing's heart suddenly brightened. He understood the nun's intentions and what he should do next. He bowed deeply to the nun again and turned to leave the nunnery.

Back at home, Li Qing decocted the medicinal leaves according to the nun's instructions. As expected, my mother's condition was quickly relieved. However, Li Qing knew that in order for her mother to truly recover, she needed to help her let go of the obsession in her heart. So, he began to accompany his mother and patiently enlighten her.

As the days passed, my mother's condition gradually improved. And Li Qing also felt the warmth and happiness that he had never felt in the process. He knew it all because of the nun in the nunnery and the magical herb.

However, at this moment, an unexpected thing happened. One night, Li Qing was suddenly awakened by a burst of crying in his sleep. He got up to check and saw his mother sitting on the edge of the bed with tears streaming down her face. He was shocked and hurriedly asked his mother what had happened. The mother just shook her head and said nothing, and the tears kept falling like beads of broken threads.

The man entered the nunnery to ask for medicine, hugged and cried with the nun, and afterwards the nun fulfilled his wish

Li Qing was puzzled in his heart, he remembered the nun's words, and suddenly understood a little in his heart. He held his mother's hand tightly and said, "Mother, don't worry, I will always be by your side, no matter what happens, don't be afraid." ”

Since her mother's firm words that night, Li Qing obviously felt that her mother's mental state had greatly improved. Instead of dwelling on the memories and regrets of the past, she began to cherish every moment she spent with her family.

Li Qing knew that this change was not easy to come by, and he was grateful for the nun's guidance and the help of the magic herb. But he always had a question in his mind: why did the nun care so much about him and his mother? Was it just because of her old friendship with her mother when she was younger?

With this question in mind, Li Qing decided to go to the nunnery again to express her gratitude to the nun and seek the answer in her heart.

When Li Qing stood in front of the nunnery again, the gratitude and respect in his heart became stronger. The door was still closed, but when he knocked on it, it was quickly opened. The nun still had a kind face, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes when she saw Li Qing.

"Kid, you're finally here." The nun smiled and said, "How is your mother's condition?" ”

The man entered the nunnery to ask for medicine, hugged and cried with the nun, and afterwards the nun fulfilled his wish

Li Qing hurriedly replied, "Thanks to the master's miraculous herbs and enlightenment, my mother's condition has improved greatly. She is now able to get out of bed and move around and is in much better spirits. ”

The nun nodded, a smile of relief on her face. She invited Li Qing into the nunnery and made him a cup of tea again. With the fragrance of tea, the nun began to tell the story of her and Li Qing's mother when they were young.

It turned out that the nun practiced with Li Qing's mother when she was young, and the two were like sisters. But the nun was seriously injured in an accident and nearly died. When she was most desperate, it was Li Qing's mother who saved her desperately and took care of her day and night until she recovered. This life-saving grace and sisterhood was remembered by the nun until she chose to become a nun.

"When I learned about your mother's condition, I was in great pain. I don't want to see her suffer, and I don't want her to lose a loved one like I did. There was a tremor in the nun's voice, "So I decided to help her with that magic herb." But I hope she can really let go of the obsession in her heart and live a happy life. ”

Hearing this, all the doubts in Li Qing's heart disappeared. He bowed deeply to the nun again and expressed his gratitude. At the same time, he also understood the nun's intentions and expectations - he hoped that both he and his mother would be able to cherish the people in front of them and live a happy life.

When leaving the nunnery, the nun gave Li Qing a talisman and told him to keep it safe. This amulet would bless him and his family with safety, health, and happiness. When Li Qing took the amulet, his heart was full of gratitude and respect, he knew that this amulet was not just an object, but also a nun's blessing and expectation for him.

The man entered the nunnery to ask for medicine, hugged and cried with the nun, and afterwards the nun fulfilled his wish

When she returned home, Li Qing hung the amulet at the head of her mother's bed and told her that it was a gift from a nun. When the mother heard this, a trace of tears flashed in her eyes, and she knew that this amulet represented the nuns' care and blessings for her, as well as the friendship and memories of their youth.

Since then, Li Qing and her mother have lived happily ever after. They cherish each day, support each other and care for each other. And the story of the nunnery and the miraculous herb has become a beautiful memory and gratitude in their hearts forever.