
【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

author:Geek Boom Documentary


My sister's voice is estranged from the law

When a family is thrust into the public eye because of a sudden tragedy, everyone's reaction can vary widely.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

The sister of "Fat Cat" chose to commit suicide by falling into the river after her brother experienced serious Internet fraud, and the fermentation of all this eventually became a social hotspot.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

With strong public attention, the legal support that my sister hoped for did not come. The public security organ's decision not to file the case was like an insurmountable chasm in front of her.

The sister's voice went viral through social media, and she wanted to be a brave sister who brought the tragedy to light, perhaps hoping to move the case forward through public attention.
【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

But the scale of the law is strict and clear, and without sufficient evidence, it is difficult to turn a sad story into a legal basis for filing a case.

Behind the transfer, love is still a scam


The story of "Fat Cat" begins with an online romance, and a seemingly sweet digital love eventually evolves into the source of a tragedy.

510,000 yuan, for many people, is a huge amount of money, for the "fat cat", this may be the embodiment of all the investment in love and the ultimate trust.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

The end result of the transfer is not a happy life together, but the end of a lonely fall into the river. This story provokes people to think deeply about integrity and safety in online interactions. The virtuality and anonymity of cyberspace often provide opportunities for criminals.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

Love becomes blurred here, and trust can turn into the most dangerous gamble in an instant. When people smile lightly in front of the screen, it may be the beginning of the collapse of another person's world.

The weather vane of public opinion, the persistence of my sister

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

After the announcement of the notice of non-filing, the voice of the "fat cat" sister once again aroused widespread concern in the society.

In this day and age, public opinion can be a huge force, and every individual can make their own experiences visible to the world through social media.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

My sister's persistence turned into a social movement, and every Weibo comment and every retweet could become a force to promote the development of the incident. In this story, we see the complexity of human nature: there is compassion and care, but also doubt and indifference.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

However, in the surging tide of public opinion, can truth and justice be served? Can public concern translate into progress in the case? These are all unknowns.

The fun of netizens' onlookers and comments

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

On social media, netizens never skimp on their comments. Regarding the "fat cat" incident, you can see a variety of comments, some people joked, some people mocked, and some people expressed deep sympathy and anger. One netizen commented: "If love is a game, then the wallet is definitely not used to recharge. ”

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

This joke not only makes people cry and laugh, but also makes people feel the seriousness of the incident in a relaxed way. Some netizens ridiculed: "The story of the fat cat tells us that online dating not only needs traffic, but also mental maturity." Although this kind of comment is ironic, it also provokes people to rethink the rationality and emotion of online communication.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

The blind spot of love, the alarm bell of fraud

The "fat cat" incident is not just a case of not being filed, it is more like a deep alarm bell in society. Emotional investment makes people blind, and online scams take advantage of this blindness. In the digital world, people magnify their desire for beautiful things and ignore the hidden risks. "

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

The occurrence of the "fat cat" incident reminds everyone that in the online world, we need to be more cautious and not let our emotions become a tool for other people's interests. It's an unavoidable topic for those looking for an emotional sense of belonging online. We all need to find a balance between the sweetness of online dating and the scams of reality.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

Controversy and sympathy, the double-edged sword of cyberbullying

With the continuous voice of the "fat cat" sister, cyberbullying has become a part of this incident that cannot be ignored. On the one hand, the attention and sympathy of netizens added momentum to the incident and made it the focus of public opinion;

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

On the other hand, the ensuing cyberbullying also complicates the problem. Some netizens questioned: "I see this incident on Weibo every day, it's really tiring, can it no longer occupy our screen?" ”

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!

This voice, while somewhat unforgiving, also reflects a different perception of how events are handled. In this multi-voice society, everyone can have their voice, but the truth and the solution are often blurred in the hustle and bustle.

【Love Me Don't Go (Money)】Fat Cat Online Dating Textbook: Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the Internet!