
The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

author:Zhang Shouxiao popular science
The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Since the U.S. launched a trade war against China, the mainland's economy has suffered to a certain extent. However, from an overall point of view, the mainland's economy is still developing rapidly. As the second largest economy in the world today, the mainland naturally occupies a very large economic volume.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

But for the United States, this is tantamount to threatening its position and influence. For each of us, the United States has been resorting to various methods to try to hinder the development of the continent. It was hoped that the mainland would not overtake them, so various means were carried out.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

In particular, the United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles this time, which led to the final result of lifting a stone to shoot itself in the foot and playing a backflip by itself. The mainland, on the other hand, responded very strongly and left the United States speechless.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

1. The hypocrisy of the United States

In our eyes, the United States is a country in the world that most countries hate, because the United States has been trying to stir up relations between all countries. It does not want the country to be peaceful and healthy, but full of war.

If we look at the history of the United States, we can conclude that since the founding of the United States, it has been at war almost every year, and it has never stopped. Especially since the end of World War II, the United States has been waging wars in Central Asia, resulting in great suffering for the people of the entire Middle East.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

In particular, the war between Palestine and Israel today must have the support and covert operation of the United States behind it, and this has become a reality that everyone knows about it. In the eyes of the United States, China has now become a stumbling block in its unilateralism.

Today's America always wants to rule the world and reach where it can reach.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Since the United States has restricted semiconductors on the mainland, the United States has begun to restrict our new energy vehicles, and said in the American media that it wants to raise tariffs on China. It can be seen from this act that the attitude of the United States towards us has always been arrogant and rude, and the increase in tariffs is completely deliberate.

This is what our people say, the United States can't beat us and starts to say that we cheat, and this is a very simple proof of this. In response to such a move by the United States, the mainland has also taken corresponding measures, so that the US plan will not succeed in the end.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

When they saw this, many people became curious about this, because the United States and the mainland just held a meeting some time ago. The United States has personally told us that the two countries will strengthen their cooperation and engage in a non-decoupling cooperation. However, when we look at the various practices of the United States, they are completely inconsistent with what we have said.

Moreover, before these commitments were paid, the United States began to suppress the mainland, and there was no such thing as cooperation at all. We can also understand it to mean that every time the United States conducts interviews with the mainland, it always implements concrete actions that are fake, and never really realized.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

We all know that when our Chinese electric vehicles enter the U.S. market, they will face 25 percent tariffs. But U.S. President Joe Biden believes that the proportion of tariffs is too small and wants to raise the tariffs. From this, we can guess what Biden's real intentions are.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

The United States has always been like this, saying one thing and then doing another behind the scenes, and now each of us can clearly see the true and ugly face of the United States. On the one hand, the United States restricts the mainland's high-tech exports to other countries, and on the other hand, it raises tariffs on the mainland in order to increase the benefits that the United States earns from them, so as to put itself in a very safe position.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

This is what we call the Sino-US trade war, which has become a very hated word in almost every one of us. On the one hand, the United States does not allow our country to give our things to other countries, and on the other hand, it raises taxes on us. From our point of view, the mainland has suffered a complete loss, and to a certain extent, it has harmed the mainland's interests.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

From the point of view of the United States, the purpose of killing two birds with one stone has just been accomplished. One is to be able to meet its own restrictions on China, and the other is to be able to earn a certain amount of money from it by raising tariffs. We have to admire the methods of the United States, which are not only very vicious, but also very insidious.

Second, can the United States speak as words?

Perhaps, when they see this question, most people's answer must be the same, that is, the United States will definitely not fulfill its promises. This is because, from a historical perspective, the United States has historically reached agreements with many countries, but until the end it did not fulfill its promises.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Therefore, based on the investigation of the United States, none of us will believe that the United States is what it says, let alone let what it says take action. The United States has always played the role of a rogue and a robber in this world, and has never allowed other countries to live in peace.

The reason why the United States has ruthlessly suppressed China must be because it has seen the rapid rise of China, which has seriously affected the status of the United States as a superpower. Especially in the face of such rapid progress in China, the United States must have begun to implement some suppressive policies against China.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Especially when we have some particularly powerful technology, the United States can't eat or sleep well, and is always thinking about when to compare China to the end completely. All these practices have once again confirmed the bandit nature of the United States. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, we must take certain precautions against the United States.

Today, the United States is actually going downhill, and it has closed its own market. This kind of behavior of the United States will only make itself more backward and will only greatly hinder its economic development. Now the United States is blocking the entry of our Chinese products into the United States by raising tariffs, which is tantamount to a dead act for China.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

This begins to represent the fact that the United States has refused to accept new things from the outside world, trying to blind itself and immerse itself in a world where it is still the boss of the world. Today's new energy vehicles are a major trend in the development of today's automobiles, and many countries in the world are keeping up with the pace of new energy.

However, the United States has always believed that new energy is just a product of the past and cannot represent a trend in the current development of the world. Therefore, all kinds of signs show that the United States has gradually distanced itself from the rest of the world.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Although the United States has been adopting various methods to hinder China's development, it has actually brought a certain impetus to our development and given us a clearer direction for development. We can understand that what the United States is trying to hinder us is what they think is great, but it can also be what we need to work on.

3. The United States today

Today's world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and the relationship between countries in the world is very delicate. The United States and many other countries in the world have completely opposite development concepts, the United States has always followed the path of colonial expansion, while China has followed the path of peaceful development.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

In today's world, only peace and development can dominate the trend of world development, and sooner or later this set of measures adopted by the United States will be abandoned by all countries in the world. In our words, the United States has been on the road to death today, and it will not stop until the end.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

For any of us, technology will only move forward, not backwards. At the same time, talent is also constantly flowing, and as a country with a large population, we deeply understand this truth, and we also get a certain relationship from it.

Since the founding of the United States, the United States has been carrying out colonial expansion and banditry against other countries, and has been disgusted by people in many countries in the world. There have been many programs that have talked about how to keep the world quiet, and that is to kick the United States out of the world.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Nowadays, the Western countries, led by the United States, are not at peace in the whole world, trying to always hope that the world is a mess. I always hope that after the outbreak of war, I will be able to make a lot of war money from it as I did in World War II. However, this time it will never be the same as before, and now many countries in the world want this world to be peaceful and free of war.

If we look at the current world pattern, Western countries, led by the United States, have been despised by many countries in the world. Especially in the war between Russia and Ukraine that broke out in 2022, behind it is the Western countries led by the United States that are making trouble.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

We are very accustomed to all the actions of the United States. For example, the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 was created by the United States to hinder the development of the mainland.

However, this move by the United States is nothing more than asking for trouble for itself. In the end, the United States was greatly affected by this, which seriously hindered its economic development.

During the four years from 2020 to 2024, the United States has adopted various methods to hinder the development of the mainland. But we have long been accustomed to this, and today's China is no longer the China of a hundred years ago, but a more prosperous China.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist

Nowadays, it is impossible for anyone to bully China anymore. As the second largest economy in the world today, we naturally have a very high status and strength, and any country should look up to us with admiration.

The United States raised tariffs on new energy vehicles, playing a backflip, and China counterattacked with a fist


In the case of the trade war between China and the United States, we have already thought about how to deal with it. No matter what the United States does, we don't have to worry about it anymore, because we already have great power.


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