
"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

author:Uncle Ohui
"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

In today's society, fitness has become a part of many people's lives. However, how big is the gap between long-term fitness and long-term non-fitness in terms of physical condition, mental outlook and quality of life? Through three sets of comparative data, we will reveal the huge impact of fitness on your life, and after reading these comparisons, you may rethink your lifestyle and stop indulging yourself easily.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

The first group compared: body size and health

Significant differences in body size changes

People who have been working out for a long time usually have a shapely, toned body. This is not just because they have a lower fat content, but also because they have a higher proportion of muscle and a faster metabolic rate. People who do not exercise for a long time often face the problem of weight gain and fat accumulation, especially in the abdomen, buttocks and other parts, and are more likely to be obese.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

Significant improvement in health indicators

Long-term fitness has non-negligible benefits for physical health. People who exercise regularly usually have normal health indicators such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids, and their risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes is greatly reduced. In contrast, people who do not exercise for a long time are prone to health problems such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar, and may also cause various chronic diseases in the long run.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

The second group compared: mental status and quality of life

Significant improvement in mental state

People who have been working out for a long time are usually energetic and energetic, and this is because exercise can promote the secretion of "happy hormones" such as dopamine and serotonin in the body, making people feel more happy and satisfied. On the contrary, people who do not exercise for a long time are prone to fatigue, low mood, and may even have psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

Significant improvement in quality of life

Fitness not only improves body shape and health, but also greatly improves quality of life. People who exercise regularly generally have higher self-efficacy, and they are more willing to face life's challenges positively and enjoy a more colorful life. People who have not been exercising for a long time often lack this vitality and self-confidence, and their quality of life is relatively low.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

The third group of comparisons: age and the rate of aging

Significant differences in the rate of aging

People who have been working out for a long time often look much younger than their actual age, because exercise slows down the aging process of cells and keeps the skin elastic and radiant. On the contrary, people who have not exercised for a long time are prone to signs of aging such as sagging skin and increased wrinkles, and look much older than their actual age.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

Significant maintenance of bodily functions

In addition to appearance, long-term fitness also plays a significant role in the maintenance of various body functions. People who exercise regularly have a stronger heart and lungs, higher bone density, more flexible joints, and better overall body function. People who do not exercise for a long time tend to have problems such as osteoporosis and arthritis in middle and old age, and the deterioration of physical functions is also significantly accelerated.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

The added benefit of fitness: unexpected surprises

Expansion of social circles

Fitness not only helps with physical fitness, but it also helps you expand your social circle. In the gym and sports venues, you can meet a lot of like-minded friends, exercise together, exchange experiences, encourage each other, and make progress together. This positive social interaction plays an important role in improving mental health and quality of life.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

Boost in self-confidence

Through long-term fitness, not only will your body shape and health improve, but your self-confidence will also be greatly improved. When you see the results of your hard work, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is incomparable. This self-confidence permeates every aspect of your life, allowing you to perform better at work, socially, and more.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

How to get started: Start small and work your way up

Make a sound fitness plan

If you decide to start working out, start by creating a reasonable fitness plan. Start with simple aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc., and gradually add strength training and flexibility training. Exercise for about 30 minutes at least three times a week can have noticeable results.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

Keep the momentum going

Fitness is a long-term process that requires constant motivation and perseverance. You can maintain your enthusiasm and persistence in fitness by recording your fitness progress, setting small goals, and finding a fitness partner. Don't rush it, gradually increase the amount and intensity of your exercise to achieve your fitness goals.

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

Conclusion: Choose fitness, choose a better life

Through these three sets of comparisons, we can clearly see the huge impact of long-term fitness on the body, mental state and quality of life. Fitness not only allows us to have a healthier body and more energy, but also makes us look younger and live a more exciting life. Instead of indulging yourself, opt for fitness and opt for a more active, healthy lifestyle. Remember, it's never too late to start working out, and from now on, get moving for the betterment of yourself!

"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future
"Long-term fitness" VS "long-term infitness" After reading the 3 sets of comparisons, I dare not indulge myself in the future

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