
Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

author:Historic sites

"I'm back!".

In October 1937, a female Red Army of the Western Route Army named Li Kaifen, after a lot of hardships, finally broke free from the clutches of the Ma Jiajun and fled to the Lanzhou Office of the Eighth Route Army.

Not only that, but she also brought back a female Red Army Shen Xiuying, and won a Ma Jiajun soldier to join the revolutionary team.

Hearing the news, Xie Jueya, Wang Dingguo and others in the office went out to greet them, and when they saw the beloved Sister Wang, Li Kaifen couldn't hold back anymore, and threw herself into Wang Dingguo's arms and cried loudly, and everyone present wept.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

On the second day of Li Kaifen's return, He Zizhen, who was on her way to the Soviet Union, passed by the office of the Eighth Route Army in Lanzhou, and visited her in person.

Under the care of the comrades in the Lanzhou office, Li Kaifen, who had been tortured, gradually improved, and looking at Li Kaifen, who was cheerful and lively again, Xie Jueya was very happy, and he decided to leave Li Kaifen behind.

One is that he feels sorry for this girl who has gone through hardships and wants her to live a stable life, and the other is that they have several bachelors in their Lanzhou office, and he wants to help them solve their lifelong problems!

Xie Jueya handed over this task to his wife Wang Dingguo, and after some understanding, Wang Dingguo found that Li Kaifen and Secretary-General Zhu Liangcai were old acquaintances, and the two had a good impression of each other.

Isn't that a match made in heaven? So, Wang Dingguo began to match them, and it didn't take much effort for the two to come together, and the "burden" on the shoulders of Xie Juezai and his wife was lighter......

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

Li Kaifen and Zhu Liangcai, how did they meet? What kind of story is there between them? Things have to start from 1935.

Li Kaifen, a native of Daxian County, Sichuan, was born in a local "scholarly family", his father was a Xiucai in the late Qing Dynasty, opened a private school in his hometown, and lived on "Ziyue Shiyun" all his life.

Although her father received a feudal education, but his mind was very open-minded, in addition to teaching, he was able to speak well, but also as a "lawyer" for the villagers, often spoke for the poor villagers, and had a very high prestige in the countryside, and was elected as the head of the regiment by the local villagers.

After the Red Army arrived in Daxian, her father was also one of the first people in the local area to accept the Red Army, and although he did not join the Communist Party, her family was one of the contact points of the Red Army.

Under the influence of her ears and eyes, Li Kaifen had a very good impression of the Red Army, and one of her teachers at school was a member of the Communist Party, so Li Kaifen embarked on the road of revolution at a young age.

When she was 17 years old, Li Kaifen bid farewell to her father and mother and joined the Red Fourth Front Army, but what she didn't expect was that she did not die under the enemy's gun, but was almost killed by her own people.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

Because her family is very wealthy, her father is the "head of the regiment", she is a "young lady", and she is an "intellectual", such a person, who blends into the revolutionary ranks, must have "bad intentions", so it should be killed!

For this reason, Li Kaifen was tortured and even taken to the execution ground, but fortunately, Zhang Qiuqin, the eldest sister of the Red Army, heard the news and rushed with 4 soldiers to save her.

One year later, he joined the propaganda team in the line of fire, and led his comrades to shout on the front line to break the enemy's fighting spirit.

Later, Li Kaifen entered the Red Army Hospital and became a medical staff in the hospital, but the shadow of "Su" still hung over her head.

One day in 1935, Li Kaifen was busy in the hospital, when suddenly, two soldiers broke in and took her away, because a reactionary slogan was found in the base area, and they suspected that she had written it!

Fortunately, Company Commander Wang in the hospital knew what she was, stopped these two people, and vouched for Li Kaifen, so they gave up.

Later, Li Kaifen participated in the Long March with the Red Fourth Front Army, and after joining the Central Red Army, Li Kaifen entered the Central Party School to study, where she met Kang Keqing, Wang Dingguo and others, and got along with them very well.

It's a pity that before his studies were over, Li Kaifen was recommended to go to the Women's Pioneer Regiment of the Western Route Army and become a secretary.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

At that time, the head of the Women's Pioneer Regiment was Wang Shoudao's wife, Wang Quanyuan, and the Women's Pioneer Regiment was under the leadership of the Teaching Regiment, and the political commissar of the Teaching Regiment was Zhu Liangcai.

Zhu Liangcai is a native of Rucheng County, Hunan, 17 years older than Li Kaifen, and like Li Kaifen, he was also born in a scholarly family.

In 1925, as a primary school teacher, he participated in the peasant movement led by Chairman Mao.

In August 1927, during the Ma-Ri Incident, Zhu Liangcai, together with Zhu Qingxun, secretary of the Rucheng Special Branch, launched a fierce attack on the landlords and gentry.

After his arrest, the reactionaries Zeng Zhu Liangcai carried out all kinds of torture, but Zhu Liangcai was unyielding and refused to confide a word, but fortunately, Zhao Xinchuan, chief of the Propaganda Section of the Political Department of the 16th Army of the Kuomintang at that time, was our comrade and managed to rescue him.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

In 1928, Zhu Liangcai participated in the Southern Hunan Uprising, followed Zhu De and Chen Yi to Jinggangshan, and successively served as the political commissar of the company, the political commissar of the detachment, and the political commissar of the division.

In the autumn of 1933, Zhu Liangcai, then the political commissar of the Ninth Division, was hit by a stray bullet and broke his right arm during the third encirclement and suppression, and was sent to the rear hospital for treatment.

At that time, the Red Army Hospital was short of medical treatment, and Zhu Liangcai lay in bed for 3 months, and his arm was not yet well, which made him anxious, and he actually found Premier Zhou and resolutely asked to go to the front.

Zhu Liangcai's actions made Premier Zhou very pleased, but he was absent for 3 months, and his position had already been replaced, what should I do?

Without much consideration, Premier Zhou appointed him as the political commissar of the Red 15th Army, and Zhu Liang was promoted to one level.

In the post of political commissar of the 15 th Army Corps of the Red Army, Zhu Liangcai, in accordance with Chairman Mao's principle of building the Red Army, spent a lot of energy on party group building and strengthening political education, and the overall political quality of this unit was greatly improved.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Liangcai participated in the Long March, and after joining the Red Fourth Front Army, he served as the political commissar of the Red 30th Army and the political commissar of the teaching regiment.

Zhu Liangcai, who has been doing political work for a long time, cares about his image very much, once, his button fell off, so he went to the women's vanguard to find a female comrade to borrow needle and thread, and it happened that Li Kaifen had it, so he helped him sew the button, which was the first time the two met.

At that time, Zhu Liangcai, 35 years old, was elegant and handsome, and cleaned up, which made Zhang Kaifen have a strong curiosity, and he also inquired about Zhu Liangcai's situation in private.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

At that time, she didn't know that Zhu Liangcai also had a good impression of her, but they were about to go west, and they were greeted by countless battles, and Zhu Liangcai had no time to think about his life's events.

There is another reason, that is, before meeting Li Kaifen, Zhu Liangcai had already had a marriage in his hometown, and he also had a son with his wife, and when he left with the Red Army, the son was 7 years old.

It's just that after he left, the white terror enveloped his hometown, and he didn't know if his wife and children were still alive.

The Western Expedition is a test of life and death for Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen.

In March 1937, due to its isolation, the Western Route Army was almost completely annihilated in the battle with the Ma Jiajun.

Under the leadership of Wang Shusheng, Zhu Liangcai, Li Jukui and others, with a team of about 400 people, fought guerrilla warfare in the Qilian Mountains, looking for an opportunity to return east.

In order to protect the living forces, Wang Shusheng left first with some of his comrades, while Zhu Liangcai, Li Jukui and other wounded and sick people took another route to contain the enemy army.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

Under the encirclement and suppression of the Ma family's army, Zhu Liangcai's team only had more than 10 soldiers left, and they had run out of ammunition and food, in order to survive, they even killed the mules and ate them, and finally they were hungry and had no choice but to go down the mountain to find food.

What they didn't expect was that as soon as they came out of the mountain, they ran into Ma Jiajun, and everyone turned around and ran, but Zhu Liangcai and the other two comrades, because they were hungry, really had no strength, and they ran halfway up the mountain and were caught by Ma Jiajun.

Just as Ma Jiajun triumphantly led them back, gunshots rang out around them, Ma Jiajun panicked, and Zhu Liangcai took the opportunity to take the two people into the dense forest and escape from the tiger's mouth.

But in the process of escaping, he was separated from two comrades, and Zhu Liangcai, who was alone, decided to leave and look for the team.

He picked up a broken bowl on the side of the road, begged along the way, made up and sneaked, walked for 36 days, experienced countless thrills, Zhu Liang came to Zhenyuan County, Gansu, where he met the comrades who aided the Western Army.

And Li Kaifen's experience is even more tragic than Zhu Liangcai.

In order to cover the retreat of the headquarters of the Western Route Army, their women's vanguard regiment was responsible for blocking the attack at Liyuankou, at this time, each of them had only a few bullets, but they regarded death as home, and after the bullets ran out, they used stones, wooden sticks, teeth, and fists to fight the enemy, and blocked the enemy for 2 hours.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

After completing the covering mission, the regiment commander Wang Quanyuan ordered the team to be divided into several squads and break through separately.

But at this time, they were already surrounded by Ma Jiajun, where was there a way back, and in the end, the female comrades of the Women's Pioneer Regiment were either killed in battle or captured, and almost no one escaped.

After being arrested, among their female comrades, the beautiful ones were forcibly assigned to the low-level officers of Ma Jiajun by Ma Bufang, and the rest were imprisoned in Liangzhou Prison, and many female comrades fell because they couldn't stand the inhuman torture.

Because he could write, after being arrested, Li Kaifen also wrote a letter to the Party Central Committee as a representative in prison, and then was taken out by a female comrade who saw a doctor.

During that time in prison, the comrades were very difficult, and they did not know whether they would be able to hold on until they regained their freedom.

Just when everyone was at a loss, suddenly one day when the prison was released, someone from the crack in the prison wall talked to Li Kaifen.

This person asked if he knew Li Kaifen, which made Li Kaifen surprised, and said a few words, and Li Kaifen heard that it was Yu Minsheng (underground party member), the teacher who had taught her.

Yu Minsheng told her that the war of aggression against China broke out in full swing, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reached cooperation again, the Red Army was reorganized into the Eighth Route Army, and there was an office in Lanzhou, and the organization would find a way to rescue them.

When the news came back to prison, everyone was overjoyed and finally saw hope!

But what Li Kaifen didn't expect was that before the rescued comrades came, Li Kaifen's beauty attracted Ma Bufang's attention, saying that he wanted to get her to be a "personal secretary".

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

Where is Li Kaifen willing? After "pleased" twice, but Li Kaifen refused, Ma Bufang's adjutant forcibly brought her to Ma Bufang.

In the face of Ma Bufang's coercion and temptation, Li Kaifen was unwavering, and after refusing him, he turned around and was about to go back to prison.

But Ma Bufang did not agree, but took her to a private house, and sent a 16-year-old female Red Army Shen Xiuying to take care of her.

In addition, there was also a herald surnamed Sheng, who often came to send them some firewood and rice, so after discussing with Shen Xiuying, Li Kaifen decided to do the ideological work of this herald.

Ma Bufang thought that if Li Kaifen was given a period of time to think, Li Kaifen would figure it out, but who expected that Li Kaifen would not eat him at all.

Ma Bufang, who was embarrassed and angry, actually sent three soldiers to beat Li Kaifen severely, and she was beaten with open skin.

The herald surnamed Sheng is a native of Qianyang, Shaanxi, and was also born poor, so he had to join the Ma Jiajun as a last resort.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for him to deliver firewood and rice, Li Kaifen and Shen Xiuying asked him if he wanted to go back to his hometown, and told him that the current Red Army had arrived in Shaanxi and was fighting for the poor.

Under the persuasion of Li Kaifen and Shen Xiuying, the herald surnamed Sheng decided to take them away, he found two horses and the clothes of his wife and maid, asked them to change into them, and then fled Liangzhou with them under the pretext of escorting the birth of the regiment leader's wife.

At the beginning of the article, Li Kaifen saw Xie Jueya and his wife in the office of the Eighth Route Army in Lanzhou.

They all escaped from Ma Jiajun's hands, and they escaped after nine deaths, and similar experiences also invisibly shortened the distance between the two.

After learning that Sister Wang wanted to match them, Zhu Liangcai took the initiative and boldly expressed his love to Li Kaifen, and Li Kaifen had already understood the old revolutionary who was 17 years older than him, and soon agreed to the relationship.

Not long after the reunion, they tied the knot at the behest of their comrades, and when they got married, Zhu Liang was only 37 years old and Li Kaifen was 20 years old.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

Not long after getting married, the husband and wife returned to Yan'an, and then they went to the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area together, Zhu Liangcai served as the political commissar of the third sub-district and deputy director of the political department of the military region, and Li Kaifen served as the deputy chief of the organization department of the political department of the military region and the director of the organization department of the political department of the military and political cadre school.

The husband and wife have made no small contribution to the development and growth of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region.

After the War of Liberation began, Zhu Liangcai, Li Kaifen and his wife assisted Nie Rongzhen in establishing the Jinchaji Military and Political Cadres School.

In 1948, the couple came to North China again to assist Ye Jianying in establishing the North China Military and Political University, Zhu Liangcai served as deputy political commissar and director of the Political Department, and Li Kaifen also worked in the Political Department.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

In 1952, Zhu Liangcai, Li Kaifen and his wife came to Beijing, and Zhu Liangcai was very important, and successively served as director of the Political Department of the North China Military Region, political commissar, political commissar of the Beijing Military Region and other important positions.

Because of his significant contribution to the revolution, he was awarded the rank of general in 1955, while Li Kaifen did not participate in the award because he was transferred to local work in 1952.

After getting married, the husband and wife lived with 5 sons and 1 daughter, which can be described as a group of children and envy others.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

In 1958, due to years of hard work, Zhu Liangcai was riddled with a variety of diseases, especially his injured right arm, which was disabled for life due to timely treatment, so he took the initiative to apply for retirement and lived a retirement life.

After her husband retired, Li Kaifen also wanted to take a long-term leave to take care of her daily life, but was persuaded by her husband, because she was only 41 years old at the time, which was the time for her to be in the prime of life and contribute to the country.

During the catastrophe, Li Kaifen was also ordered by Premier Zhou to go to Nanjing to protect a key military factory of the Fourth Machinery Department and wage a hard struggle against cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods.

In 1972, Li Kaifen returned to Beijing and entered the Logistics Department of the Beijing Military Region as a deputy political commissar.

Later, Li Kaifen retired and lived a peaceful life with her husband.

Zhu Liangcai and Li Kaifen: survivors of the Western Route Army, gave birth to 5 sons and 1 daughter after marriage, and have been together through thick and thin for 52 years

In 1989, Zhu Liangcai passed away at the age of 89, and Li Kaifen lost her husband who had been with him for 52 years.

In 1999, Li Kaifen also passed away at the age of 82......