
Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

author:Jiang Xiaohua Management
Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

✎ Lead.

Those who have the ability, why are they so difficult to manage?

Have you ever faced a dilemma where the talented members of your team have always found difficult for you to navigate?

They are independent-minded and unwilling to follow blindly, but they are able to create impressive results; They don't play by the norm, which makes it challenging for you to manage your team.

Such people are called "capable people". Why are they so difficult to manage? And how do you manage them?


Why are people with skills difficult to manage

For managers, how to control these "untamable" maximas has become an important and complex task.

Next, let's explore why people with skills are so difficult to manage, and how to adjust management strategies to bring out the best in them.

1. Be thoughtful and obedient

People who have the ability often have their own unique opinions and thoughts. They don't follow the crowd, and they don't listen to what others say.

They are not satisfied with just performing tasks, but want to be able to realize their self-worth and use their creativity in their work.

As Aristotle said, "The mind is the soul of man, the place of his freedom." ”

When thinking about problems, these people always think outside the box and come up with solutions from a unique perspective.

Therefore, when they are confronted with the instructions of their managers, they will first think and judge independently, rather than simply executing them.

They may question or even refuse to enforce it, which undoubtedly makes it more difficult to manage.

This kind of unobedience attitude requires more time and energy for managers to communicate and explain

There are even times when you need to adjust your own decisions to accommodate these thoughtful, assertive team members.

Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

2. There are results, not flattery

People who have the ability are usually able to achieve significant results in their field of expertise. With their strength and ability, they have earned the respect of their colleagues and the industry.

Such a person does not need to please others through flattery, and will not abandon his principles in order to cater to the manager.

Therefore, in the management process, they may not be so "obedient" because they are more concerned with the actual effect of the work than the superficial obedience.

As Aristotle said, "The true greats never flaunt their greatness." ”

These people have a clear perception of their abilities and do not need to prove their worth through external recognition.

However, this non-flattering attitude can sometimes make managers feel unapproachable and even estranged.

Because managers are often accustomed to being complimented and submissive by their subordinates, the straightforwardness and honesty of people with skills can make managers feel uncomfortable.

3. Have confidence and don't whisper

People who have the ability to have enough confidence to face various challenges and difficulties because of their own abilities and achievements.

They will not be silenced by external pressure, and they will not give up their dignity in order to protect their own interests.

As Shakespeare said, "Self-confidence is the first step to success." ”

This confidence comes from their professionalism and ability accumulation, which enables them to remain calm and firm in the face of challenges.

This confident attitude can be a challenge for managers.

Because managers need to adapt to the confidence and firmness of this kind of team members, and not simply coerce or dictate to bring them to their knees.

This also means that managers need more communication and understanding than simple orders and requirements when dealing with such employees.

Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

4. Have personality and do not sway from side to side

People who have the ability often have a distinct personality and a unique style.

They will not easily change their positions and opinions because of the influence of the outside world, and they will not go with the flow and sway from side to side.

As Goethe said: "Every man has his hidden essence, which, unlike any other's, gives him his own scent." ”

This kind of firm personality, although it helps them to make breakthroughs and innovations in the professional field, can also cause some confusion for managers.

Balancing the unity of the team with the individuality is a matter that needs to be carefully considered.

Managers need to respect and understand the personalities of these team members, and not force them to change themselves to fit the team or the company's culture.


How to manage people who have the skills

As a manager, you must learn to change your role from being a controller to a leader and supporter.

In this section, we'll explore how to effectively manage and motivate these key talents by leading rather than disciplining, motivating rather than educating, activating rather than scolding, and delegating rather than controlling.

1. Don't be disciplined, be led

For those who have the ability, excessive discipline will only make them feel constrained and disgusted. Instead, managers should lead by example and guide them through their own leadership and influence.

As Peter Drucker said:

"The only definition of a leader is that he has followers behind him. Some are thinkers, some are prophets, these people are important and urgently needed, however, without followers, there will be no leaders. ”

Therefore, managers should strive to be leaders to follow, not simply disciplined.

As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War: "A general is wise, faithful, benevolent, brave, and strict." "A good manager should possess these qualities, lead by example, and be a role model for the team.

Stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of employees through clear goal setting, reasonable incentive mechanism and good team atmosphere.

Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

2. Don't educate, but promote

Capable people often have a wealth of professional knowledge and practical experience, and they do not need too much basic education. Managers should motivate them to keep improving by stimulating their intrinsic motivation and innovative spirit.

As Socrates said, "Education is not indoctrination, but the ignition of a fire." ”

Managers should stimulate their thinking and innovation through questioning, discussion, and sharing.

At the same time, give them enough autonomy and decision-making power so that they can play a greater role in their work.

For example, you can set them challenging goals and provide them with adequate resources and support to grow and improve as they achieve them.

3. Don't scold, activate

In the face of the mistakes or deficiencies of capable people, managers should avoid simple criticism and accusations.

Instead, their sense of self-improvement should be activated through positive feedback and constructive suggestions.

As Dale Carnegie said, "To change people without offending or offending them, praise them for the slightest progress, and praise every progress." ”

Through affirmation and encouragement, managers can help capable people discover their potential and stimulate their motivation and creativity.

Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

4. Don't control, delegate

Capable people are eager to play a bigger role in the team and realize their own value.

Managers should give them enough trust and support, and appropriately delegate authority to them so that they have more autonomy and decision-making power in their own professional fields.

This not only satisfies their sense of accomplishment, but also stimulates their sense of responsibility and mission, so that they can work more dedicatedly.

✎ Write at the end

In this era of rapid change, what we need are those talents who have ideas, results, confidence and personality.

As a manager, your task is not only to harness them, but also to stimulate their potential and create a more brilliant future together.

By understanding their characteristics and needs, and adopting appropriate management methods, managers can unleash their potential and achieve mutual growth as a team and as individuals.

When you master this art, you will find that those talents who were once difficult to manage are the most valuable assets of your team.

As Peter Shengji said, "In the future, only those organizations that can learn faster will survive." ”

Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage
Anyone who has the ability is not easy to manage

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