
Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

author:Huang said
Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Not long ago, Ms. Li met her best friend Ms. Zhou, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

After a simple greeting, Ms. Zhou noticed that Ms. Li's face was not good, so she said to Ms. Li: "Your face is very bad, so white, there is nothing uncomfortable in your body." ”

Ms. Li said that she was under a lot of pressure in the past six months, and she may have been too tired.

After hearing Ms. Li say this, Ms. Zhou said, no matter how busy you are, you should pay attention to rest, but I heard that the pale face may be related to some gynecological diseases, I think you should find a time to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

After this exchange, Ms. Li listened to her best friend's words and went to the hospital for a check-up, and the result of the examination was indeed a gynecological disease.

1. Why is the incidence of gynecological diseases high?

For most women, they will experience a gynecological condition at least once in their lifetime, so it can be said that it is also a very common thing for women to have a gynecological disease.

There are many types of gynaecological diseases, which can be mild or severe, and milder gynecological diseases include menstrual irregularities and some gynecological inflammation.

Serious gynecological diseases mainly include syphilis, HPV virus and various gynecological tumors.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Judging from the situation of women's diseases, most women will be targeted by various gynecological inflammations.

Although most of these inflammations are not fatal, they can cause problems in daily life, and sometimes if you are not careful, they can turn into tumors in a few cases.

In recent years, the incidence of gynecological diseases has increased year by year, and the age is getting younger and younger, this situation must be taken seriously, so why are women particularly vulnerable to gynecological diseases?

The special physiological structure makes women more susceptible to gynecological diseases. Compared to men, women's urethra is shorter and closer to the vagina, bladder, and anus.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

As a result, it is easy to become contaminated with bacteria in the feces and urine, and gynecological inflammation may occur if you do not pay attention to the cleaning of the vagina and urethra.

Secondly, changes in sex hormone levels are another important cause of female gynecological diseases.

Normally, a woman's estrogen level is higher than that of a man, but sometimes a woman's hormone level fluctuates due to changes in diet, medications, living environment, stress status, etc.

After hormone fluctuations, endocrine disorders will occur, and various gynecological inflammation tumors are prone to appear after endocrine disorders.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Again, bad lifestyle habits can also lead to gynecological diseases. Bad lifestyle habits mainly include poor eating habits, regular work and rest routines, and risky sexual behaviors.

In terms of diet, some women like to eat some irritating foods, such as spicy, fried and other foods.

Eating too much of these foods will not only cause gastrointestinal problems, but also cause endocrine disorders, which can lead to various gynecological problems.

In terms of lifestyle habits, some women often stay up late, reverse black and white, or are under great pressure because of their work.

This will not only disrupt the biological clock and reduce immunity, but also cause gynecological diseases.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

In addition, as people become more open-minded, women are becoming more and more open about sexuality.

However, many men and women do not pay attention to protective measures when having sex, so that men bring bacteria in the urethra to women, which causes women to be infected with gynecological diseases.

In addition, many women's gynecological diseases nowadays are contracted after sexual intercourse, which must be noted.

Second, the 4 manifestations on the face need to be vigilant

The occurrence of many diseases is not sudden, and if we pay close attention, we will find that many diseases will be warned by the body before they occur.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

The change of facial skin is an important hint, when there are some dullness, spots, and acne on the facial skin, many women will only think about removing the things on their face, and rarely think that it may be a sign of gynecological disease.

In fact, many gynecological diseases will show abnormalities on the face when they first appear, and women should be careful if they have the following 4 abnormalities.

1. Long-term panda eyes

Generally speaking, as long as people don't have a good rest at night, they will wake up the next morning and lose energy, and at the same time, they will also have dark circles under their eyes, which resemble pandas, so they are also nicknamed panda eyes.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Under normal circumstances, as long as you have a good rest, the panda eyes will disappear, but if a woman doesn't stay up much but always wears panda eyes and is not in good spirits, then you need to pay attention.

Because women's skin is relatively thin, if there is a deficiency of qi and blood, it will cause the skin around the eyes to darken.

Therefore, if a woman has panda eyes for a long time, she needs to consider that there may be a problem of irregular menstruation.

2. Pale face

Under normal circumstances, a woman's cheeks should have a faint red color, even if the skin is fair, it will be a little red.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Unlike men, women have their periods every month, and during menstruation, women lose blood, and their faces become a little pale.

However, after a short period of recovery after menstruation, the blood color of the face will also return. But some women are just perennially pale.

Long-term pale face is likely to have the problem of poor flow of qi and blood, anemia, such women are usually more afraid of cold.

At the same time, it can also be the first symptom of pelvic inflammation, abnormal uterine bleeding, and some gynecologic tumors.

Therefore, if a woman has a pale face for a long time, she must go to the hospital for a check-up in time so as not to ignore the precursors of some serious diseases.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

3. "Beard" appears on the face

It is normal for a beard to grow on a man's face because men have high levels of androgens, which are the ones that grow hair.

However, if a woman has a thick "beard" on her face, it is a very abnormal phenomenon.

This can mean that a woman's androgen levels are elevated and hormone levels are out of balance.

Hormonal imbalances can cause many gynecological conditions, such as menstrual disorders, acne and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Although these diseases are not fatal in the short term, they are not good for women's health in the long run.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Therefore, if a woman has a beard, she should not just think about hair removal, but should go to the hospital for a formal examination and targeted conditioning.

4. Repeated acne on the face

Generally speaking, it is normal for both men and women to be prone to acne on their faces during puberty.

Because after entering puberty, both boys and girls have to begin to develop secondary sexual characteristics, and the endocrine system is also unstable in the process of development, which is manifested in acne on the face.

However, if you continue to have recurrent acne as an adult, this is not normal.

For adult women, the cause of acne can be various gynecological inflammation caused by endocrine disorders.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Therefore, if a woman has repeated acne on her face, don't just use some skin care products or acne products to get rid of acne, but regulate the endocrine.

3. How to prevent gynecological diseases

Although it is very common for women to get gynecological diseases, many gynecological diseases can only be controlled but cannot be cured, and the best way is to keep gynecological diseases away from you.

In fact, as long as women pay more attention to gynecological diseases in their daily lives, they can be prevented, and the following points need to be done to prevent gynecological diseases.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

First of all, pay attention to the hygiene of private parts. Due to the particularity of women's physiological structure, their private parts are easily invaded by bacteria.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to cleaning the private parts every day, and in order to make the private parts cleaner, you can use some private care products.

In addition, women's underwear must be changed every day, because the surface of the underwear is easy to accumulate bacteria, and if you don't change the underwear frequently, it is easy to breed bacteria in the private parts.

And in order to effectively sterilize the underwear, it is best to soak it in hot water before washing.

Second, pay attention to your diet. If women want to stay away from gynecological diseases, they must eat less heavy and irritating foods in their diet.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Although heavy food is delicious, it has a strong irritation, and women who have been stimulated by these heavy foods for a long time are prone to endocrine disorders, and endocrine disorders are easy to cause gynecological problems.

Therefore, if you want to prevent gynecological diseases, you must have a light diet.

In addition, women are often prone to blood loss due to the influence of menstrual cycles, so in order to ensure the smooth flow of women's qi and blood, they should usually pay attention to eating some foods that replenish qi and blood.

Again, we must develop good living habits. Good lifestyle habits include regular work and rest, moderate exercise, and healthy sexual behavior.

If women want to be healthy and beautiful, they must not stay up late, and ensure 8 hours of sleep every day, so as to ensure that they have a normal biological clock and their endocrine system will not be disordered.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

Moderate exercise is beneficial for women to enhance their immunity and maintain normal body circulation, which is conducive to the normal operation of qi and blood.

Therefore, women must develop the habit of doing outdoor exercise every day.

In addition, women must pay attention to maintaining a sexual partner as much as possible when having sex, and wear a condom when having sexual intercourse.

And don't have sexual intercourse too often, and pay attention to cleaning yourself after you are done.

Finally, don't mess with medications. Sometimes, drug abuse can also make women suffer from gynecological diseases.

For example, some women have hair loss problems, so they buy some hair growth products online to use, and sometimes there will be a situation where the hair growth effect is not good but the beard grows.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

In clinical practice, there are indeed many women who have problems such as irregular menstruation and disorders due to the indiscriminate use of drugs. Because some drugs can damage a woman's endocrine system, causing a woman's endocrine disorder.

Therefore, if there is anything wrong with the body, you must go to the hospital for formal examination and treatment, and you must not use drugs indiscriminately.

Gynecological diseases have become a major killer of women's health. The reason for this is that many common gynecological diseases are not a major problem at first.

However, due to the fact that many women are ashamed of gynecological diseases and do not treat them in time, they miss the best time for disease treatment, which brings a threat to the health of the majority of women.

Does a woman have gynecological diseases, just look at the face? There are 4 signs on the face that indicate that you should be careful

It is normal for women to have gynecological diseases, and many gynecological diseases can be cured as long as they are treated in time.

Therefore, the majority of women must pay attention to their physical problems and go to the hospital in time if they find abnormalities.

In addition, if you want to stay away from gynecological diseases, women should also clean themselves and develop good hygiene habits.


"When you have these conditions on your face, be careful is a sign of gynecological diseases!" 》2019-04-20 08:46·Dr. Yaping Zhang, Department of Gynecology

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