
As the old saying goes: What do you think of the drama misleading the country?

author:Puppy Uji

We know that being an actor is an important and sought-after profession today. The reason why they are popular is because the actor has a very high reputation and excellent economic benefits, which is the so-called "fame and fortune". Some kids are fanatical about stargazing. They are reluctant to study seriously, thinking that as long as they become actors in the future, they can also gain fame and fortune and succeed easily. This phenomenon is very common nowadays.

As the old saying goes: What do you think of the drama misleading the country?

As the old saying goes: What do you think of the drama misleading the country?

Drama misleads the country, which is a mantra that people often say, and it is a derogatory word. In ancient times, the drama refers to the people at the bottom who choose to sell their hues in order to survive and are forced to sell their hues, and it is a professional group dedicated to the entertainment and pastime of the rich. They seem to be glamorous on the stage, but there is actually too much helplessness and sadness behind them.

Their humble birth and personality doomed them to live without dignity and status all their lives, they were only appendages of the feudal landlord class, and their task was to make the rich class happy and happy. Therefore, their survival is facing a great crisis, not to mention that it will shake the foundation of the country's stability.

As the old saying goes: What do you think of the drama misleading the country?

However, it is undeniable that because of their wonderful interpretation and charming, many people are deeply trapped in it and can't extricate themselves, maybe appreciate praise, maybe arrogant and lustful, there is no shortage of high-ranking officials and nobles who are greedy for them to slack off, and even more playthings lose their minds and lose their morality, and finally bury their lives.

The drama became their scapegoat, and all the faults were pushed to the theater troupe, and since then, the troupe that makes a living from acting has become the object of people's fun and insults.

The troupes of ancient times have also disappeared in the long river of history with the passage of time, and the entertainment industry in the new era has replaced the troupes one after another. The only difference between the two is that the entertainment industry seems to have more status and dignity than the troupe, in fact, the current entertainment industry is indeed an ideal profession in the hearts of countless people, and it is sought after and envied by countless people.

The younger generation also began to learn to take the road of idols, and boys who should have been masculine and masculine also began to "motherize" unconsciously, because "motherhood" seems to be more liked and sought after by everyone. If men lose their masculinity and become "women", who will maintain the security of the country and resolve the crisis?

As the old saying goes: What do you think of the drama misleading the country?

Since the entertainment industry is an industry with a strong ability to attract money, once you successfully enter it, it is easier to earn a huge fortune than other industries. As we all know, the remuneration of stars in the entertainment industry is often millions of dollars. As a result, people choose to devote more energy and time to talent training in order to make easy money, thus giving up the enrichment of cultural knowledge. The wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country, everyone is slacking off on cultural education and enriching talents, who will bear the development of the country, and who will realize the rejuvenation of the nation?

The biggest initiator of "the drama misleads the country" is the king, and it is because of them that the drama will be implicated, which is the origin of this sentence, I like beauty, I like singing and dancing, but I can't control myself, which delays the state affairs and accelerates the speed of the country's demise.

As the old saying goes: What do you think of the drama misleading the country?

If they can control themselves with self-discipline and allocate their time well, how will there be the result of the loss of the country? What's disgusting is that they themselves have misled the country, and they have to let the drama also bear the charge of misleading the country, so it can only be said that the drama is too difficult.

So the old saying is not right that the drama misleads the country, it is just an excuse for their incompetence!