
How can I improve my poor reading comprehension score?

author:Reading comprehension

Teacher Shaoming's 1720th original article continues to be updated daily

To be a professional teacher of Chinese reading comprehension

How can I improve my poor reading comprehension score?

Editor|Teacher Shaoming

May 19, 2024

Hey, students, let's talk about those things about studying. Don't always think that you are not the material for studying, and your grades will not go up, but it is not all the pot of IQ.

To study well, it depends on IQ, learning methods, and attitudes, and these factors must be taken into account.


Those habits that make learning work in vain

Learning without a goal is like a ship without a compass, and it is easy to get lost. Therefore, setting a goal is like equipping the ship with GPS, pointing where to hit, and learning will have a sense of direction.

Being forced to study is like being pushed and walked, tired and panicked. We have to cheer ourselves up and set a challenging goal, but don't go too far, we have to jump to get it.

In elementary school, rote memorization can still be handled, but in middle school, you have to understand it deeply. You can't learn the real thing. You have to take the initiative to learn, ask more, discuss more, practice more, and turn knowledge into your own.

Our brains are not like mobile phones and computers, and our multitasking ability is limited. When studying, concentrate on one task and use the Pomodoro Technique to improve concentration.

Revision must not be missing, otherwise what you have learned is like sand, and it will be lost as soon as it is missed. It is necessary to review in time and turn short-term memory into long-term memory, so that the knowledge can be remembered.


How to improve learning efficiency

To memorize something, you can make up a formula, such as "one review a day, one summary a week, and one review a month", which is simple and easy to remember, and the effect is good.

According to your interests and goals, make a study plan and master the pace of learning by yourself, so that you will be more motivated to learn.

Set rewards for yourself, and reward yourself for achieving small goals, so that you can learn more energetically.

Learning should be in-depth, not just superficial. Think more, practice more, and internalize knowledge into your own.

Do one thing at a time, don't let your phone or computer distract you. Use time management skills to improve concentration, and efficiency will naturally come up.

Don't forget the importance of revision. After learning new knowledge, you need to review it in time so that you can remember it more firmly. The process of revision is like reinforcing the brain's neural network and making memory more stable. Therefore, students, you should study hard, and you must use the right method, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.


Reading comprehension learning

After an in-depth discussion of the multiple factors that affect academic performance, it is not difficult to find that many students and parents often fall into the misunderstanding of the important part of Chinese reading comprehension, resulting in ineffective results. In fact, improving reading comprehension scores is not out of reach, and with the right approach, every student can make significant progress in this area.


Let's face it

Chinese reading comprehension, these terms are like the key to unlock the deeper meaning of the text, parents need to be aware that without understanding these terms, children may not even be able to grasp the basic intent of the text.

Therefore, parents should learn these concepts with their children to ensure that they become a powerful tool for interpreting texts.

How can I improve my poor reading comprehension score?


Blindly brushing questions is never a good idea

。 There is a specific logic behind each question type, and parents need to guide their children to build a solution list for each question type, which not only makes the answer more flexible, but also an effective way to improve the accuracy of problem solving. Remember, mastery of question types is far more valuable than stacking up the number of questions.


Back to the essence of learning – deep understanding

Parents should encourage their children to get rid of the pitfalls of shallow reading and turn to deep learning, as mentioned in the article, to internalize the reading material into their own body of knowledge through questioning, discussion and practice.

On this basis, parents can introduce the method of article appreciation, and teach children how to analyze articles from multiple dimensions such as expression effect, structure techniques, and expression techniques, which not only improves children's reading skills, but also cultivates an ability to appreciate the beauty of literature.

Therefore, when parents help their children improve their Chinese reading comprehension ability, they should not only pay attention to the accumulation of basic knowledge, but also pay attention to the mastery of question types and strategies, as well as the cultivation of in-depth reading habits.

Through these methods, parents can not only become the guides of their children's learning path, but also witness every bit of progress their children make in reading comprehension, and finally usher in the spring of achievement improvement.

How can I improve my poor reading comprehension score?


Apply what you have learned, review the old and learn the new

Set clear goals, take the initiative to learn, focus on individual tasks, review in a timely manner, and use the Pomodoro technique to improve concentration.

Use memorized mantras, personalize your learning plan, and establish rewards to deepen your understanding and stay focused.

Master 34 sets of professional terms, be proficient in 8 major question types, and implement in-depth article appreciation.

Learn terminology together, guide question strategies, and encourage in-depth reading and article appreciation.

Timely review consolidates memory, promotes the conversion of short-term memory to long-term, strengthens neural network connections, and improves memory stability.

Keywords in this article

1. Methods to improve learning efficiency

2. Chinese reading comprehension skills

3. Parent-assisted learning strategies

4. Concentration skills

5. Review memory reinforcement