
Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"My stomach hurts so badly, do I have stomach cancer?" Fang Ming asked Doctor Zheng with a worried expression, his voice mixed with a hint of imperceptible panic.

Dr. Zheng raised his head, adjusted his glasses, and responded with a smile, "Mr. Fang, the first thing we need to do is not to be overly nervous. Now let me check it out for you and judge based on your symptoms. "Fang Ming, a delivery man, has to run around the streets every day.

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

In recent months, he has begun to feel frequent stomach upset, frequent heartburn and bloating after meals. At first, he thought it might just be an irregular diet. However, time passed slowly, and there was no improvement, but it became more and more serious. Today, he finally decided to go to the hospital and happened to meet Dr. Zheng.

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

"Gastritis itself does not directly cause stomach cancer," Dr Cheng explains, "but long-term chronic gastritis, especially if left untreated or improperly treated, does increase the risk of stomach cancer." After a pause, he continued: "Chronic gastritis can cause long-term inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which, if left unchecked, can lead to abnormal cell proliferation that may evolve into cancer over time." ”

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

After hearing this, Fang Ming was obviously a little nervous, but Dr. Zheng quickly added some more practical advice: "For patients with gastritis, there are several signals that must not be ignored. For example, recurrent indigestion, severe stomach pain, weight loss for no apparent reason, bloodshot or coffee-colored vomiting are all signs of the need to seek medical attention as soon as possible. ”

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

Dr. Zheng's words made Fang Ming realize that some of his symptoms really couldn't be delayed any longer, especially since he had recently felt that he was losing weight for no reason. He began to carefully describe his specific symptoms to Dr. Cheng, including stomach bloating after meals and irregular severe pain.

After a detailed consultation, Dr. Zheng recommended Fang Ming to have a gastroscopy. He explained that gastroscopy can not only visually see the state of the gastric mucosa, but also take some small samples for pathological examination to ensure accurate diagnosis.

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

While waiting for the results of the gastroscopy, Dr. Cheng mentioned a little-known but very important point: "Did you know that the health of the stomach is actually closely related to the quality of our sleep? Although there seems to be no direct link between the two, a good night's sleep can significantly improve the repair ability of the gastric mucosa, while sleep deprivation can worsen the inflammation of the gastric mucosa. ”

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

This made Fang Ming very surprised. He does have sleep problems and often sleeps late at night because he works late or is busy with chores in his life.

Dr. Cheng continues, "As we enter the deep sleep phase, our body naturally produces growth hormone, which is essential for our tissue recovery, not only to help repair damaged gastric mucosa, but also to promote overall cell regeneration. Moreover, the quality of sleep directly affects our stress levels, which has a direct impact on gastritis or other digestive diseases. ”

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

Fang Ming was deeply inspired by this, and he realized that he needed to make some changes in his life, especially to improve his sleep habits.

The results of gastroscopy showed that Fang Ming did suffer from chronic gastritis, but fortunately, no cancer was found. Dr Cheng prescribed him some medication and advised him to have regular check-ups and follow the advice to improve his lifestyle habits, especially getting enough sleep.

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

At the end of the consultation, Fang Ming asked, "Dr. Zheng, can you recommend some simple methods to help me sleep better?" "It's important to create a rest-friendly bedroom environment that is soft and tranquil to help improve sleep quality," Dr. Cheng advises. ”

"Establish a regular routine and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Avoid using electronic devices for long periods of time before bedtime, as these emitted blue lights can affect melatonin secretion in the body, which can affect sleep. ”

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

Fang Ming carefully took note of these suggestions, thanked Dr. Zheng gratefully, and secretly decided in his heart that he was going to start changing.

What do you think about gastritis? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can gastritis induce stomach cancer? Reminder: If the body has these signals, don't delay seeking medical attention as soon as possible!

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