
Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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In a busy metropolis in Zhejiang, Kong Di, a 42-year-old taxi driver.

For a long time, due to work pressure and irregular living habits, the health condition has gradually declined. He likes to get together with his peers to enjoy fried food and beer after the night shift, which becomes his way of relaxing. However, during a recent health check-up, Condi was diagnosed with stomach cancer at an early stage.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

The news came as a bolt from the blue for Condi and his family. At the hospital, I met Dr. Wei, a senior oncologist.

Dr. Wei inquired in detail about Condi's eating habits and pointed out several specific foods that could be significant factors in his cancer.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

Dr. Wei's first mention was processed meat products such as sausages, bacon and bacon. He explained that the nitrites and other chemical additives contained in these foods can become a strong carcinogen called N-nitrosamine in the human body.

Long-term ingestion of these substances, especially during high-temperature cooking, will greatly increase the production of these carcinogens, causing great damage to the stomach and intestines.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

Dr. Wei then mentioned fried foods, especially fried chicken and french fries, which Condi often eats. Fried foods are cooked at high temperatures to produce acrylamide and trans fatty acids. Not only do these substances increase the risk of heart disease, but they can also damage DNA, which increases the likelihood of cancer.

In addition, Dr Wei emphasised that excessive sugar intake is also something that Condi needs to be wary of. Drinking too many sugary drinks and eating too many sweets can send insulin levels skyrocketing.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

In the long run, it is easy to promote the growth of tumors, especially stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer, which are cancers of the digestive system, and Dr. Wei also specifically mentioned the dangers of alcohol.

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption, especially beer and liquor, can directly damage liver cells and increase the risk of liver cancer. At the same time, alcohol will also increase the burden on the gastric mucosa, which can easily cause chronic gastritis and even cancer in the long run.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

Finally, Dr Ngai mentioned that high-salt foods also increase the risk of cancer. Eating too much salty food can damage the stomach lining and increase the chance of stomach cancer.

He advises Condi to eat less of these foods and to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and fiber-rich foods, which can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

Dr. Wei's words deeply touched Kong Di, and he understood that for the sake of his own health and that of his family, he had to change his poor eating habits. So, he started replacing unhealthy choices with healthy foods.

For example, he cut back on processed meat and switched to grilled fish and boiled chicken breasts. Replace fried foods with steamed or boiled vegetables. At the same time, he also tries not to drink sugary drinks, and instead drinks water or sugar-free fruit juice made by himself.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

As time passed, Condi's physical condition improved significantly. He found that he was no longer so tired and that his digestive system was less upset.

What's more, the results of regular medical check-ups showed that his cancer was effectively controlled and showed no signs of further deterioration.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

Condi's change affected not only himself, but also his family and friends. They witnessed the changes in Condi and were inspired to pay attention to their eating habits as well.

Dr. Wei was very relieved to see the change in Condi. He believes that Condy's case is an excellent illustration of the huge impact that lifestyle changes can have on cancer prevention and control.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

In his subsequent medical practice, Dr. Wei paid more attention to promoting the concept of healthy living to patients, encouraging them to actively prevent diseases by starting with their daily diet and lifestyle habits.

In fact, many chronic diseases and cancers are related to our lifestyles. As long as you change your eating habits and exercise more, you can not only make your life better, but also greatly reduce the likelihood of getting sick.

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

However, lifestyle changes do not happen overnight, and require long-term perseverance and self-discipline. This process can be especially difficult for someone like Condi who has developed unhealthy eating habits for a long time.

Therefore, we must ask ourselves: in the fast-paced and high-pressure environment of modern society, how can we continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid those harmful dietary temptations, and truly "eat for the sky" to protect our bodies from diseases? This is a problem that everyone needs to face.

What are your thoughts on cancer prevention? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is cancer "eaten"? The doctor reminded: these things are health "killers", don't eat them again

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