
The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"You know, I heard a very strange saying on the road today that you can guess the length of life by looking at a person's neck." Li Hao inadvertently heard the words of passers-by while shopping, and couldn't help laughing.

Today she took her niece Xiaoyu to the hospital for a check-up, and Xiaoyu had a stomachache because she ate unclean food. While waiting, Li Hao remembered that sentence and decided to ask the doctor to verify the problem.

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

Li is a middle school geography teacher who is always skeptical of scientific bizarre. In the corridor of the hospital, she told the attending doctor, Zhao Bao, about the problem. Zhao Bao is an experienced doctor who can always debunk various medical superstitions and misunderstandings one by one and provide scientific explanations.

Zhao Bao smiled after hearing this, and then began to explain: "Regarding the relationship between the neck and lifespan, there is actually no direct scientific evidence. However, some signs of the neck can indeed indirectly reflect a person's health. ”

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

First of all, if the skin on the neck is smooth and does not have many wrinkles, it usually indicates that the skin has good elasticity, which is related to the amount of collagen in the body. Secondly, the uniformity of the color of the neck can reflect whether the blood circulation is normal or not.

Zhao also mentions visible veins in the neck, which may be an indication of the health of the blood vessels. Often, veins that are too visible can indicate a problem with high blood pressure or hardening of the arteries. Conversely, veins that are not visible or appear healthy may indicate normal blood circulation and good cardiovascular function.

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

In addition, he also emphasized the importance of the neck muscles. Neck muscles are tight, indicating healthy muscle groups, which are key for supporting the head and maintaining blood flow to the brain.

After explaining these medical views, Zhao Bao concluded in a colloquial way: "So, although it is unscientific to look at life expectancy directly from the neck, maintaining the health of the neck is undoubtedly part of prolonging life. We can improve our neck health through regular neck massage, proper exercise, and maintaining a good diet. ”

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

Zhao Bao continued to expand his explanation, reinforcing his point with more in-depth medical knowledge. "You see, we may not usually pay much attention to it, but the health of the neck is actually closely related to our nervous system. The cervical spine not only supports our head, but also serves as a conduit for many important nerves, and if something goes wrong, it can affect nerve function throughout the body. ”

He elaborated on the impact of the cervical spine on overall health, especially blood flow to the brain. "The cervical spine area is a must for many large blood vessels, and poor blood supply can lead to dizziness, memory loss, and even mental health problems. It's not just about longevity, it's about our quality of life. ”

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

Zhao Bao then introduced some specific data to support his claim. "A recent study showed that people with arteriosclerosis in the neck had a 30% faster rate of cognitive deterioration than normal."

Subsequently, he turned to the aspect of prevention and treatment. "Of course, there are some simple and effective ways to improve neck health, such as regular neck physiotherapy, using suitable pillows, and regular strength training of the neck muscles. These are all effective ways to help reduce the burden on the neck and improve blood circulation. ”

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

When talking about how to actually operate these precautions, Zhao Bao uses a lot of adjectives to describe them vividly. "For example, choosing a good pillow is not the most expensive and best, but the most suitable for your cervical curve.

Also, neck muscle training doesn't require a trip to the gym to make you sweat, simple home exercises such as neck rotation and stretching, and a few minutes a day can get noticeable results. ”

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

When asked by a patient about how to tell if he has a health problem in his neck, Zhao Bao gave professional advice: "If you often feel stiffness or pain in your neck, or feel numbness and dizziness in your hands and feet, these may be signs of neck problems.

The best thing to do is to go to the hospital for a comprehensive neck X-ray and MRI examination, so that you can visually see the state of the cervical spine, find the problem in time, and treat it as soon as possible. ”

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer

Through such detailed explanations and practical advice, Zhao Bao not only answered the patients' questions, but also helped them understand the close relationship between neck health and overall health, and improved their awareness of self-health management.

What do you think about longevity and neck? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The length of life is known by looking at the neck? The doctor bluntly said: the neck appears with these characteristics, or live longer