
These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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Zhang Qiang, an ordinary bank clerk, has been feeling sick to his stomach lately, often with heartburn and flatulence.

At the hospital, Zhang Qiang met Dr. Zheng, an amiable but direct-talking gastroenterologist. "Have you changed your diet lately?"

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

"Well, I've heard that whole grains are good for the body, so I've been eating oats and corn a lot lately." Dr. Zheng nodded and began to explain, "Oats and corn, although rich in fiber, are healthy choices for most people. But for people with stomach problems, these two whole grains can add to the burden on the stomach and even cause more discomfort. ”

Dr. Cheng went on to elaborate on the nutrient content of oats and corn and their potential effects on the stomach. "Oats and corn contain a lot of insoluble fiber, which is undoubtedly beneficial for promoting intestinal motility."

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

However, for those with excess stomach acid or a thin gastric mucosa, this coarse fiber may irritate the stomach lining, leading to increased gastric acid secretion, which can aggravate symptoms.

"For example, there is a patient who has a similar diet to you, who has recurrent stomach problems due to long-term consumption of oats and corn, and eventually has to control the disease with medication and dietary adjustments. Although this is uncommon, it is enough to show that we need to be more cautious in our dietary choices. ”

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

As the conversation deepened, Zhang Qiang learned that while whole grains are an important part of a healthy diet, what kind of food to choose and the ability to digest these foods are equally important for people with stomach problems.

Dr Cheng suggested that Zhang Qiang could try replacing oats and corn with more digestible whole grains, such as millet and barley, which are less irritating to the stomach and more suitable for people with stomach problems. Dr Cheng also emphasised the importance of eating in moderation and quantifying regularly.

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

"For patients with stomach upset, it's very important to maintain a regular and moderate diet," he explains. Excessive eating or irregular eating times can put a strain on the stomach and cause pain or other symptoms. ”

Zhang Qiang gradually understood that a single dietary change could not completely solve the problem, and a comprehensive diet and lifestyle adjustment was needed. He began to think about his daily habits and decided to gradually adjust his lifestyle under the guidance of his doctor.

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

After a few months, Zhang Qiang's stomach condition improved significantly. Not only did he adjust his diet, but he also began to focus on regular light exercise, such as walking and yoga, which helped him better manage his stomach health.

In the process, Zhang Qiang gradually realized that changing his diet is not just about choosing different ingredients, but also about understanding how these ingredients interact with his body. He began to keep a more detailed record of his daily diet and body reactions, a method that allowed him to accurately determine which foods were his "enemies" and which were his "friends."

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

Dr. Zheng mentioned in the follow-up treatment that many patients with stomach discomfort ignore the individual differences in food. "Everyone's physical condition and digestive abilities are unique, so even foods that are generally considered healthy can be a source of discomfort for some people. The key is to experiment and experience to find the best balance for you. ”

"Mental state and stress levels also have a direct impact on the function of the stomach. Maintaining a good state of mental health, such as regular relaxation training and counseling, can also have a positive impact on stomach health. ”

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

During a follow-up visit, Zhang Qiang had a new question: "Doctor, I want to know, what are the simple and effective ways to help me maintain a good mental state in my daily life to avoid the recurrence of stomach problems in the future?" ”

Dr Cheng replied, "Maintaining good mental health is crucial to the prevention and treatment of stomach problems. I recommend that you try to do a short meditation or deep breathing practice every day, and if you feel stressed, it is also very beneficial to communicate with friends or seek counseling. ”

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

Zhang Qiang integrates these methods into his daily life in order to maintain long-term health and well-being. Through this experience, he not only improved his stomach problems, but also learned how to improve his overall health through holistic lifestyle management.

What do you think about whole grains? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

These 2 kinds of whole grains hurt the stomach the most! Doctor reminds: People with a bad stomach should eat less and be careful of cancer coming to the door

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