
Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Your symptom is not simply overwork, you need to check it out." The doctor said to Uncle Wang with a serious face.

On this day, 45-year-old Uncle Wang had just returned from the community hospital, and his mood was heavier than losing his wallet.

Recently, Uncle Wang always felt tightness in his chest and panting, and he felt out of breath after walking a few steps. At first, he thought it was a change in the weather, coupled with the fatigue of work, and his body could not bear it. However, as the days passed, the symptoms did not improve, but worsened. At the urging of his wife, he went to the community hospital for consultation. The doctor recommended that he do a full body check-up, and the results surprised Uncle Wang.

Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

Uncle Wang is a construction worker, who usually has a regular daily routine, getting up at 6 o'clock every morning, drinking a cup of mung bean soup, and then starting the day's work. He thinks he lives a healthy life with no major problems. However, the results of this physical examination showed that Uncle Wang had gastrointestinal problems and showed obvious signs of inflammation. The doctor explained in detail: "Uncle Wang, your situation is not good. You have some problems with your stomach and intestines, which may be chronic gastroenteritis. Do you eat mung beans regularly? ”

Uncle Wang looked puzzled: "I usually like to drink mung bean soup, is there any problem?" ”

The doctor continued: "Although mung bean has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, it is a cold food, and long-term consumption of large amounts can easily damage the spleen and stomach, lead to gastrointestinal disorders, and even cause gastroenteritis. ”

Uncle Wang's wife sighed on the side: "I have long said that he should not drink mung bean soup every day, but he just doesn't listen." Now something is wrong. ”

Seeing this, the doctor added: "In fact, many people mistakenly think that eating mung beans is not harmful to the body, but for people with weak stomachs, mung beans are instead a 'catalyst'. In particular, long-term consumption of large amounts can easily lead to aggravation of gastroenteritis symptoms. ”

Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

Hearing this, Uncle Wang felt a little remorseful: "Then what should I do?" ”

The doctor patiently replied: "First of all, you need to adjust your diet, reduce the intake of mung beans to once a week, and at the same time add some foods that are good for the stomach and intestines." In particular, there are many kinds of coarse grains that are very good for the stomach and intestines, and can help maintain the youthful state of the stomach. ”

Uncle Wang was curious: "Which four kinds of coarse grains are good for the stomach?" ”

The doctor patiently replied: "First of all, oats." Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help with bowel movements, and prevent constipation. The second is buckwheat, which helps digestion and absorption, reduces the burden on the stomach and intestines, and is very beneficial to gastrointestinal health. The third is brown rice, the dietary fiber and vitamin B in brown rice have a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and help maintain normal gastrointestinal function. Finally, there is corn, the fiber in corn can promote intestinal peristalsis, help clear the intestines, and maintain gastrointestinal health. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Wang was a little puzzled: "Then how should I usually eat these coarse grains?" ”

Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

The doctor patiently explained: "You can eat some whole grains in moderation every day, such as oats for breakfast in the morning, some soba noodles for lunch, and brown rice for dinner. In addition, corn can be eaten as a snack or as a side meal, which is very convenient to eat after cooking. ”

Uncle Wang nodded, secretly determined to change his lifestyle. However, the doctor's words did not end there.

"I'll tell you another case. There is a patient who is in a similar situation to you, he usually likes to drink mung bean soup, but as a result, he has serious gastrointestinal problems, resulting in indigestion, diarrhea and other symptoms. Later, after our advice, he reduced his intake of mung beans and ate more whole grains, and the situation gradually improved. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the intake of cold foods appropriately for gastrointestinal health. ”

After hearing this, Uncle Wang sighed with emotion: "It seems that I also have to learn from him and get rid of these bad habits." ”

The doctor nodded in agreement: "Yes, gastrointestinal health requires us to take good care of it and prevent diseases." Eating right, exercising moderately, and having a good mindset are the keys to staying healthy. ”

After returning home, Uncle Wang began a series of life adjustments. He reduced the amount of mung bean soup he drank to once a week, while insisting on moderate exercise every day and paying attention to a balanced diet. His wife is also very supportive, preparing healthy meals for him every day and urging him to rest on time.

Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

As time passed, Uncle Wang's physical condition gradually improved, and the symptoms of chest tightness and asthma were also alleviated. He felt relaxed and refreshed. After this lesson, he deeply realized the importance of comprehensive health management, and also understood the doctor's words: one health supplement alone cannot solve all health problems.

However, the story doesn't end there. One day, while resting on the construction site, Uncle Wang met an old colleague and talked about his health experience. After listening to this, the old colleague asked thoughtfully: "You say, does eating less mung beans really have such a big impact on the stomach?" I also drink mung bean soup a lot, but I've always been in good health. ”

Uncle Wang smiled and replied, "It's like someone exercising every day is not necessarily good, but it doesn't mean that everyone needs to exercise every day." Everyone's physical condition is different, and the appropriate method is also different. It's important that we find the best way to be healthy. ”

The old colleague nodded, and then asked: "Then what do you think we should pay attention to in addition to eating less mung beans?" ”

Uncle Wang thought for a moment and said, "I think there are still many things we need to pay attention to. For example, you should eat a variety of foods and not be picky. Another example is to maintain a good attitude, don't overwork, and learn to relax. The most important thing is to have regular medical check-ups to detect physical problems in time and prevent them from occurring. ”

Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

After hearing this, the old colleague thought it was true: "You are right, health really needs to be maintained by ourselves." Thank you for sharing these experiences, I will pay attention to it as well. ”

Since then, Uncle Wang has not only taken care of his own health, but also actively spread health knowledge to his friends and colleagues. He hopes that through his own experience, more people can realize the importance of health and avoid taking the same detour.

However, Uncle Wang still has a question in his mind: if mung beans have an effect on the stomach, then what other foods also need special attention? So, he found the doctor again.

"Doctor, in addition to mung beans, what other foods also need special attention to and have an impact on gastrointestinal health?" Uncle Wang asked.

The doctor smiled and replied, "That's a good question." In fact, many foods have a certain effect on the stomach and intestines. For example, chili peppers and spicy foods, although they can increase appetite, are very irritating to the stomach and intestines, and are easy to cause gastritis and enteritis. Another example is fried food, which is high in fat and calories, which can easily lead to indigestion and gastrointestinal burden.

In addition, coffee and strong tea, although they can refresh the mind, have a stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa, and long-term drinking will lead to excessive gastric acid secretion and gastritis. Finally, raw and cold food, especially cold drinks, can easily cause gastrointestinal cramps and indigestion. ”

Mung beans are a "catalyst" for gastroenteritis? Warning: If you want to have a young stomach, you can eat more of 4 types of coarse grains

Uncle Wang nodded in understanding: "It seems that gastrointestinal health needs comprehensive attention, and you can't just rely on one or two habits." ”

The doctor continued: "Yes, health is a comprehensive concept, diet, exercise, mentality, and lifestyle habits all need our attention. Only with comprehensive conditioning can you truly stay healthy. ”

Uncle Wang was once again full of emotion and determined to pay more attention to health management and maintain good living habits in his future life. He also hopes that through his own efforts, more people can realize the importance of health and have a healthy life together.

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