
I love you, China!

author:Love and happiness
I love you, China!

Let's imagine a scene where you are having dinner with your friends, and you raise your glass and say, "Today, let's talk about our ideals, okay?" How will all the people react and how will they be treated? Will someone sneer at you, will someone say in their hearts that you are sick, will someone be shocked, will a few people say to you, "Okay, let's talk about ideals." And then we have an in-depth discussion with you about your ideals.

Let's imagine another scenario, when we are having a party with friends, and you speak, "I propose that we all discuss together how to love our motherland, what can we do for our motherland, okay?" At this time, how will everyone react and how will they be treated? Will you get involved in this discussion?

I often joke with the students that when an old man has no ideals, his state is "waiting for death", when an adult has no ideals, his state is "empty", and when a child has no ideals, his state is "abnormal". Yes, in the transition period of society, there are too many people in the society who live either for money, fame and fortune, or have no meaning, when this society is ashamed to talk about ideals, we should think about it, is it normal to talk about ideals, or not to talk about ideals? Sometimes I find it particularly ridiculous – the majority of abnormal people say that a few normal people are abnormal, and that's the sadness.

Maybe you don't even know what the word ideal means now. I often ask my children, what is your ideal? Some children will say, I want to be a doctor, and I say, "This is not an ideal, this is a career", and the child will be surprised and say, "So, what is an ideal?" I will tell my children: "Being a doctor is a profession, why being a doctor is your ideal, you think that being a doctor has a high social status, earns a lot of money, is respected, and you have good living conditions, that means you have no ideals, you are very selfish, and the profession of being a doctor is for yourself." If you think that being a doctor is to save lives and help more people get rid of suffering, it means that your profession as a doctor is ideal, because you are altruistic and noble. "We can be famous and profitable, we can use fame and fortune to achieve our ideals, when we pretend to have ideals and pursue fame and fortune, then your heart must be full of not ideals but desires.

What is your ideal? Take out a piece of paper and write it, talk to your heart, and you may discover some truths. "What is my ideal? Why do I have such ideals? Is my ideal real? Have I ever acted firmly for my ideals? ”

I am now in New Zealand, and the day before yesterday and yesterday I used a discussion and two lectures to discuss the differences between Eastern and Western cultures with the students who came with the group for in-depth training and overseas Chinese. Who am I going to be? How can we love the motherland better! "During the 10-day trip and training, I believe that many of the people who were with me began to think about topics such as "feelings, patterns, and patriotism".

I love you, China!

In the afternoon of the previous day, a group of us, including domestic students and overseas Chinese, held up red wine glasses together like a family, when the song "I love you, China" sounded, the audience fell silent, and when the tactful and high-pitched melody resounded throughout the scene, many people were so excited that they burst into tears. When I heard everyone share their feelings one by one, I also burst into tears, and I choked up and said a long passage in my deepest heart - "I love my country, I want to do something for my motherland, and I hope that I will work with more people for the country, for society, and for others." Life has no meaning, but if we don't give it meaning, what is the meaning of our life? ”

The report of the 19th National Congress moved me and made me excited, more like blowing the dream of the Chinese for a thousand years, China is strong, culture is rejuvenating, when our country has spent 30 years to make the people of the world's largest country with a population of more than one billion people have enough food and clothing, what a great achievement in the long river of history! What a great and far-reaching significance is the targeted poverty alleviation policy that has been put forward and firmly implemented.

Under such great achievements, our country must have such and such problems, this is inevitable, it is inevitable in the period of social transition, when we enjoy this materially rich life, but complain about a lot of current evils, have you ever thought about what you can do and do for this country, for this society, for others? A person who does not love his mother is not qualified to talk about loving the motherland, and a person who does not really love the motherland must not know how to truly love his mother. Home is the smallest country, the country is the largest home, a person who truly loves his mother must be loved by both mothers, this is what the Chinese call family and country feelings.

I love you, China!

During this in-depth study trip to New Zealand, I couldn't help but cry three times, and once I cried with a voice. The first time I cried was when I saw the children of Yihe in Auckland, when they spoke their ideals with hope on the ground, I cried out loud, I was moved, shocked, and I saw the light and hope after years of hard work; The second time I cried, it was the day before yesterday in Christchurch, when everyone was tearfully talking about ideals and patriotism, I burst into tears, crying because of beauty, I saw more lives touching the beauty of life, and the power of action to drive action; The third time I cried was last night, I saw that it was not easy for me to persist over the years, but I have always insisted on not giving up, I was moved by myself, and I also waited for many people for so many years, and I experienced distrust, misunderstanding, questioning, doubt, and nowhere to confide, I could only use "change is always myself" to support my mind. We must never give up because of the misunderstanding and unbelief of others, and we must not fail to love others because of their misunderstanding and unbelief.

This 10-day in-depth study is coming to an end, and tonight the children of Yihe will end a month-long in-depth study trip in a foreign land, and they will show the demeanor of Chinese children in front of foreigners, and I believe that when the children recite "Young China Says" from the bottom of their hearts, I will shed tears for the fourth time. I will never forget the in-depth study trip to New Zealand, because I have shed tears countless times, and my tears are shocking, hopeful, moving, beautiful, and distressing. I believe that in the future, I will have more tears, and I will finally see the moon when the clouds are open......

I love you, China. That's what I want.

I felt the goodness of the good

I love you, China!

Be a person with ideals from now on

Text: Guo Yingzi

In the study yesterday afternoon, Mr. Zheng Wei directly cut into the topic, starting from the Eastern and Western cultures, and talked about the "end" of Chinese culture, especially the harmony and unity of the three talents of heaven, earth and man in traditional Chinese culture, the high degree of integration between man and heaven and earth, and conform to the laws of nature, we will be nourished by the natural warmth of heaven and earth, and find the original Tao and virtue of life. From the self-confidence of Chinese culture, Mr. Zheng Wei once again talked about the black line and the red line, and this time I saw my life state more clearly: I began to walk on the road to excellent happiness, which made me feel full of strength in my heart.

In the evening, when a group of us sat around the long dining table in the clubhouse of David, New Zealand, tasting the Western food specially prepared for us by David Dandan, drinking red wine, and sharing each other's inner feelings, the air was filled with warmth, and the smell of warm home, in a foreign country thousands of kilometers away from the motherland, with a group of people who had only known each other for more than a week, I found the warmth and beauty of the long-awaited big family! At that moment, I was grateful from the bottom of my heart to everyone around me who brought me beauty! A warm and loving atmosphere that allows each of us to open our hearts and express our inner feelings.

Teacher Wu Qi said that when she let go of her ego and wanted to fight for her ideals, she said that when she heard her mother sing "I Love You China", her heart was full of strength and tears flowed. At this time, the singing of "I love you China" sounded in our ears, many people present burst into tears, their hearts were stirring with great love for the motherland, and the power buried in the bottom of my heart for a long time was rising, I shed tears and heard the voice in my heart saying loudly, I love the motherland! At that moment, I felt the strength brought to me by everyone around me, we are shouldering a mission, for the country, for the society, for others, we are a group of loving people together, will definitely bring full of positive energy to this society.

At this moment, I want to say, grateful for the encounter in life, into love and happiness, I slowly grow in love, looking for the meaning of life, feeling beautiful in every beauty, slowly seeing myself, last night I felt the power of myself from the inside out, this power made me warm and moved. From now on, I know what kind of person I want to be - to be an idealistic, warm and powerful person, no longer wandering, down-to-earth, and pass on the beauty I feel to more people!

The intellectual property rights of this article belong to Love and Happiness!

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