
After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun


In 1947, a major of the national army swaggered in front of the sentry standing guard, and when the sentry planned to send him to prison as a prisoner to wait for reform, he shouted "I am 902" as if he had arrived at his own home.

However, the magic lies in the fact that with the three mysterious numbers of 902, he not only did not go to Gongdelin with Du Yuming and them in the end, but was also personally received by Chen Yun, who was the red agent Zhao Wei.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

The battle of southern Liaoning made miraculous achievements

Zhao Wei, formerly known as Zhao Min, was born in Hebei in 1919, was a student of the 16th phase of the Whampoa Military Academy, and had a very good relationship with his classmate Zhu Jianguo during the Anti-Japanese War. Zhu Jianguo was an officer of the Kuomintang on the surface, but in fact he was an underground party member installed by the Communist Party within the reactionary clique of the Kuomintang.

At the beginning, Zhu Jianguo calmly wrote to fight against the Japanese invaders, but later Chiang Kai-shek's anti-heaven policy of fighting outside the country must first be at home, and after he witnessed the corruption of the Kuomintang, he began to believe in communism, and under the influence of Zhu Jianguo, Zhao Wei also began to yearn for the Communist Party.

At the beginning of 1946, the Northeast Security Command of the Kuomintang Army recruited officers to serve, Zhao Wei signed up to participate, on the way to report, he visited his old friend Zhu Jianguo, Zhu Jianguo had seen the potential possibility of Zhao Wei being developed into a Communist Party member, so he told him that he hoped that he could do some practical work for the party.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Later, Wang Shijian reported Zhao Wei's situation to the Central Committee, and the Central Committee decided to let Zhao Wei go undercover in Jinzhou, whose main responsibility was to compile the Northeast Kuomintang Army's troop station list and the list of troop supervisors.

Zhao Wei used small blue flags to represent the troops above the Kuomintang regiment, and small red flags to represent the troops above the regiment level of the Chinese Communist Army, and then inserted these small flags on the map according to the actual location of the station, so that the entire Northeast military situation map was clear at a glance.

In addition, every month, a booklet of the names, codes, numbers, and garrisons of the Kuomintang regiments and above was compiled, together with the maps above, which laid the groundwork for the later defeat of the Kuomintang in the Battle of Southern Liaoning.

As a red agent, Zhao Wei not only did his job well and let us know the Kuomintang army in the northeast well, but also exerted his subjective initiative and accelerated the defeat of the Kuomintang army in the northeast.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Before the Kuomintang army carried out the Fourth Battle of Southern Liaoning, Zhao Wei touched the trains of the 89th and 54th divisions of the 13th Kuomintang Army, and they received an order from Du Yuming to rush from Chifeng to Shenyang.

After Zhao Wei learned some information on the train, he returned to the staff office and immediately drafted an order, telling the commander of the 13th Army to march to Xinbin Sanyuanpu after arriving at the station, and quickly enter the position to carry out a strong attack and occupy the commanding heights of Lanshan.

Although the 13th Army struggled to break through, it was still hit hard in the end, making Du Yuming's strategy of "attacking the south and defending in the north, first the south and then the north" completely failed, and the South Manchurian troops of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army also gained a firm foothold in the northeast.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Wisdom and courage are both complete, and auspicious people are natural

In fact, Du Yuming also had doubts about such a strange and outrageous order, but after his investigation, he found that Zhao Wei's issuance of this order was completely in accordance with the procedure, and he, as the person who issued the order, did not necessarily come up with an idea.

And the problem is that there are a lot of people in the combat department, and it is difficult to find someone who has an idea, and if you go to interrogate, there will be no result, because everyone is a classmate of the Whampoa Military Academy, and they are very grouped, and they will not betray their classmates easily.

It can be said that Zhao Wei is a Ji person, but it is indeed the old social characteristics of the Kuomintang army, such as attaching importance to relationships and factions, which leads to easy infiltration, easy self-contradiction and internal friction, and even government decrees are sometimes not smooth.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Zhao Wei's contribution is not only this, and later he made an important contribution to the victory of our army in the Battle of Siping, when the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army was preparing to launch a summer offensive, and by mid-June 1947, it was ready to besiege Siping, a city between Changchun and Shenyang, and was a strategic location.

Although at this time in the northeast region, our army is no longer at a disadvantage in the face of the national army as before, we still have to be careful, in order to be able to preemptively strike, Zhao Wei kept informing the Shenyang secret radio station of the personnel movement and military deployment of the national army during the battle between the two armies, and even revealed a lot of the train lines, strongholds and sentry posts of the Kuomintang army to the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army.

When the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army fought with the National Army, it was like opening a plug-in that saw through the whole map, no matter how hard the Kuomintang army tried its best, wanted to break through, wanted to surprise attack, we would be the first to stop, although the Siping Battle failed to take this important place, but still caused the Kuomintang Army to suffer huge losses.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Thanks to the relationship between his classmates, Zhao Wei said that he didn't need to steal any secrets he wanted, and he could go directly to see them, because they trusted each other more and would not suspect each other at all, but "I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet."

After Du Yuming's successive defeats in the Northeast, Lao Jiang decided to replace him, so he sent Chen Cheng to replace Du Yuming's position in the Northeast.

At this time, Shenyang's secret radio station was exposed again, and Shen Bingquan and his wife, who were in charge of Shenyang's secret radio station, were missing, their whereabouts were unknown, and now they didn't even know whether they were dead or alive, Zhao Wei was very worried, but he had to prepare for a face-to-face defense with President Jiang.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Although Zhao Wei's performance made Chen Cheng very satisfied, he still couldn't let go of the big stone in his heart, because he heard that Zhu Jianguo was exposed and arrested, so he also began to think about whether the underground organization in Beiping had been destroyed.

And he remembered some of his experiences in Beiping, when Chiang Kai-shek did not see him, but temporarily changed his itinerary and went to Shenyang. So at this moment, Chiang Kai-shek is likely to have interrogated Zhu Jianguo in Shenyang.

Zhu Jianguo will not betray himself, but it is difficult to guarantee that the spies of the national army will not find clues through some information, so now he has most likely been exposed, and it is impossible for Shenyang to go back, so the best place for him to go now is the South Manchurian Liberated Area in the northwest.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Finally home, I'm 902

But Zhao Wei still didn't want to give up his underground work in Shenyang easily, so he planned to confirm it one last time, because Section Chief Lu had asked Zhao Wei before, where was the address of his fiancée's house, so he guessed that the enemy should have gone to his fiancée's house to wait for him, so he called his fiancée.

Sure enough, Zhao Wei guessed, you were already waiting for yourself to answer the phone at Weibo's house, it was Section Chief Lu who asked where his fiancée's address was, and the other party claimed that he had an urgent matter to send a car, and he came to pick him up immediately, how could Zhao Wei, a red agent, be so stupid and take the initiative to send him to death?

He lied casually, saying that he was seeing a doctor, so he quickly put down the phone and set off to go to the liberated area, but there were many Kuomintang troops guarding the Hunhe Bridge on the road to pass, Zhao Wei couldn't care so much, he had to choose to swim to the other side in one breath, it was already late at night, as long as he paid more attention, he should not be discovered.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

However, there is no need to worry that Zhao Wei's fiancée will be in danger because of his departure, because his fiancée's uncle is a colleague of the staff office, even if it is for the sake of that colleague's face, they will not treat Zhao Wei's fiancée like this.

What's more, the Kuomintang army has factional struggles, and when investigating and interrogating each other, it is always necessary to consider the sophistication of human feelings.

But at this time, it was already October, it was late autumn, the temperature at night was very low, and Zhao Wei was wet after swimming across the river, so that the wind was even more cold, and he didn't eat dinner, if he was so hungry and cold, he didn't know how long he would have to walk.

Fortunately, Zhao Wei's good luck played a role again, allowing him to find a peanut field, at this time every peanut is like now, eating it makes people feel a hundred times more energetic, Zhao Wei dug a lot of peanuts in one go, and left some to eat while walking after eating.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

With the help of these peanuts, Zhao Wei endured the cold and finally arrived at the South Manchurian Liberated Area on October 16, 1947.

But the sentry in charge of standing guard at that time had not seen Zhao Wei, and he was still wearing the clothes of the Kuomintang army, so the sentry immediately became wary of him and decided to arrest him and take him to prison to study.

But at this time, when he finally went home, Zhao Wei, who was relieved, couldn't manage so much, and excitedly said to the soldiers standing guard, let them explain themselves, so from the company to the battalion, from the battalion to the regiment, all the way to Wu Ruilin.

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

Zhao Wei proudly said to Wu Ruilin that he was a mysterious 902 intelligence officer, and Wu Ruilin was also very surprised, because he knew that there was a problem with Shenyang's intelligence work, and he was still worried about whether something would happen to this 902.

In the central government, after Li Kenong personally determined that Zhao Wei was really 902, Zhao Wei was sent to Tonghua, where the organ of the Liaodong Military Region was located, and after arriving there, Chen Yun and Xiao Jinguang personally met with Zhao Wei.

After all, the central government has always praised Zhao Wei's intelligence work for the Northeast War situation, and the three of them have been talking about late at night, when Zhao Wei mentioned that Zhu Jianguo was arrested, Chen Yun expressed great regret, sighed, and looked solemn.

There are many agents like Zhao Wei who are both wise and brave and lucky, but there are also many who died because of exposure, they fell before dawn, and they could not see the birth of New China, we should not forget that they came, nor should we forget their efforts.



[1] Fan Guoping, code name "902": Zhao Wei's undercover career in Northeast China (upper & lower)

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun
After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

[2] Zhang Murong Red Agent Zhao Wei: Code name "902"

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun

[3] Yang Xiaolu, the mysterious "902" intelligence agent - Zhao Wei, an outstanding fighter of our party's hidden front

After being captured, the major of the national army was sent to reform, shouting loudly: I am 902, and I was personally received by Chen Yun