
Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

author:Horses and chariots

Putin has just finished his two-day visit to China, and Ukraine and the United States and the West have begun to play moths again. According to Ukrainian media reports, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky directly shouted in an interview with reporters, expressing his desire to see Chinese representatives attend the "peace conference" to be held in Switzerland in a month's time.

Moreover, Zelensky also said very rudely in his speech that as long as any country does not attend this peace conference, it will be regarded as supporting Russia in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

Moreover, this "security meeting" with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as the core idea did not invite Russia, obviously the motives and intentions of this meeting are not so pure. So will China send people to the conference? How should China respond to the moral kidnapping of the Western world?

Why is China reluctant to attend this meeting?

The "security meeting" held by the West this time is nominally about food security and energy infrastructure in the Black Sea, but the topic is based on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the location advantage is located in the Western country Switzerland, and its purpose is naturally very clear!

Obviously, this is the United States and the West discussing how to sanction Russia, and even reaching out to the rest of the world to ask for money to aid Ukraine under the banner of so-called food security!

Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

In fact, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been going on until now, although the West and the United States have not stopped assisting Ukraine, but now the situation on the battlefield is very clear, Ukraine is now in a passive state on the battlefield, and the lack of troops and weapons has become the main reason for Ukraine's defeat!

Even if it is as powerful as the United States, it will not be able to plug the bottomless pit of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, so it is convenient for the United States and the West to turn their fate to other countries under the guise of food security, and they are also ready to deduct a big hat of moral kidnapping to neutral countries!

In less than 24 hours after Putin's visit to China, Zelensky publicly shouted in front of reporters to let China participate in the so-called "security meeting".

Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

We don't know if Zelensky is really too deeply involved in the play, and has dealt with the United States and the West too many times thinking that he is also a member of the West, and their tone and attitude are very similar to those Western politicians, obviously begging China to put on a high-minded attitude!

Such rude and arrogant behavior has made countless Chinese people unhappy, and the immoral statement that if you don't help me, you have offended countless neutral countries. Zelensky actually didn't understand at all that they are not those Western countries watching the fire from across the strait, and Ukraine is just cannon fodder for the West to push back against Russia's attack.

Even if they take 10,000 steps back and put Ukraine on an equal footing with the West, even if the United States is now facing China, they will not dare to speak so arrogantly and arrogantly.

Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

It's no wonder that Zelensky is a little anxious to jump over the wall, in fact, this so-called security meeting has long been invited to China, but China's attitude has always been "read", and then there is no more.

Putin responded to this question when he participated in the China-Russia Expo in Harbin, claiming that he had never received an invitation from Switzerland at all! A so-called "security meeting" with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as the core, but did not invite one of the core countries, obviously the organizers of this security conference are crooked, and don't blame China for refusing to participate if you don't have the right attitude!

Why do the United States and the West want China to participate in the conference so much?

China has always adhered to neutrality in the face of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and actively promoted a ceasefire between the two sides to reach peace! But this does not mean that China will participate in this kind of meeting under the guise of peace or even humanitarianism, which is actually used to support Ukraine and discuss Russia!

Obviously, this meeting was held in Switzerland, and Russia was not even invited, and its purpose was naturally to discuss the so-called crimes committed by Russia in the war, and then under the auspices of the organizers, he called on all countries to generously provide support to Ukraine, saying that it was humanitarian aid, but in fact, in the end, all donations will be turned into weapons and returned to the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield!

Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

Such a meeting has no significance for alleviating the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, but will exacerbate the intensity of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The reason why the United States and the West are so eager for China to participate in this meeting is that in addition to wanting moral kidnapping and allowing us to provide some convenience and support to Ukraine, the bigger reason is that they want to denounce the regular trade between China and Russia at the meeting, and the United States and the West want to put pressure on China in this way and affect the normal trade between China and Russia!

Seeing that Putin's visit to China was fruitful, Zelensky turned around and named China and asked China to do one thing

At the same time, after Russia's visit to China just ended, Zelensky issued such an invitation, which also wanted to drive a wedge between China and Russia by letting China participate in the meeting!

However, it is clear that the US and Western schemes will not succeed, and China will not participate in a "security conference" that has no sense of fairness and justice. Therefore, the calculations of the United States and the West will eventually come to naught, and Zelensky's moral kidnapping and attempts to smear China will not succeed!

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