
The team of Professor Shannong Ding Xinhua has developed a new method for extracting ocystospores from Phytophthora soybean with high yield and high purity

author:Frontiers of Plant Science

Phytophthora soybean is a soil-borne oovitry pathogen that can infect soybean during any growing season and is one of the main factors limiting soybean yield. The large-scale epidemic of Phytophthora soybean is mainly due to the persistence of oospores and diseased residues in the soil. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of oospore formation is key to effective control of the disease. However, there are still many shortcomings in the technology of large-scale isolation and extraction of Phytophthora soybean oospores, which greatly limits the research process of the sexual reproduction stage of this pathogen. Therefore. There is an urgent need for the development of new oospore extraction methods to facilitate the study of the sexual reproductive stage of Phytophthora soybean.

2024年5月,Plant Methods上线了山东农业大学丁新华教授课题组题为“A Novel Method for Extraction of High Purity and High Production Phytophthora sojae Oospores”的研究论文,开发了一种高效、可靠的大豆疫霉卵孢子提取方法。

The team of Professor Shannong Ding Xinhua has developed a new method for extracting ocystospores from Phytophthora soybean with high yield and high purity

In this study, an efficient and reliable method for extracting Phytophthora soybean oospore was proposed by optimizing the culture conditions and extraction process of Phytophthora soybean oospores. The new method can obtain higher yield and higher purity of Phytophthora soybean oospores than the traditional method, which provides reliable experimental materials for further study of the pathogenic and sexual reproduction related mechanisms of Phytophthora soybean, thereby improving the practicability and reproducibility of downstream applications. In addition, the oospores extracted by this method maintained their high survival rate and germination rate, and had good pathogenicity and strong application value.

The team of Professor Shannong Ding Xinhua has developed a new method for extracting ocystospores from Phytophthora soybean with high yield and high purity

Fig.1 Oospore extraction method and effect

The team of Professor Shannong Ding Xinhua has developed a new method for extracting ocystospores from Phytophthora soybean with high yield and high purity

Fig.2 The oospores were highly viable and pathogenic

The method proposed in this study to extract Phytophthora soybean oospores effectively obtained oospores with high purity, activity and pathogenicity. The improvement of oospore extraction technology will promote the study of the sexual reproductive mechanism of Phytophthora soybean and provide innovative and effective methods for the management of oomycete diseases.

Chu Xiaomeng, a master's student from the College of Plant Protection of Shandong Agricultural University, is the first author of the paper, and Professor Ding Xinhua, Associate Professor Li Yang and Associate Professor Zhao Haipeng of the College of Plant Protection of Shandong Agricultural University are the co-corresponding authors of the paper. The research was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System of Shandong Province, and the Taishan Scholars Program.

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The team of Professor Shannong Ding Xinhua has developed a new method for extracting ocystospores from Phytophthora soybean with high yield and high purity

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