
Municipal Military Rest House No. 2: Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Low-carbon Life

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

In order to widely carry out publicity and education on energy conservation and carbon reduction, and further promote the formation of a green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. On May 17, the Second Military Retirement Institute of Xiangyang City and Xiaojiatai Community jointly carried out the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week activities.

Municipal Military Rest House No. 2: Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Low-carbon Life

Focusing on the theme of "Green Transformation, Energy Conservation", the event actively organized cadres and employees to focus on learning the "Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on Energy Conservation in Public Institutions" and other relevant laws and regulations, watched the live broadcast of the 2024 National Energy Conservation Publicity Week on energy conservation and carbon reduction in public institutions, discussed and exchanged energy conservation activities, and called on cadres and employees to go green, save energy and reduce emissions, and practice low-carbon life with practical actions. Through the production of exhibition boards, hanging banners to create a strong atmosphere of energy-saving publicity activities, widely printed and distributed publicity materials, explained in detail to the masses the importance of green travel and the relevant knowledge of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and further guided community residents to strengthen the concept of ecological priority, energy conservation and environmental protection, green and low-carbon development, enhance the awareness of energy conservation and carbon reduction, and establish the idea of saving from little things and starting from small things.

Municipal Military Rest House No. 2: Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Low-carbon Life

Through this activity, the public's understanding of energy conservation and carbon reduction was further deepened, and the residents in the jurisdiction felt the responsibilities and obligations of energy conservation and emission reduction, green and low-carbon.

Municipal Military Rest House No. 2: Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Low-carbon Life

Next, the Second Municipal Military Retirement Institute will continue to be committed to promoting green and low-carbon development, deepening the work of energy conservation and carbon reduction, and helping the construction of ecological civilization with practical actions.

(Reproduced without permission)

Source: Xiangyang Rong Media Center Economic Life Channel

Reporter: Xie Xuefei | Correspondent: Liu Xuerui

Braided hair: Liu Peng | Editor: Li Lan

Editor-in-charge: He Wen | Review: Huang Chao

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