
Why did they become popular overnight?

author:Mood exploration
Why did they become popular overnight?

In the era of self-media, there is often a phenomenon of Internet celebrities becoming popular overnight. For example, Guo Youcai became popular with a song "Promise", and his fans rose by 5 million overnight. Jiusheng exploded on the Internet with a crying and mourning version of "Love is Deep as the Sea" and became a million-dollar Internet celebrity anchor overnight. Miss Henan's young lady Dali Lun just shouted: Great Wall cannon! Exploded the Internet overnight. Great Wall Motors even sent a Great Wall cannon directly to her. In the era of self-media, there are many, many Internet celebrities who have become famous overnight like this.

Compared with Internet celebrities in the era of self-media, it is much more difficult for celebrities in the traditional sense to become famous. Coat brother Zhu Zhiwen was born with a good voice. However, the era in which he lived did not have self-media, and there was no noble person to guide him, so he could only rely on his amazing perseverance to practice the basic skills of singing day after day. It wasn't until more than 20 years later that he became famous because of an audition. Since then, Brother Coat has become popular all over the country.

Why did they become popular overnight?

The overnight explosion phenomenon in the era of self-media makes people feel that becoming a star seems to be an easy thing. As long as you have a little specialty, you may become popular on the Internet overnight and will reap a huge fortune as a result. As a result, many people have followed suit. Is the road to fame in the era of self-media really wider and easier to walk than the road to fame in the traditional sense? How do you look at the phenomenon of self-media anchors becoming popular overnight? Today, Mood Jun will talk to you about this topic.

The ancients said that one minute on the stage is ten years of work off the stage. It is said that if a person wants to get ahead, it is impossible to succeed without a deep and solid foundation. It's like a big tree in nature. To flourish, it must be deeply rooted. However, Internet celebrities in the era of self-media often can become popular on the whole Internet with just one look, one action, one sentence or one song. This seems to be contrary to the traditional way of success.

Why did they become popular overnight?

Why is it so easy for people in the era of self-media to become famous? In fact, the success of Internet celebrities does not mean that the traditional way of success is outdated, but that people in this era are too impetuous and chaotic. The fast-paced life no longer allows people to calm down and carefully feel the laws behind things, and many times people just live by feeling.

The overnight popularity of self-media Internet celebrities is because their works resonate with the impetuous mentality of the public in an instant, so everyone quickly paid attention to them in a short period of time. And when everyone's mentality changes, the attention will naturally shift to other things, and the popularity of Internet celebrities will slowly recede. Due to the fast pace of life in modern society, people's hearts are generally impetuous. Therefore, Internet celebrities often become popular overnight, and then they are quickly forgotten.

Why did they become popular overnight?

Success in the traditional sense refers to success once and for all. Because they have gone through too many setbacks and trials before they succeed. When they accumulate enough experience and wisdom, success is a natural thing. Their success is long-lasting, steady. It won't be forgotten quickly because of a change in people's mindset. And the overnight fame of Internet celebrities is only because their works accidentally hit people's resonance points, and when people's mentality changes, the works of Internet celebrities will become unattended and quickly forgotten.

The rapid fame of self-media Internet celebrities has made many young people follow suit, and they also hope to become famous as easily as Internet celebrities. In fact, it's an impetuous state of mind. The success of anything is inseparable from the hard work in the early stage. Before a seed can break through the ground and germinate, it must be brewed in the dark soil for a long time before it has the strength to break through the soil. The same is true of human success. Blindly ignoring the early efforts and only thinking about easily becoming popular overnight is completely delusional. Even if you succeed by chance, you will be quickly forgotten or fail because of the trivialities of life. Therefore, no matter how you are a person or a worker, you should pay attention to accumulation, and you can't rush for quick success. That's the way to long-term success.