
520 Greetings

author:A complete collection of holiday greetings
520 Greetings

  1, 520 I love you, love you for a long time!

  2. On May 20th, I love you, miss you, bless you today, and love you every moment.

  3, 520 I love you, a heart that loves you, please be clear!

  4. Like you, don't talk sweetly, think about you, don't talk flatteringly, love you, don't deceive words. 520 I love you, dear drop, in this life you are my only one, and I have only one heart for you.

  5. I will pester you for the rest of my life, and I will not escape from all difficulties and dangers. Whether you're right or not, it's all up to you. Regardless of the reality of the ruthless society, take your hands and walk forward, willing to be tired for your heartbreak, haggard for you, drunk for you, and wait for your life without regrets. 520 I love you until ever!

  6. Some people are destined to disappear into the years, some things are destined to be buried in memory, some love is destined to be immersed in honey, and some love is destined to be confessed in the mouth. 520 Cyber Valentine's Day, love your heart is here with me.

  7, love is the gold under the man's knees, and love is the daughter of Su Jin. Love is Erhai Cangshan, and love is the water and stones. Love is a life that goes on and on, so the best glue in the world is called "520".

  8, Liang Zhuhua butterfly love sincerely. Love and hate, the song is full of affection. On the bank of the Wujiang River, Chu sang, and Xiang Yu Yu was moved. Li Zhiyi, the head of the Yangtze River, drinks the Yangtze River water with you. There is Liu Yong on the willow bank, and the wind and the waning moon put people and so on. You and I are destined to be together, and we will never leave in this life and this life. 520, I love you.

  9. Confess boldly, rather be a scoundrel, true love is like the sea, act quickly, be open-minded, no one is to blame, spring flowers are blooming, love is fierce, the sky is high and the earth is far away, irreplaceable. 520, quickly confess to your beloved TA.

  10. Dear husband, when there is no you, the color is single, when there is no you, the food is tasteless, and when there is no you, I am hollow. 520 I love you, this sentence I will silently recite a hundred times a day in my heart, no, a thousand, and it is not enough, countless times.

  11. On Valentine's Day, I would like to make a fish, let you boil, boil, steam, and then lie in your gentle stomach. Happy Valentine's Day on 520 Cyber!

  12. "520" is the blessing of my life, "520" is my promise to you, "520" is the voice of my heart, no matter whether you are rich or poor, no matter whether you are sick or healthy, this life is "520"!

  13. 13:14 on May 20 is a romantic moment! Meaning: I love you for the rest of my life. In this magical moment, the person who receives the text message will be happy for a lifetime. The person who forwards will extend the happiness!

  14. I hope you are happy with you, I hope you are happy, I hope you are carefree, I hope you are auspicious, 520 I love you, my friend, I wish you all the best and be happy every day.

  15. May 20 is so romantic. Internet Valentine's Day, love lasts forever, 520 confession day, hand in hand from life to life. SMS hurriedly send wishes, may your love be sweet and sweet every day.

  16. Falling in love with you is my true heart; With you, happy and happy; Take care of you, everything goes well; Bless you, always comfortable; On May 20th, I love you, I love you all my life, and I want to protect you all my life.

  17, love at first sight, I have been looking forward to it for a long time; A smile is beautiful to hold hands; A hug is destined to stay together; A heartfelt voice, said today, 520 I love you, grow old together, love forever!

  18. Today is May 20th, and I want to send you 9 words: "No, far, one, change, love, me, life, eternity, you". Can you send them back to me in one sentence? May 20 I love you.

  19, I miss you, tears have come out of my eyes; A sentence I will accompany you, warmth spreads in my heart; A sentence I love you, a passionate volcano is erupting. 520 I love you, and I am willing to accompany you for the rest of my life without regrets!

  20. Love is wine, and it is drunk before it is drunk; Love is poetry, and it is beautiful to read; Love is picturesque, how many springs and summers have passed; Love is the tower, and all happiness is contained. 520 Confession Day, I wish you sweet love.

  21. Make your heart into a kite, paint it full of happiness, tie it with love silk, and fly it to the sky of love on the 520 confession day, bringing true affection and deep blessings to your beloved. May you love more happily.

  22. Without you, I am so lonely, and my empty days are wasted; I miss you, I'm so sad, I sing love songs at night; 5.20 I love you, I love you, I am so happy, and my love is like fire. Infatuation doesn't change my promise!

  23. Love no more, no less, happiness is good; The love is not salty or light, and the sweetness is just right; Love is neither deep nor shallow, cherish the best; Love is not reduced or added, and the heart is good! 520, I love you, I want to love you endlessly!

  24. Love makes people beautiful, love makes people considerate, love makes people cute, and love makes people mature. May 20th I Love You Day, friend, and I hope you will be the happiest and happiest person in the world!

  25. If there are only ten minutes left in the world, I will recall the wind and rain with you; If there were only three minutes left in the world, I would kiss you; If there was only one minute left in the world, I would say I love you 60 times. 5.20, I love you!

  26. I miss you, just because you are my concern; I miss you, because I don't forget your long flowing hair; Dreaming of you is completely the sublimation of daytime; Loving you is the expression of my heart's true feelings. May 20th Love Your Heart Waiting to Check!

  27, you and I are not gorgeous but romantic encounters; You and I are a continuation of a happy past life; Me and you are a beautiful youth idol drama that even Sunshine is unwilling to stop! 5.20 I love you!

  28. Open the door of love with sincerity, wait for my god of love with perseverance, invite love with tenderness, save my soul with love, 5.20 I love you day, longing for happiness warming, please accept my love!

  29. The true love is flowing in the paragraphs, just lingering for you; True love is surging all the time, just fermenting for you; The true meaning is germinating at all times, just for your nostalgia; Really beating in the puff, just for your lovesickness. 520 I love you, to eternity!

  30. No matter crying or laughing, there is your hug; No matter in or out, you have to rely on; No matter the end of the world or the cape, you will accompany me to old age, dear, 5.20 I love you, may you be happy and enjoy the world.

  31. The Valentine's Festival is coming, you and I are dating, in the world of two, I wish you to wander more, spend the festival happily, and enjoy the future comfortably. Happy 520!

  32. With you in this life, I am willing to bear with you no matter how much suffering I have; With you in this life, no matter how tired I am, I am willing to share it with you; Meeting you in this life is the fate of the previous life and the destiny of this life. 520 I love you, this love will never change in this life!

  33. I will not break my word about your love, but will only postpone it; I will not talk about you, but will only stretch; Love for you will not be whispered, forever. Dear 520 is not far away, my love for you will always be in my heart in this life!

  34. The happiness index is 520 percent today, who in the world is happy with me, because you are blessed; I also want you to be as beautiful, send you happiness for a lifetime, it's not enough to say that I love you, and 520 will never leave for a lifetime.

  35. Open the door of love with sincerity, wait for my god of love with perseverance, invite love with tenderness, save my soul with love, May 20 I love you day, desire happiness warmed, please accept my love!

  36. Use your smile, your eyes, your words, and your actions to let your lover know that you love him (her), cherish everything you have now, and say "I love you" out loud today, May 20th!

  37. In the vast sea of people, your smile warms me; In the world, I am not alone with you; When struggling and fighting, with your help, I will not be afraid of difficulties; 520 I love you, we want to move forward sweetly.

  38. Send you a text message: I want to love you for a lifetime, make you happy and happy for a lifetime, enjoy a lifetime, enjoy a lifetime, be healthy and safe for a lifetime, and be happy for a lifetime. 520, I love you, I love you unchanged, heaven and earth can be learned!

  39. May 20: Early in the morning, I sent three text messages in a row to greet you; At noon, I sent three text messages in a row to greet you; In the evening, I sent three text messages in a row to greet you. Dear: Three-three-nine-nine = long life = long and long I love you!

  40. Love is the waiting of "a step forward, a little bit to the dawn"; Love is the emotion of "caring for each other without words, only a thousand tears"; Love is infatuation, love is tenderness, May 20 I love you day, may love forever in your chest.

  41. The days with you are sweet, the moments with you are wonderful, the joy of taking you into your arms, the happiness of keeping you for a lifetime, 520 I love you, I just want to give you a lifetime of love with sincerity, a lifetime of love, I love you!

  42. Today's 520, for your love, set a coordinate: 5 degrees east longitude, 20 degrees north latitude, and 520 degrees of synthesis; For your love, set a temperature: 100 degrees Fahrenheit; For your love, set a tolerance: how big the heart is, how much I love you.

  43. I am a small boat, and I have been drifting until the day I meet you, and I finally understand that the place where you are is my shore. 520 Confession Day, may you promise me to be by your side forever.

  44. Love does not wither because of spring and autumn, does not wither because of the passage of time, does not change because of the vicissitudes of life, and does not change because of real life. 520 I love you, express a true and pure love: I love you, all the time!

  45. Love is like a holy temple, not allowed to be desecrated or dirty, love is not wishful thinking, but the collision of two hearts, love you does not necessarily have you, love can be a quiet appreciation. On May 20th, I confessed my love, and I secretly loved you without discussion.

  46. In fact, you are very ugly, and people are not gentle; In fact, you are very stupid and speak out of proportion; In fact, you are very stupid and do things in a hurry; But I love you, and your flaws are beautiful! I love you on May 20th, I know my heart, I really love you!

  47. Today is a day full of love "520" - I love you. Ready to confess to your sweetheart? It is a solemn promise to love you for the rest of your life. Bless the world's lovers to eventually become married. With love in the heart, happiness is no longer far away.

  48. On May 20, I love you, and it is my blessing to let happiness overflow in your smile; Let the rose petals stain your beauty, it is my wish; It is my heart to let text messages accompany you every day. I wish you happiness, happiness, beauty and sweetness.

  49. Thinking of you is my "living habit"; Dreaming of you is my "wish before going to bed"; Loving you is my "willingness"; Marrying you is my "love expectation". May 20th I love you, darling, would you like to marry me?

  50. When you walk past me, can you not be in a hurry, the leaves are sprinkled on your hair, can you let me take them off for you, those winds that blow you, can you borrow some breath from me, smell your smell, "520".

  51. You are the star in my eyes, the brightest one, touching my heart; You are the flower in my heart, the most beautiful one, just what I want; You are my brain seed fairy, the most beautiful one, so become my wife, 5.20 I love you, dear I wish you a happy day!

  52. Loving you is not overnight, I just want to protect you for the rest of my life; Loving you is not a day or two, I just want to take care of you for the rest of my life; Loving you is not today and tomorrow, I just want to be by your side forever. 5.20 I love you, you are the concern of my life, eternal love!

  53. Please open your mobile phone gently, please read the information slowly, please quietly open your smile, please miss me every day. The romantic festival is coming, my love is in the drip, I wish you a happy 520 festival!

  54. Maybe I can't write down the romance of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son" in this life, but I must silently pray that you have a happy blue sky, and wishing for love is a kind of dedication, but also a continuation of love! Happy 520!

  55. When you arrive, why don't you hurry up and admit your mistakes to me? Who let you invade my inner realm without authorization, occupy my longing heights for no reason, make me feel anxious for no reason, and ask me to spend 520 together?

  56. The raindrops knock on the window, the wind blows away the dreams, only your appearance is still wandering in your mind. The night is quiet, the moon is long, and half of your life is frivolous, just to embrace you and soar together on the road of life. 520 is coming, bless and miss you.

  57. The bird said, if you don't laugh, it will fly away. The flower said, if you are sad, it will wither. The water says, "If you grieve, it will dry up." I said, for the sake of you and me, you must keep a happy mood, happy 520 festivals.

  58. I heard that on 520, lovers say to each other I love you on this day, and they will not be separated in the coming year 520, and if they say it every year, they will never be separated. I love you, my dear! Happy 520!

  59. At 520 o'clock last year, the galaxy was as bright as day. Walk to the market and hold hands with your partner. At 520 o'clock this year, the night is still cool. The beauty is next to her, and the veins are holding the sleeves. 520 Festival, bless friends!

  60, 520 arrives, good mood, my blessing to say hello. 520 arrives, good luck surrounds, sweet love comes to report. 520 to, happy smile, good life to accompany.

  61. On the night of 520, facing the bright moon, I solemnly made my wish: I want to love you forever! Happy 520 Festival!

  62. It's almost there. I really wish you: someone misses you every minute and every second; Someone loves you every moment and every moment; Someone cares about you every moment of every day; Someone to accompany you every day of the month; Someone loves you every month of the year! Happy 520!

  63, add a time limit to hurt you: a lifetime, add a time limit to keep you: a lifetime, add a time limit to love you is: a lifetime, add a time limit to love you is: 10,000 years, 520 I love you, dear I love you forever, may you smile and be happy.

  64. Your special thing is: a smile, all your troubles are gone. A hug, crying is also glory. A light kiss, noisy ignore to remove, a 520, and nothing can be compared.

  65. Send and receive short messages. The true love number is not confidential, and I am with you. Intimate lover 520, I will hold you in the vast sea of people. Love started a party, romantic men and women me and you!

  66, 520 confession day, if you don't confess at this time, when will you confess. Give her two choices, either you marry her or she marries you. 520 spread your love, may your love be sweet forever.

  67. Blessings build castles, words bloom roses, greetings exude sweetness, and the New Year touches wonderful. In the new year, I wish you love, a happy journey throughout the year, and happiness remains. 520 Happy Valentine's Day.

  68. That time they met, they were concerned about each other, and they fell in love with each other forever. You and I walked hand in hand, walked the red carpet, drank the wine of happiness, intoxicating sweetness. 520 I love you, hand in hand, heart to heart, to wish together: 10,000 years of happiness!

  69. Gently hold you and feel the good delivery. Looking at you silently, I feel the tacit understanding of each other. Quietly care for you and feel the beauty of love. 520 I love you, thank you for this love that makes my life more meaningful, love you forever.

  70. Your happiness is my watch, your smile is the most appreciative to me, and your side is the place I want to stop the most. Your love is my desire. 520 I love you, and I am destined to be crazy for you in this life!

  71. You are with you on the road to happiness, you are with you in a happy life, you are with you in difficult moments, and you are there in sweet moments. 520, I love you, I love you and never separate, I only wish you happiness and worry-free, health and peace!

  72, I miss you, and there are ripples in my heart. I love you, and I will never regret it. A sentence I accompany you, gentle and sweet only for you. I love you and will protect you for the rest of my life. 520 I love you day, build a happy future for you with sincerity!

  73. Romantic poems are only read for you, sweet movements are only interpreted for you, touching love words are only told for you, sincere love is only waiting for you, 520 I love you, I love you, and I am willing to create a lifetime of happiness for you!

  74. The next life is very long, because I don't necessarily meet you. This life is very short, because I have you with me. Although the text message is short, it is not full of emotions and expectations. 520 Day Saying: Honey, I miss you!

  75. Worry about what you think and the flowers in your dreams. Take what you think, day after day. Keep what you are guarding and guarding the true affection for the rest of your life. Put what you love, destined for me to love you. 520 I love you, love your heart, bloom because of you!

  76. Make love into a kite, paint it full of happiness, tie it with love silk, and fly it to the sky of love on the 520 confession day, bringing true affection and deep blessings to your beloved. May you love more happily.

  77. There is more love care, illness escapes, more happiness in love, more troubles thrown away, more happiness in love, sweeter life, more health in love, unlimited life, 520 I love you, I confess to you today and vow not to abandon this life, I wish you health, peace, happiness and worry-free.

  78. I love you point after point, but I can't part. Love you day after day, lingering a little sweet. Love you year after year, happy and blessed. 520 days are coming, love you sentence after sentence, and tell your heart!

  79. When you meet, you are destined to know each other and fall in love. Lovesick and destined to go on a blind date. Holding each other, destined to cherish and love each other. 520 I love you, and I wish to be with you forever and ever!

  80, I am destined to meet you in this life, I am looking forward to you all the time, I miss you every minute and every second, I always want to be with you, 520 shouted I love you, vowed to carry this love to the end, keep you in my heart, and never be separated for the rest of my life.

  81. Everyone's fate is different, and the time of love will be long, only by doing my best, what I can do is: I will let my love accompany you to grow old slowly. 520, Happy Holidays!

  82. Even if you are crazier than Hibiscus, you still think about it all the time, and you still love you every day. 520, gods and horses are all floating clouds, only love you is the most powerful!

  83. Although the days are ordinary, life is wrapped in sweet and sour. Although holding hands is simple, love is also entangled. I only wish to be with you from generation to generation, only to the head full of green silk and white hair. 520, I love you.

  84. After a little activity, I was sincere, happy and lively. The sincerity was enlivened, and the sweetness was activated. I made use of my heart, and my love was full of vitality. Captured alive sincerity, you have become a living treasure, 5.20 I love you, dear, may you live a wonderful and happy life!

  85. In the country of love, there is no boundless loneliness, and flowers are used to convey my heart. In the harbor of love, there is no difference in loneliness, illuminate my mood with the moon. 520, I love you, let's wander happily in the world of love together!

  86. I miss you all the time, I want to see you day and night, cherish and cherish the fate to pursue you, come to you in the wind and fire, sweat and tears do not complain about you; Willingly for you, you are needed on the road of love; Take care of you for the rest of your life, 520 I love you, and I will love you forever!

  87. Falling in love with you is like the smiling face of the sun on a rainy day, happy and bright. Falling in love with you is like the arc of the rainbow after the rain, full of beauty. Falling in love with you is like the gentleness of a love song duet, romantic all the way, 520 I love you, baby, you are mine, be happy!

  88. There have been countless dreams, and there are you in each dream; There have been countless feelings, and there are you in each feeling; There have been countless memories, and there are you in every memory. 520 I love you, hand in hand, always together.

  89. I want you to be in every night with stars; Remembering your happy moments in every moment; I hope you think of you every time you think about you; Love you in every second between breaths. Online Valentine's Day, love you in the bottom of my heart!

  On 90 and 520 confession days, I will send you 520 roses to warm you with romance; Send you 520 drops of fine wine and let the sweetness intoxicate you; I want to send you 520 points of courage, and I hope you will use romance, sweetness and courage to harvest the surprise of love.

  91. I can't eat in the morning because I miss you; I can't eat at noon because I miss you even more; I can't eat at night because I miss you madly; I couldn't sleep at night because ...... I am hungry. 520 Happy Valentine's Day...

  92, I embrace you in the sun, so that you will no longer be sad; Happy me infects you and makes you smile often; I am motivated to hold you, let us work together for happiness; I who love you accompanies you and makes you happy and happy forever. 520 I love you, and may we be together forever.

  93. There is no time limit for loving you, three hundred and sixty-five days a year; There is no geographical limit to love you, and the ends of the earth will love you forever; I don't need to hide my love for you, I want all people to see the sweetness of our love. 520 I love you, let our love last forever.

  94. I want to say: Don't stay for a short time, as long as you are accompanied by you for a lifetime; I want to say that I hope that the last thing I see before going to bed is you, and when I wake up, I see you too; I want to say, whether in this life or in the next, all I want is you. 520 "I love you" day, just today to tell you, really, I love you.

  95. I want to use one word to describe your beauty, but I am afraid that the words will not reach the meaning; I want to sing your good with a song, but I'm worried that it won't be expressive enough; So I can only use all my love to express my deep attachment to you in this life! 520 I love you!

  96. The sky is long-lasting; The earth is eternal; Love is intoxicating; Attachment is obsessive; True love is hard to give up; Commitment is sincere; You are the only one. 520 I Love You Day, you must know: I really love you and want to receive happily.

  97, 520 I love you, you say one I say one, you say left I go left, you scold me and I don't fight back, you beat me and I don't fight back, the wallet will always be handed over to you. Send a text message to show determination, dear I love you.

  98, if you are not careful, on May 20th, it is the most cost-effective to break love and break love, it is the most possible to love each other, it is the most reasonable to love the house and Wu, and it is the most cost-effective to love single-mindedly. 520, it doesn't make sense to love you, please be me!

  99. If you are the sea, I would like to turn into a beach and let you kiss my face every day, if you are a migratory bird, I would like to turn into your wings to accompany you to fly south and north, if you are a young bud, I would like to turn into a big tree to shelter you from the wind and rain, 520, I want to say to you: I love you!

  100. When there is true love between two people, they will not take into account the problem of age, economic conditions, beauty and ugliness of appearance, height and shortness, and other external irrelevant factors. 520, I love you!

  101. The kite is stranded on a cloudy day, and I miss it and are still waiting for rescue, so I pull the line to review the tenderness you gave. 520, I love you!

  102. Love, this is not a heart to beat another heart, but a spark of two hearts colliding together. 520, I love you!

  103. If there are only 10 minutes left in the world, I will recall the ups and downs with you; If there were only 3 minutes left in the world, I would kiss you affectionately; If there was only 1 minute left in the world, I would say I love you 60 times. 520, I love you!

  104. Before, I didn't know there was still you in this world. Later, I looked for you in this world. Now, I have decided to love only you for the rest of my life. Happy 520!

520 Greetings

  105. Who said that being single is not good, love is precious, and the price of freedom is higher, if you die for singleness, both can be thrown. Happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  106, cute, or 520 festivals a year. I don't know how many chocolates I've given you, but I know what to do! Can I switch to slimming tea this year?

  107. If I love you, I will hold your hand tightly and prevent you from disappearing from my life; Thinking of you is the responsibility of my life, and I have to complete it with all my life; My dear, I wish you a happy 520! A lifetime of happiness.

  108. There is a meteor shower in the sky, that is my gift to you, all of them are my love, watch the starry sky and look forward to the star shower, count the falling stars and make a wish. I wish my friends a safe trip, a smile and a soft heart, and 520 happy!

  109. Time needs to be allocated, and so does love. No matter how busy you are, you should also distribute it reasonably and leave an empty seat for the person you love in your heart. On 520 Confession Day, don't forget to drink water and be full of love, and remember to say hello to your beloved.

  110. I deliberately collected the first ray of sunshine of 520, put it into my mobile phone, and sent it to you as WeChat. I hope that you can feel my warm blessings when you receive this fresh WeChat: you must be happy!

  111. Acquaintance is the most precious fate; Concern is the most sincere heartbeat; Missing is the most beautiful mood; Greetings are the most beautiful language. I send you all my beautiful blessings in my long life, I wish you a happy 520!

  112. Read it and you owe me a kiss; Remove it you owe me a hug; Store it you owe me a date; If you reply that you owe me everything; If you don't reply, you're mine, 520 has arrived, I wish love sweet!

  113, the lingering twilight is almost familiar; Indescribable words, a little attachment; endless love, a little lovesickness; Endless love words, a few lingering. 520 bright moon fax love, I only wish to have you always accompany. Love you forever!

  114, there is a trace of concern, can not be seen twice, tossing and turning, only wish the four seas to be peaceful, which think five more difficult to sleep, but six intestines miss, finally meet the 520 festival, blessings from all directions, frankly reveal the nine tripod mantra, want to become a perfect family!

  115, summer has gone, autumn is coming, the weather is cool, add more clothes, today is in the summer, greet softly, let friendship warm your heart; Sincere wishes, let the text message spread my friendship: happy summer, 520 fun!

  116. I am water and you are clay, and together you shape the world into heaven and earth, and then break into pieces in the sun, and you and I refuse to grow old in the fragments. Happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  117. People who don't have a partner are always hurt mercilessly on the day of 520.

  118, Su Yao Some people say "love and hatred": next to love is hate, and next to love is hate and sorrow. But I'm going to help you change it to "love love love", so that next to love stands love, and next to love is full of love. 520, may you love wonderfully.

  119. Guess what day it is? Today is certainly a good day. Suitable for flowering before and under the moon; Suitable for willow tips on the moon, people about after dusk; It's good to talk about love, talk about love! 520 Cyber Valentine's Day, Let's go on a date today!

  120. As soon as I see you, my fiery red heart beats uncontrollably, and when I don't see you, I can't sleep well; As soon as I saw you, my fiery red face unconsciously smiled, and as soon as I didn't see you, I couldn't take the medicine. Hey, I love you hopelessly, only you are my antidote. 520 I love you! I want to see you every day!

  121. Send you roses, love is sweeter; Send you thoughts, care in your heart; Send you blessings, happiness and beauty; Send you wishes and happiness every day; 520 I love you, take care of you all my life, and accompany you in the wilderness.

  122. If I love you, I will give you my heart, and every piece is your land; If I love you, I will always follow you, step by step; If I love you, I will always care about you, whether it is day or in my dreams. 520 I love you, you are everything to me, and I am willing to be with you forever!

  123. Thank you wife! Thank you for choosing me, a poor boy who has nothing, and thank you for everything you have done for me, for my son, and for our family! Whether rich or poor, in this life, we are destined to walk together. If a woman is a flower, you are the most beautiful one in the depths of my heart. All my life, just for me. 520, I love your wife!

  124. I will give you a diamond ring of true love, and I wish you to be happy forever by your side; Send you a bouquet of sweet roses, may you stay with your love, romance and true feelings; Send you a good luck sailboat, may love be smooth sailing, true love will never change, 520 I love you, give you a lifetime of joy and happiness.

  125. The simplest love is that the arrow of the god of love is shot accurately and impartially; The most beautiful love is that no matter how the years change, never give up; The most fascinating love is nothing more than ten fingers interlocked, without words. I love you on May 20th, and the most romantic thing is to walk hand in hand with you through the ancient times.

  126. Fall in love with flowers and listen to the sound of flowers; Love ancient books and look at the dust of history; Falling in love with you, happiness is engraved into the annual ring, happiness knocks on the door every day, and life becomes new. Thank you for giving me this cup of sweetness of love, and life can be nourished. 520, I love you, happy, my love forever.

  127, sweet words and bells and whistles, I won't say, I love you will only show with actions, 520 I love you, I will do my best to do three things for you: don't lie to you, don't hurt you, and never abandon you!

  128, a love word, the face is cloudy; A piece of affection, wet mist covers the green tiles; Warm eyes, shameful crescent moon on the horizon; Snuggled up to each other, and the green silk was dyed into white hair. 520 Internet Valentine's Day, may happiness be for you, and love will embrace the world.

  129. Store the love for you in the sunshine, so that every corner knows that I love you, store the love for you in the moonlight, feel the tenderness and sweetness of loving you every night, and put the love in the starlight, so that you can't count them in this life, 520 I love you, may you be happy and boundless.

  130. Confiding in your heart makes love fragrant, and confiding in love makes love intoxicating. 520 Love You Day, tell a hope, express a tenderness, convey a beauty, and move a heart. May you reap the happiness of love and deduce the romance of love!

  131. You are my air day and night, you are the meaning of my life, from you to my world, everything you have is more important than my life, when I am troubled, you send laughter, when I am happy, you make me feel happier, dear, baby, 520, I love you!

  132. I would like to be a cloud, floating quietly in front of your window, shielding you from the scorching sun. I would like to be a drop of rain that flows slowly through your eaves and washes away the dirt for you. "520" day, I don't need your arms, I just want to say that I love you to old age.

  133. Thousands of rivers and mountains can't stop the footsteps of longing, and the passage of time can't wipe out my love for you. Our lives are uneventful, and our days are peaceful. But I never regret that there is no oath of the sea and stones, and there is no test of ups and downs. Every bit of life is the beautiful nostalgia of my life. 520 I love you, as long as I breathe, love will never change!

  134. Send blessings sincerely, I wish you happiness forever, love you wholeheartedly and love you, life and life will never change, sincerely accompany you, accompany you every spring, summer, autumn and winter, 520 I love you, love you forever happy and healthy.

  135. With your company, I am not alone; With your encouragement, I am not cowardly; With your hug, I'm not cold; I am lucky to have your love. 520 Honey, I love you forever!

  136. I want to hold your hand and walk to the stage of love; I want to laugh with you and enjoy the favor of Eros; I want to hold your shoulders and touch the surging in the depths of my heart; I want to kiss your lips and become the master of love together. 520 has arrived, love you without regrets!

  137. If you love me, give me your hand, "hold the hand of the son, and grow old with it"; If you love me, give me your heart, "heart to heart, never abandon"; If you love me, give me sorrow, "share the wind and rain, and share the sorrow". 520 I love you, my dear, my heart tells you: I love you, I want to give you all the happiness and happiness in the world, so that your eyes can see the eternal smile of spring.

  138. There is no need for too many alliances, and companionship is the best commitment. 520 I love you!

  139. Unforgettable shyness when you first met, unforgettable heartbeat when holding hands, unforgettable warmth when hugging each other, and unforgettable sweetness when you kiss for the first time. The wind and rain experienced with you have become romantic, and the scenery that you have seen with you is so nostalgic. 520 I love you and love you forever!

  140. Hold your hand calmly, sing romantic love songs, and dance gentle dance steps. The happiness in my heart is indescribable, and the happiness in my eyes sparkles. The White Snake Xu Immortal is just a legend, and my heart for you is far more than that. 520 I love you, and I use my life to fulfill my promise!

  141. On that day, the shy you suddenly broke into sight; In that month, the smart you always lingered in the heart; That year, the gentle you flowed in your heart. Borrow 520 a day to tell my life's wish: death and life are broad, and Zicheng said. Hold the hand of the son, and grow old with the son.

  142, no matter how annoying it is, I have you by my side; No matter how bitter it is, I have you by my side; No matter how tired you are, there are you with you. 520, I love you, show my heart, make love, my dear, I want to love you forever and love you for a lifetime!

  143. Whew, it is a breath of relaxation because of your smile; Inhale, in order to feel the air infected by your happiness. They say that life is breathing in and out. I realized that my life is for you. 520 confession: I really love you.

  144, 520 happy bus has stopped, please bring your good mood on the bus, the next stop is the lucky road, passengers who get off the bus please be ready to collect all the good luck, the terminal of this bus is the happiness pavilion, all the people who take will get happiness!

  145. Valentine's Day all kinds of love to gather, enthusiasm is hidden in flowers, affectionate sticking in candy, warmth is soaked in wine, tenderness is melted in the true heart, pure love is only given to one person, love dominates all walks of life, send a good mood for the holiday, I wish you a happy 520 Valentine's Day

  146. There is a smile in your face, warmth in your words, care in your actions, and affection in your eyes. 520 I love you, let the sincere love be released, let the delicate love flow freely, and let the fiery heart confess: I love you!

  The 147 and 520 festivals are very special, and I love you to be brave enough to say it. Don't forget your father and mother, love your wife and husband, buy gifts for your children, and don't forget to send blessings to your friends. Love family, love and friendship everywhere, and happiness will come to you from time to time!

  148, the warbler song and swallow dance in pairs, lingering and playing butterflies follow closely. The flowers are blooming and delicate, and the mandarin ducks playing in the water are lingering. You and I are not separated from each other, holding hands and gazing as sweet as honey. Affectionate embrace, true love for a lifetime. 520 I love you.

  149, I don't see you, I really miss you, I often have you in my dreams, in my heart, only you, sincerely, for you, a heart, handed over to you, just because, I like you, in a word, tell you, 520, I love you.

  150. The man who loves his family loves more care, the disease escapes, the joy of love is more, the troubles are far away, the happiness of love is more, the life is sweet, the health of love is more, and the life is infinite, 520 I love you, I confess to you today and swear that I will not abandon you in this life, I wish you health, peace, happiness and worry-free.

  151. Take love as the center, paint a true heart that loves you, brush the color of happiness to show sincerity, paint a sweet border to appreciate the heart, send it to your heart, I wish you joy, I love you on May 20, you are the focus of my life, dear to be happy every day.

  152, I really want to crush the happiness together, so that the sweetness lasts for centuries; I really want to light up the joy of being together, and let the light of happiness illuminate the search for the next life. Honey, 520 I love you, it's so good to love like that!

  153. I think you are so tired that I have drunk for you alone; Life is busy and tired, and I really want to sleep peacefully; It's so hard to love someone, you don't have to care about right and wrong; Gods and horses are all floating clouds, 520 I love you, this is my vow!

  154. I have spent my whole life taking care of you, I am used to taking care of you, I am no longer lonely with you on the long road, and I will accompany you to watch the sunset and sunrise every day. I'm used to taking your hand for a walk, you have my hot temperature in the palm of your hand, I don't care about the ups and downs, I will be by your side and spend it with you! 520 I love you, love you, love you, cherish you and cherish you is my favorite thing to do in this life!

  155, meeting you is fate; With mini, the sky is destined; In love with you, rest assured; Fall in love with you, forever. 5.20, I love you, I will love you, accompany you for a lifetime, I only wish you happiness, health and peace!

  156, the romantic dance steps for you to dance, the sweet smile for you, the joyful mood for you, the simple emotions for you, the real love for you, the sweet love words to you: 520 I love you!

  157. Forgive me for telling your mobile phone number to a stranger, his name is Cupid, and he wants to help me tell you: I like you in my heart, I care about you in my heart, and I wait for you in my heart. 520 Valentine's Day, accept my love!

  158. In the days without you, I feel lonely in the downtown area; Without you, the scorching sun can't drive away the cold in my heart; Without you, even the smallest room seems empty; Without you, even the most delicious dishes will taste like chewing wax. May 20th I love you! May we never be separated from each other!

  159. Accompany you through the mountains and rivers, not tired, just to smile at your mouth; Accompany you through joys and sorrows, no regrets, just to be able to move your tears. Happy you are the most beautiful in my heart. 520 days, I love you.

  160. Meeting friends with words, silence is better than sound. A note of ink rhyme is covered with the deep footprints of talented people, and a wisp of spring breeze ripples the smile that everyone pays attention to, such as carrying half a volume of poetry and painting. Today's light red dust, wash away the dust of the years, and enjoy the Tang wind and Song rain here? Watch the common progress of friends from afar. Happy 520!

  161. Beautiful dreams, like beautiful poems, are both encounterable but unattainable. I really like that kind of dream, knowing that you have traveled thousands of miles for me, but I feel that the grass is delicious, as if you and I have just met for the first time! Happy 520!

  162. Living in this colorful world, no one is isolated, and everyone has friends. Because they are friends, there are also differences in gender, age, education, and occupation, which are real and cannot be changed. Since they are friends, they should be equal and respect each other. Happy 520!

  163. Love is zero degree ice, friendship is zero degree water, maybe we are the best ice-water mixture. After coming together, it heats up and turns into the water of friendship; Cool down and form the ice of love. lukewarm, is the ambiguity of love and friendship. Happy 520!

  164. I deeply understand how much time it took and how many difficulties you overcame to achieve the results you have in front of you. Please believe that in your pursuit, hard work and hard work, I will always stand by your side with a smile on my face. Happy 520!

  165. I love you only once, and that is in this life; I love you only for a lifetime, and that is for a lifetime; I love you, there is only one way, and that is destiny. Today is May 20th and I still love you!

  166. It is romantic to help each other until the old love remains unchanged. Dead heart is not greedy, it is sweet. Respect each other is satisfaction. Living up to one's old age is happiness. 520 I love you, my dear, you are the treasure I hold in the palm of my hand, may you be happy and happy.

  167. Without you, "one minute is too long". With you, "a hundred years is too short". Because of you, all the troubles are gone, and because of you, happiness is sweet. 520 I love you, I don't want to have it, I just want to live forever!

  168, 520 confession day, romantic days to write romantic verses, you sentence by sentence, sentence by sentence I say I love you. Hide your love in text messages, you and me, and there will always be a lot of love.

  169. I love you in my heart, and your warmth and coldness are my concerns. I love you every day, and your figure fills my sight. I love you year after year, let the sea become mulberry, this heart will be forever. 520 I love you, a heart that loves you, please be wise!

  170. Don't be estranged because you're busy, don't be cold because you don't connect, your joys, sorrows, and joys are cold and warm, always in your heart. 520 Confession Day of Love, sincere blessings to you.

  171. With you, the rain is so romantic, with you, the sun is so bright, with you, even the wind is so gentle, with you, my heart is overflowing with warmth all the time. 520 I love you, I only wish that this life is only to hold you, and we will walk together every minute and every second.

  172. I am your mirror, you are happy and I am happy. I am your right hand, and you have me to have it. I am your heart worm, and I am happy when I know you and you understand. 520 to, may the dear happiness and happiness every day, and the happiness and luck will never end.

  173. Baby: Recently, I have a toothache, because I often miss you at night, it feels so sweet, it will cause tooth decay. 520, I wish you happiness!

  174. If time is a repetitive love, I will love you for a lifetime, if time is a real love, I will love you for a lifetime, my world time passes, and my heart that loves you beats wildly, 520, I love you!

  175. No matter whether you hate or love, bitter or happy, I will leave the warmest place in my heart to you, as long as you knock on the door, I will embrace you in my arms, because 520 I love you.

  176, love only flowers bloom for you, blooming with tenderness, accompany you through the glitz of a lifetime, the tree of true love is lush for you, rich and affectionate, accompany you through the hustle and bustle of a lifetime, 520 I love you, love you for a lifetime, I am willing to take your hand to the white head, give you a lifetime of happiness and sweetness!

  177. There is a kind of love that is silent, waiting for you to put on a cloak when you are cold. There is a kind of love that depends on life and death, and it is destined to never leave in this life. May 20th, I Love You Day, this kind of love I want to give the most in this life is you!

  178, looking at you, my eyes are full of happiness, thinking of you, full of sweetness, hugging you, my face is full of wishes, guarding you, my heart is full of happiness, 520 I love you, my heart is full of you, I love you so much, I am willing to accompany you to the white head!

  179, 520 come to confess more, say more good things and benefits, miss you love you sweetly, send text messages to bless more, happy mood and good luck, happy life and happiness, may dear good luck a lot, health a lot, the most important thing is: I love you a lot, haha, I love you on May 20th!

  180. Today, May 20, I will set a coordinate for my love for you: 5 degrees east longitude, 20 degrees north latitude, and 520 degrees of synthesis. For your love, set a temperature: 100 degrees Fahrenheit. For your love, set a tolerance: how big the heart is, how much I love you.

  181. I have a beautiful wish: to meet you at 5.20, hold your hand tightly, watch the stars rise and fall together, listen to the rain and the wind together, and start our romantic love journey. Will you help me make my wish come true?

  182, how much youth is left in the hand, how much torment is left in the miss, time is long and the youth is getting old, when I think of your smile, leaving the lines of youth, your world is wishing to be good. On May 20th, are you willing to create a better future with me?

  183. True love is invincible, let us always be together. Infatuation and selflessness make you and I know each other with one heart. Love is speechless, and the mandarin ducks in the water are envious. I love you the most, and I think about your happiness. Love, love is accompanied by no distance! 520, loving you is what I am saying, loving you is what I keep doing!

  184. No matter the wind or rain, I have my arms to protect you. No matter how the stars change, my heart will guard you. No matter how the years change, there is my love that will never give up, 5.20 I love you, baby I love you very thoroughly, I wish you happiness!

  185. With you on the way forward, I am no longer lonely and lonely. With you, the ordinary life has a taste of sweetness and happiness. With you on the way to work, step by step you will be promoted and take off. 520, I love you, I want to love you for the rest of my life!

  186. When I met by chance, my heart was moved, and I blew the bamboo flute wind under the moon from then on, and I was no longer afraid of wind and rain, and the mountains and rivers were heavy. With you, spring is shining. Without you, the ground is red. 520 days, I love you.

  187. Recalling the shyness and courage of falling in love in the past, I can't forget the romantic scene of hugging and kissing when I got married, remembering the innocent and happy face when chatting in the boat on the winding path of the arched bridge, and thinking of decades of ups and downs and hard work to achieve a career. 5.20 I love you: love as always.

  188. Love is the Garden of Eden of Happiness, full of joy and warmth; The truth cannot be guessed, guessed, or complained; 520 I love you day, please declare your declaration of love, and wish the beautiful love to be fulfilled today.

  189, a sweet word, the happiness of love, a piece of honey, the health and peace of love, the warmth of each other, the sweet romance of love, 520 I love you, may happiness stay for you, may you love more happily, 520 I love you and wish you health and happiness.

  190, 520 I love you, hold you in the palm of my hand, and take care of you; Plant you in your heart and love you; Imprint you in my mind and miss you; Send you a text message and bless you; I wish you all the best, youth and beauty.

  191. Love is so magical, love is so mysterious, it invisibly entangles you and me, and pours out love to rely on you. True love travels through time and space, and the pulse is affectionate and long-term, and love will be sweet and sweet when we meet. 520 I love you, and I love you every minute.

  192. The love for you will not change regardless of the weather or the weather; The love for you, no matter how dry the sea and the rocks will always exist; May 20th, I Love You Day, please take a look at my growing area, and you will understand that I am willing to wait for your love with a persistent attitude.

  193, today is "520", I draw you in my heart: Daimei is intentionally charming, Sakura is speechless and very affectionate, the powder face is smiling shallowly, the autumn wave is looking forward to the deep meaning, the hundred knots are soft and elegant, and the heart is clear and exquisite. Miss you.

  194. Sometimes, fate seems to be too little, which inevitably makes people anxious. Sometimes, happiness is often late, and it is inevitable to doubt yourself. In fact, love is there, waiting to be opened. On May 20th, with a nervous heart, say I love you.

  195. Dedicate tenderness to you and give you boundless sweetness; Wrap romance and give you happiness; With thoughtfulness and gentleness, touch your heart; On May 20th, I love you, and I just want to give you boundless warmth in this life, so that you can smile softly and sweetly!

  196. Your specialness lies in: a smile, all troubles are gone; A hug, crying is also glory; A light kiss, noisy ignore to remove, a 520, and nothing can be compared.

  197. When I met by chance, my heart was moved, and the bamboo flute wind under the moon blew from then on, and I was no longer afraid of ups and downs, and the mountains and rivers were heavy. With you, spring is shining; Without you, the ground is red. 520 days, I love you.

  198. Although the days are ordinary, life is wrapped in sweet and sour; Although holding hands is simple, love is also entangled; I only wish to be with you from generation to generation, only to the head full of green silk and white hair. 520, I love you.

  199. I love you. Let you know that from now on you are not alone, and I will be by your side every day. Let you experience the warmth of two hearts hugging each other tightly from now on. Let you understand that from now on you have one more me, a me who misses and cares about you day and night. Give me a chance, and I will let you experience the sweetness of love and the happiness of life. 520, I love you, I love you all my life.

  200, 520 I love you, love your warm smile, love your unobedient trouble, love your pure and kind eyes, love your uncomplaining follow, no matter how far the road is, we walk together, joy and happiness are also with us. My dear, I love you, let's walk together, slowly to the end of the world.

  201, Love Confession Day, I just want to say to you: "I don't love you, it's impossible"; "I don't care about you, it's unreasonable"; "I miss you, it's a matter of course"; "I love you, it's meant to be". 520 I love you, love you, love you, cherish you, love you, for a lifetime!

  202. Love is to love earth-shattering, love to love to cry ghosts, love to love to change the color of heaven and earth, love to love unpredictable. 520 Confession Day, may you love chicly, love happy, love happy, and be happy.

  203. No matter the ends of the world, as long as you need me, I will fly back to you. Online Valentine's Day, let you and me be happy together.

  204. Pure blessings, pure wishes, strong joy, and strong love. The overflowing floral fragrance and rich chocolate bring me a strong greeting, happy Valentine's Day on the Internet.

  205, today 520, confess my love: I love your clear and bright eyes, I love your smile like a spring flower, I love your gentle and demure steps, I love your willful and lovely nature. My dear, let me spoil you for a lifetime, love you for a lifetime, and love you for a lifetime!

  206. There is no rain, and spring is lifeless; There is no light, and the night is dark; There are no flowers, and the summer is so sluggish; Without you, life would be very boring. 520, I love you, no one loves you like to do so, hold your hand, together forever.

  207. Loving you is from the moment you are given roses when you are in love, protecting you from when you are pregnant and pregnant in October, hating you from the time you start a family, you ignore your body and take care of my life and daily life, which is the root of many diseases that you fall on. 520 I love you, love you for the rest of my life without regrets.

  208, sing romantic love songs, release sweet tenderness, dance enthusiastic spicy dances, render sincere emotions, write a lifetime of love, wait for a lifetime of love, 520 I love you, love you for a lifetime!

  209, 520 is a beautiful day. I don't have earth-shattering declarations of love, and I don't have a sea of dry love. But, I want to tell you: I love you more than the last second! Happy to you!

  210, 520 Valentine's Day: I write love in words, I leave love between the lines, I give roses to holiness, I express true love to true feelings. I love you and wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

  211, without you, one minute, too long; With you, 10,000 years, too short. Rolling red dust, a lot of trouble; The years are long, how melancholy. Because of you, the disturbance is gone, and the melancholy disappears. 520 confession day, this life is for you.

  212, happiness multiplies, joy becomes a length, happiness is red, happiness never stops, don't say I'm a gust of wind, love you, I'm willing to roll into a whirlpool, let you lie in my arms, set off a lifetime of turbulence, turbulent. 520 I love you, love by my side, love in my dreams.

  213. I think you're so tired that I've drunk for you alone. Life is busy and tired, and I really want to sleep peacefully. It's so hard to love someone, you don't have to care about right and wrong. Gods and horses are all floating clouds, 520 I love you, this is my vow!

  214. Today, there are two words written on the calendar - romance. There are two words written in the air - sweetness. There are two words written on the heart - confession. There are two words written on the phone - blessings. On May 20th, Romance 520, I wish you happiness

  215, time goes and never looks back, youth is short and not long, love for a lifetime without sorrow, separation and concern do not let go, love is beautiful and flowing, I miss it all the time, 520 I love you, I love you for a lifetime!

  216. I want to be the brush in your hand and compose the true meaning of happiness with you. I want to be the guiding light in your dark night, guarding you forever. 520 just wants to tell you that it is you who loves you in this life.

  217. If you are thirsty, you need to replenish water, and if you are hungry, you need to eat in time. Sleepy and sleepy, go to bed on time, and remember to find a companion when lonely. It is a kind of fate to meet, and it is natural to love you. You ask how deep love is, until the sea withers and the rocks rot. 520, I love you!

  218. There is a kind of love that is "silent", waiting for you to put on a cloak when you are cold. There is a kind of love that is "dependent on life and death", and it is destined to never leave in this life. 5.20 I love you day, this kind of love I want to give the most in this life is you!

  219. Thinking stupidly and tying a knot in my heart. Silly reminiscing, staying in the season of acquaintance. Your shadow has become the protagonist in my eyes. 520 Love You Day, greetings are expectations, but also concerns, may you be happier every day.

  220. The roses reflect your gentle cheeks, and the shyness adorns my beautiful love. Each piece of Feihong conveys my lingering thoughts, and this kind of concern warms your little expectations. Holding the hand of the son and holding the son, this is our unchanging promise, and our love for the world can be learned. 5.20, I love you forever and forever

  221. Love at first sight, two true hearts, trust each other, love each other, heart to heart, take a photo with you, don't talk about separation, perennial lovesickness, old age, pilgrimage, heart and soul. On May 20th, I want to say, I love you.

  222. I love you because you always make me happy. I love you because you always make me happy. I love you because you always make me excited. 520 I love you unswervingly!

  223. If the frog hadn't turned into a prince, if the princess hadn't woken up, if the little mermaid hadn't turned into a bubble, would I still believe in love? Believe! 520, I wish you happiness! Because you're still on my side. In the vast sea of people, navigate by your name. On a bleak cold night, hold your name for warmth. A long life, travel with your name.

  224. I want you to be in every night with stars. Remember your happy moments in every moment. I hope you think about you every time you think about you. Love you in every second between breaths. Online Valentine's Day, love you in the bottom of my heart!

  225. The heart that loves you is very sweet, the power of loving you is amazing, and the days of loving you are very pleasant. If you love you, I have to tell you! 520, I love you! I want to be with you! Life and life are not separated!

  226. Huhuhu—It is the sound of the wind blowing. Bang Bang Bang – is the sound of a stream flowing. Buzz – is the sound of bees. Pounding – the sound of my heartbeat. I love you — is the voice of the text message, 520 waiting for you to love me!

  227, the love is true, earnest, when will a piece of lovesickness rest, and the moon is bright and people leaning on the building. Love, thought, love until when to rest, unless the water flows backwards. 520 confession day, this life is for you.

  228. With your company, I am not alone. With your encouragement, I am not cowardly. With your hug, I'm not cold. With your love, I am lucky, dear, 520 I love you forever.

  229. The four seasons change, the head turns to the stars, and the friendship saves little by little. The water of the Yellow River, the sky is coming, and the heart is really rushing. My world is you, 520 is the only love for you, this life is inseparable, the writing legend of the love story.

  230. Falling in love with you is my true heart. Have you, be happy, take care of you, and everything goes well. Bless you and always be comfortable. 520, I love you, I love you all my life, and I want to protect you all my life.

  231. You are the sun, and I am the earth revolving around you, taking care of you all my life. You are the moon, and I am the star beside you, guarding you for the rest of your life. 520, I love you, love you for the rest of my life!

  232. A deep blessing, a kind care, a beautiful melody, and a special cup of love coffee! Dedicated to your beloved one, 520 I love you, I wish you all the best for a lifetime!

  233. On May 20, I love you, I love you, I don't stop at words, some are ordinary actions, thirsty, sweet springs handed to you, sleepy, covered clothes for you, cold, scarves for you, they all silently whispered to you: I love you.

  234. I didn't miss you very much, but when I woke up in the morning, I saw if there were any messages and missed calls from you; I didn't miss you very much, I just turned your call into a ringtone; I didn't miss you very much, but when I was listening to a song, I was hit by a certain lyric, and all that came to my mind was you; I didn't miss you very much, I just wanted to send a message today to tell you how much I love you. 520 Confession Day, love you all the time!

  235, 520 I love you day bless you, love at first sight like you, hug you without saying a word, three lives are sweet words to be happy with you, four seasons of health and peace for you, five auspicious ways shroud you, 520 I love you, love you and never give up, may you be happy every day.

  236. On May 20, I love you, and the text message expresses my heart to you: every word is true, and every word is solid. I love you wholeheartedly, love you wholeheartedly, miss you wholeheartedly, sincerely and sincerely infatuate with you, and never leave you. Love you all your life as sweet as honey!

  237. In the early morning, I call you in the sun; When it gets dark, I'm waiting for you in the smoke; When winter comes, I will wait for you in the snow; When spring comes, I will wait for you among the flowers; When the wind blows, I wait for you at the door of the house; When it rains, I'll wait for you under the eaves. When you're tired, I'll give you a hug; I'm bored, I'll make you smile. May 20th, because I love you, I would like to stay with you until I grow old in the dull years.

  238, falling in love with you, has a beautiful story; Thinking of you, there are tender verses; Tired, my shoulders let you lean; In contrast, the shyness on your face is full of sweetness. 520 confession day, I have a deep affection for you, and I often contact you!

  239. If the mountain is an obstacle to loving you, I will cut it off; If water is an obstacle to loving you, I'll blot it dry. 520 I love you, true love can overcome all obstacles, happiness is the eternal expectation of love!

  240. I usually have a lot of things, I am in a bad mood, my life is troubled, I am always unhappy, I want to think about you, I want to miss you, I want to love you, I want to hold you, I think of you, I am so happy, I am happy, I love you, I am so sweet, 520 to, for happiness, send a text message, say I love you.

  241. If love is busy, I would like to be your spinning top; If love is a passbook, I would like to be your bank; If love is happiness, I would like to be your pistachio; If love is a rose, I would like to be your rose garden. 520 I love you! Love to the end, never regret!

  242, firewood, rice, oil and salt, plain and bland, what can't be faint is sweetness; Flowers bloom and fall, faces pass away, and what never changes is the oath; Time flies, the white horse flies, and it is love that lasts for a long time; On 520 Confession Day, I swear: I love you for the rest of my life!

  243. I love you three words, it only takes three seconds to say it, three hours to explain, but it takes a lifetime to prove. 520 I love you, I am willing to die without complaint or regret to love you for the rest of my life!

  244. Your sweet smile attracted my attention; Thou hast whispered a whisper that has drunk my ears; Your presence haunts my heart. 520 I love you, in this life and this life, I only want to enter your heart!

  245, Liuli Heart 520 today, text message to convey my love. It is my blessing to marry you; It is my duty to love you; It is my duty to protect you; It is my luck to take care of you; It is my happiness to accompany you. My dear, I love you forever and ever!

  246. I love your heart, like a rushing wave crashing on the shore, and the waves turn the sky; I love you, like a thousand threads, gentle and lingering; I love your heart, like a pleasant spring scene, warm and splendid; 520 I love your feelings, like a sweet wind and rain, stretching!

  247, a hundred flowers are charming, it is the payment of spring; High-rise buildings are lined up, watered by sweat; The warmth of home is your dedication; You are the fulcrum of my life, and on the occasion of the advent of 520, I will say to you: My love, I will love you for the rest of my life!

  248. The sun and the moon shine together, and the earth has day and night; When green leaves and flowers coexist, the world has a colorful color; When men and women are together, the family will be warm and happy. 520 I love you, I am willing to hold your little hand tightly, love you and never let go!

  249. An arrow pierces the heart, and the two hearts are imprinted; has a deep love, and won the hearts of the two; A love comes true, and the two families get married; Accompany each other for a lifetime, and hold hands tightly together. Loving you is a heart with two doors, one for you and one for me. 520, I love you, darling, be happy.

  250. Your companionship warms the lonely season, the joy of my dreams is the commemoration of all our dreams, all the parting for the day of reunion, but the tears are hidden in the palms of the hands, our songs let every moment stay, next to my left hand is your right hand, I have always been around you. 520 I love you and wish you eternal happiness.

  251, Yuxin has experienced some setbacks and gained some insight. Save a point of operation, a point of morality. Learn a point to retreat, and add a point to broad. One cent cheaper. Go for a point of luxury, a point of less sin. Add a point of thoughtfulness, more friendship. 520 I love you day, may you be a little more happy, and a little more wishful.

  252. Warm care, feel more cordial; Strong love, haunting the heart; Deep affection, deep love; Foolish and foolish, never give up; trickling true feelings, flowing to their heart's content; A true oath resounding in the sky: 520 I love you, I love you to the heart!

  253. I love you, love your past, love your past; I love you, I love your innocence, I love your smiling face; I love you, I love your humor, I love your laid-back. Haha, dear friend, 520 I love you, good wishes to you!

  254. The most romantic power in the world is never abandoned; The gentlest power is single-mindedness; The most powerful force is no regrets; The happiest power is for a lifetime. 520 I love you, the happiest force in the world, is to love you to old age.

  255, Chunyang firewood, rice, oil and salt, plain and bland, what can't be fainted is sweetness; Flowers bloom and fall, faces pass away, and what never changes is the oath; Time flies, the white horse flies, and it is love that lasts for a long time; On 520 Confession Day, I swear: I love you for the rest of my life!

  256. I now know that it is a crime to love you. Just think about it, and think about it; Love is love, and love without regrets; Just read it, and read it into a repeater. 520 Confession Day, I love you hopelessly!

  257. The world is changing, but my love for you remains the same; Life changes, love you stronger. 520 I love you, I choose to confess today, love is affectionate and indescribable, if you are fortunate enough to be favored, I would rather not repent for the rest of my life. Finally, I send my wishes, may you be happy every day, happy and never old!

  258. Hand in hand all the way, wandering through the path of youth, strolling through the silver river beach, walking through the quiet park, there are no regrets only beauty, dear is that you spend every moment of happiness with me, on this special day of 520, I want you to remember forever, I love you.

  259, I love you, love is incurable, die and come alive; You love me, love hopelessly, dead heart; 520 I love you when the day comes, say the confession of love today, I love you with all my heart, I will not be separated in this life and this life, may you be healthy and happy every day.

  260, the blessing of the world, the sweetness of the world of two people, the love of the whole thing, 520, I want to tell you loudly that I love you, even if time passes, but my love is still there, and my world is wonderful with you.

  261. Happy days are accompanied by you, and troubles are never online; Sweet time is to hold hands with you, and happiness meets every day. 520 I love you, may you bend your eyebrows and eyes every day, and be happy every day! Love you forever!

  262. Dedicate tenderness to you boundless sweetness; Wrap romance and give you happiness; With thoughtfulness and gentleness, touch your heart; 520 I love you, I just want to give you boundless warmth in this life, and make you smile soft and sweet!

  263. I am your mirror, you are happy and I am happy; I am your right hand, and you have me to have it; I am your heart worm, and I am happy when I know you and you understand. 520 to, may the dear happiness and happiness every day, and the happiness and luck will never end.

  264, a love poem, the charm is not gone; A love song, lingering; A love affair is unforgettable; A lifetime of waiting, wind and rain unchanged; 520 I love you, my dear, I love you for the rest of my life!

  265. I love you, I love you, I don't necessarily be together every day, but I can always think about you; I love you, I love you, I don't have to mention it all the time, but I can always keep it in my heart. I love you, I love you, I must think of you every day, but I rarely tell you; I love you, I love you, I must think of you every day, but I rarely inform you. But today 520 I love you and I'm going to say it out loud to you!

  266, love you all your life and never get tired of being plain, take care of you never get tired of health and peace, wait for you to be happy and happy without abandonment, 520 I love you, confess to you today, never abandon in life and life, may you be happy and beautiful.

  267. Missing you is my habit of life; Dreaming of you is my bedtime wish; It is my willingness to love you; Marrying you is my greatest expectation. Today, May 20th, I want to say out loud: 520, I love you!

  268. Make your heart into a kite, paint it full of happiness, tie it with love silk, and fly it to the sky of love at 520, bringing true affection and deep blessings to your beloved. May you love more happily.

  269, I love you, I haven't stopped, the wandering moon sailed out in the sea of love, wetting my eyes full of vicissitudes. I love you, I have never stopped, so I will open last night's dream, light up a moonlight, and read you with hazy tears. Love is the 520 red line, which connects you and my hearts forever.

  270, dear, 520 I love you day, let me send you three surprises: let my life confirm that I will treat you well; Let text messages be sent every day to confirm that I miss you; Let the candlelit dinner be a testament to the fact that I love you. I wish you more and more beautiful and auspicious.

  271, fate let me meet you, I am blessed to have you, thank God for giving you, I am willing to protect you for the rest of my life, send text messages to express my heart, love you and never abandon you, the earth is desolate to accompany you, I will always love you in this life and this life, 520 I love you, I wish you happiness and good luck.

  272. There is a kind of love that is silent, waiting for you to put on a cloak when you are cold; There is a kind of love that depends on life and death, and it is destined to never leave in this life. 520 I love you day, this kind of love I want to give the most in this life is you!

  273. Compose a song with happiness and wish you all the best; Write a song with happiness and wish you a lot of good luck; Write a poem with true love and love you for a lifetime; 520 I love you, I wish you all the best, youth and beauty.

  274. Today is May 20th, and I want to send you 9 words: No, Far, One, Change, Love, I, Life, Eternity, You. Can you send them back to me in one sentence? 520, I love you.

  275. When the text message is sent, when the bell rings, the eyes are full of smiles. Love is self-exuding, a wisp of true love, and happiness at both ends. This love will never go away, it is my heart and your brow. 520, I love you, to eternity.

  276. I miss you, just because you are my concern; I miss you, because I don't forget your long flowing hair; Dreaming of you is completely the sublimation of daytime; Loving you is the expression of my heart's true feelings. 520, the heart of love for you is waiting to be checked!

  277. Set off a thousand waves in your heart, and each layer of ripples is written I love you, and the overlapping infatuation is enough to see for 10,000 years, so that you will be firmly trapped in the whirlpool of love. 520 I love you, love the cause I will make it the most beautiful.

  278, in the vast sea of people, acquaintance by fate; Flowers bloom and fall, love each other because of love; In the long years, waiting for love; 520 Confession Day, dear, I love you forever!

  279, a sentence I love you, love you to the end of the world, a sentence I love you, love you to the ends of the earth, a sentence I love you, love you to the end of the dusk, a sentence I love you, love you to grow old together, 520, hold the executioner, to eternity.

  280. In fact, you are very ugly, and people are not gentle; In fact, you are very stupid and speak out of proportion; In fact, you are very stupid and do things in a hurry; But I love you, and your flaws are beautiful! 520 I love you, I know my heart, I really love you!

  281. Because I love you, you are extremely beautiful; Because I love you, I am happy and sweet; Because I love you, you are smart and clever; Because I love you, I'm all over the place! 520 I love you, I love you silly, enjoy the thick sweetness!

  282. In those countless sleepless nights, all I missed were you; In those countless nights of dreaming, it was you in the dream; In that countless fantasy worlds, all I thought of was you; 520, I hope you will give me a chance to tell you that I love you, I want you to be in and out of my dreams, and I will take care of you for the rest of my life.

  283, true love is heartfelt, red is better than fire, and true heart is flawless and green is like blue; Hand in hand to enjoy the evening of the maple forest and witness the true love Mayday; Confusion is confused into reminiscence, and the sad past has been lost; I am willing to accompany you to the moonlight and love you until the white clouds. 520 I love you, dear, may you be happy, well-being, and happy!

  284. After a little activity, I was sincere and happy; The sincerity was enlivened, and the sweetness was activated; made use of the heart, and the love was vibrant; Capture the sincerity alive, you have become a living treasure, 520 I love you, dear, may you live a wonderful and happy life!

  285. Tell you quietly that I have become a captive of love. Cupid's arrow has struck me, and you have entered my heart. Believe me, my dear, love you with a heart that will never regret it. 520 I love you, love you until you are old!

  286. You are very important in my heart, that is, no matter how heavy you are, I want it too; You are very dangerous in my heart, even if it is a big risk to love you, I want it too. 520, because I love you, I need you.

  287, life is so good, because of you, there is so much happiness, because you are here, sometimes noisy, temper tantrums, and then I think about it, I am so wrong, 520 to, for happiness, say love to you, the mood is so good.

  288. There is a kind of love called life and death, there is a kind of pursuit of unswerving, there is a feeling called heart-to-heart, and there is a lover called confidant! 520 I love you, I love you sincerely in my heart, and I love you thousands of times!

  289, love is difficult to renew, just because of you, it is boring to take off the beauty on your shoulder; The heart does not change, and people do not give up, just because of you, pick up happiness and let go of sorrow; I still love you in my heart, true love stands up to the sky, 520 I love you, dear, I love you in this life and never give up, I wish you happiness every day.

  290. Meeting you is the fate of my life; Falling in love with you is the luck of my life; Holding you is the joy of my life; Caring for you is the destiny of my life. 520 I love you, and having you by your side in this life is the happiness of my life.

  291, 520 today, text message brings my love. No matter how ordinary the days are, because you spend them together, there is also a taste. No matter how ordinary life is, because of your participation, it is also wonderful and interesting. No matter how long the journey is, because of your company, it is easy and not tired. If I had to choose again, I would still choose you. My dear, I love you with no regrets in my life, forever.

  292, if I love you, I will think about you, if I love you, I will praise you, if I love you, I will hug you, I want you to love you, I miss you is my responsibility, I want you to love you, I am obligatory, I have the right to listen to you and accompany you, 520, I love you, send a text message to greet you, may my dear always be happy.

  293, 520 is the blessing of my life, 520 is my promise to you, 520 is the voice of my heart, no matter whether you are rich or poor, no matter whether you are sick or healthy, 520 in this life!

  294, flowers because of the green leaves dotted life colorful, the sky because of the white clouds floating through life leisurely, my life because of your appearance and wonderful, usually hide love in the heart, usually bury love in the dark, usually send love between the words, 520 I am saying to you loudly, dear I will always love you.

  295. You are a landscape, with all kinds of beautiful changes; You are a cup of flower tea, refreshing and fragrant; You are an umbrella, and romance accompanies you through thick and thin. 520 I love you, you are the love of my life!

  296. On the special day of 520 I love you, special love is given to special you, and special blessings are given to special love. May you, whom I love, always be happy; May our love always be sweet and sweet!

  297. I have five senses, my eyes look at you, my ears listen to you, my nose sniffs you, my mouth kisses you, my eyebrows blink at you, I have two lives, I will accompany you in this life, I will cherish you in the next life, my life is zero trouble, because you appear in the world I live in. 520, I love you, I miss you, I bless you today, I love you every moment.

  298. The mountain and the water cling to each other, the water hugs the shoulders of the mountain, the mountain holds the hand of the water, the mountain and the water will always accompany each other, the mountain will wither without water, and the water will be lonely without the mountain. 520 I love you, I want to be a mountain, may you be water!

  299, my tenderness is like water, and I will always surround you; My affection is like mellow, and it will always trap you; Your smile is like a flower, which makes me happy home; Your laughter is like a chime, and it makes me obsessed. 520, I love you, I love you without separation in this life, sweet and sweet!

  300. The second we met, love made my face feverish; The moment we met, love knocked on the door of my heart; The moment we met, love lived in my heart. 520, I want to say to you: Happy days with you, we spend it together through thick and thin!

  301, 520 I love you, text messages on behalf of my heart, every word is infatuated, punctuation with love, this life is only devoted to you, my love is sincere, I hope to get your heart, from now on we work together, forever and forever happy!

  302, I love you, so it will rain and people will cry, and you are blamed for being born a tragedy and looking bizarre. I love you, so the stars are moving, the moonlight is blurred, you are still happy to say that you are an idiot, and there is mud in your brain. Haha, 520 I love you, send a text message to tease you, may your friends be happy, 520 happy!

  303, the true feelings of the paragraphs are flowing, the sweet smiles are blooming, the romance is dancing, the deep love is being staged, the beautiful happiness is brewing, and the true confession is pouring out: 520 I love you forever!

  304. Stick to this love, don't forget the promise made, you and I will be in love with the spring, swim hand in hand along the river of love, the blue sky dresses us up, the white clouds cheer for us, the green bank is a symbol of our love, and the heart of love is always blazing. 520 I love you and want to be with you every moment of life, holding hands and loving you unlimitedly!

  305, your charming face is the lily of the spring breeze; Your tolerant character is the benchmark for me to move forward; You stand yourself as a stone, it is a promise of love, in countless frustrated days, you are my harbor, my only attachment; My love, 520 for a lifetime!

  306. Wholeheartedly, I wish you all the best; For a lifetime, I will always love you and love you; Day by your side, year by your side; Every minute and second, send blessings and beauty; 520 I love you, dear I will always love you.

  307, a total of umbrellas, we hold hands in the light rain and are romantic; On the same bike, we share happiness under the sun. 520, I love you, compose the music of love for you, you and I share the sweetness of love.

  308. I buy firewood, rice and oil, and you buy sauce and vinegar tea. Guarding a home every day, one less word of love. This love never ends, this love never changes. Thank you for being like my heart and resonating with the wings of love. 520, I love you, make up for my love words, and enjoy your love flowers.

  309, a concerned heart, galloping towards you; A persistent love is like a shadow; In the pursuit of true love, I will be resolute; Stick to the camp of happiness for you; 520 I love you, love your heart always runs, never stops!

  310, 520 I love you has come, if someone comes to look for it, don't let it slip away, observe carefully and don't miss it, seize the opportunity to grasp it, and wait for the good news to report. I wish my friends all the best, happy and trouble-free!

  311, it's 520 Valentine's Day again, I'll send you a play, and you sing the main melody; I want to say I love you, but I don't have the courage; Don't be pretended, you will definitely work hard; If you agree, my heart is sweet. If we can join hands, we can go together today!

  312, I love you, I love you more than myself, with you, my mood is more overflowing; With you, my smile is cocoon; With you, my life is alive. 520 I love you and be together for the rest of your life!

  313. If love is a drop of water in the sea, I would like to become the vast sea. If I love you, a speck of dust in the boundless desert, I will become the unchanging desert. If I love you as a star in the vast universe, how I wish I could be the vast universe. 520—I love you, maybe I'm still just me, but I still love you for the rest of my life.

  314. In life, I met your love, and it was romantic and colorful; In life, with your love, it is not so sweet; In life, with your company, and happy; In the days, with your attention, and shine. 520 I love you, witness the oath of eternity: I love you, this love is unswerving, let the sea wither and rot; This love remains the same, let the world be desolate!

  315. There are hot poems in the thick diary, and there are lingering feelings in the hot poems, and there are our stories in the lingering love. 520, I wish you happiness every day, every minute of youth and beauty, every second of happiness and happiness, 520 happy!

  316, the ancient road west wind thin horse, the sun sets, the broken intestine is waiting for your call! Happy Valentine's Day 520, dear!

  317, 520 today, there is nothing to send, just send a few people who like to show affection, leave my circle of friends.

  318, the road of happiness is endless happiness, I hope to have you. The road of life is good luck to hand in hand, hope for you. The road of love is sweet to permanent, I hope it is you. 520 I love you, on the road of life, I just want to hold hands with you!

  319. With you on the way forward, I am no longer lonely and lonely; With you in ordinary life, sweet happiness has a taste; With you on the way to work, step by step you will be promoted and take off. 520, I love you, I want to love you for the rest of my life!

  320, 520 Love You Day, tell an expectation, express a tenderness, convey a perfection, and move a heart.

  321. I miss you, just because you are my concern; I miss you, because I don't forget your long flowing hair; Dreaming of you, completely daylight? Chinese; Loving you is the expression of my heart's true feelings. Whoever holds my hand will accompany me in this life. 520 I love you! Love to the end, never regret!

  322, because of you in my heart, and my heart is full of joy, the flowers are happy, because of you in my eyes, and my eyebrows and smiles are open, every trace is affection, life is because of you, and the sunshine is a piece of sweetness, 520 I love you, I love you so much, I am willing to join hands with you to share a white head!

  323. Valentine's Day is coming, I want to write sweet thoughts on the title page of love, row a happy boat on the river of love, and engrave your name in the thoughts of love. 520 Love You I...

  324. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you to fate for letting us meet. Since I met you, I have already made a lifelong vow in my heart to love you in this life and forever. 520 confession day, I only want to walk hand in hand with you on the long road of life.

  325. Love is a pot of fine wine, and you get drunk when you drink it. Missing, it is a turbulent sea, which easily drowns me. You are a delicate flower, which has already quietly opened in my heart! 520, I love you!

  326. The vast sea of people is like a Gobi Desert, we are the sand in the beach, but having your companionship makes me no longer feel small and lonely. Happy 520!

  327. Friendship is knowing each other, when you need it, you haven't talked about it, friends have come to you. His eyes and heart can read you, and he will hold up your thin arms with his hands. Because of the mood, you will not feel lonely in this world. I can't help but feel that friendship is just as romantic! Happy 520!

  328, you are my gentle harbor; You are my sweet concern; You are the driving force of my struggle; You are the splendor of my life; You are the reason for my happiness. 520, I love you, until I am old, the affection lingers!

  329, your smile intoxicates me, your charm makes me obsessed, your gentleness makes me dependent, 520, I love you, I want to tell you, I love you, I want to love you for the rest of my life, protect you and love you for a lifetime!

  330. With your company, I am not alone; With your encouragement, I am not cowardly; With your hug, I'm not cold; I am lucky to have your love. 520, dear, I love you forever!

  331. I suddenly found that 520 can not only be translated as I love you, but also as my second.

  332. A worried heart runs to you; persistent sensations, such as shadows; Pursue sincere love, I will be vibrant; Stick to the camp of happiness for you; 520 I love you, and my heart that loves you will always run and never stop.

  333, English loves tiger oil, French also brings, Japanese aunt Xi leads the way, North Korean San Lang hi yo, German Yi Xili pulls out brother, on the occasion of May 20th, I just want to say: I love you! It's a native language, you know. This text message is only valid for you, not forwarded!

  334, more than 520 likes, I confessed to him.

  335. No matter how chaotic the heart is, it is always refreshing to clean it with you; No matter how tired my body is, I am still full of vitality with you taking care of me. 520, dear, I love you, even if we are old husbands and wives, I want to remind you on this day, because we love each other, so the future is shining and wonderful!

  336. Every time I see you, I have an inexplicable urge to listen to your breath and kiss your red lips. Guarding with your heart, making a bet with your life, 520 This day I want to say "I love you" to you. Honey, 520 happy!

  337. Loyal and unswerving friendship carries thousands of blessings and countless greetings, with a warm breath, into your heart. 520 I love you, friends are connected all their lives.

  338. The flower language of sunflowers is "love". The legendary beautiful woman, because she couldn't get the love of the sun god Apollo, is willing to become a sunflower to the sun, and she will be persistent and wait all her life! 520 I love you, I would like to be your "sunflower", hand in hand happiness and happiness bloom with you!

  339, I love you, happy auspicious cover, hug you, happy and happy, take care of you, health and safety, wait for you, never leave or give up, bless you, always the most beautiful, 5.20 I love you, the earth is desolate and will not abandon you, love you is my greatest wish.

  340, I want to find someone to tell, tell me about my deep love for you, you don't know that your appearance is my calamity, I can't forget, deep attachment, I just want to hug you in this life and this life, 520 I love you, let us accept this test, love for a lifetime, unswervingly.

  341. One flower blooms and one flower fails, and the only flower in the garden is that you are my true love...... Because you are the most beautiful and splendid, because your world is so lovely! Honey, today is 520 and I'm going to say to you that I love you!

  342. Send you a happy heart and harvest a happy heart; Send you a careful, harvest a thoughtful; Send you a true heart and harvest a heart. 520 I love you, I want to give you an unchanging heart and harvest a happy heart!

  343, 520 I love you, the starry sky, is a sign of my true love, may you understand thoroughly; The moon cage earth, is my sincerity, may you live well, dear, loving you has long become a habit, thinking about you has long become a routine, be happy!

  344. In our youth, we met and got to know each other, how many springs, summers, autumns and winters have accompanied each other, and we have taken care of each other for more than a few long nights, what we do now is not to regret it in the future, because we have chased happiness and seen happiness, 520 I love you, wife, my long life, are you willing to accompany me to go down?

  345, it doesn't make sense if it doesn't hurt you; I don't want you, you are more wronged than Dou E; I can't do it without texting you. Happy 520!

  346. When I met for the first time, you were my thoughts that I couldn't erase; Fate plays tricks, you and I pass by. Even if there is no fate, I am still your loyal friend, and I sincerely wish you a happy 520th day!

  347, like the flow of water for years to flow slowly, it is you who have left me endless thoughts for me to imagine; The old things are rushing like the wind, and it is you who make me sing happily in my full hopes; The rolling red dust has been passing by, and it is the fragrance of flowers that you give me full of eyes. Who helps my arm, it is unparalleled for thousands of years. 520 I love you, today's love finally has a mystery, dear, hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son!

  The moonlight of 348 and 520 is bright and clean, and I pick it with my heart; The stars of 520 are brilliant, and I gaze affectionately; The floral fragrance of 520 is sweet, and I am intoxicated; The blessings of 520 are so pure, I sincerely pass them on. May you be happy 520.

  349. Everything in the world is more beautiful because of affection. The sky is blue because of the sun; The ground is very green because of the spring rains; The sea is very wide because there is wind. I'm so happy because of you! 520 I love you and will never be separated from you for the rest of my life!

  350. Although I once missed the romance with you in the spring, I still vaguely remember the most beautiful fragment you left me, thinking about your sunny and warm in my heart, and silently holding you in my heart, no matter how the seasons change, on the day of the arrival of 520 "I love you", my heart will never change!

  351. Love you with sincerity and make you feel warm. Caring for you with perseverance, so that you can feel the long-term friendship. Take care of you with love and make you feel happy. 520, I love you, may I be sincere and persistent in love, and I will make you happy and infatuated in this life.

  352, 520 is coming, may you take care of your body more, happy and beautiful.

  353. On May 20th, I love you day to confess, there is no earth-shattering declaration of love, there is no love promise that the sea is dry and rotten, but I have a sincere heart, I love you, I love you for the rest of my life, I will never give up, I wish you happiness and beauty.

  354, 520 I love you, I love you all my life, you and I fly like wings, until the sky is wasted and the earth is old, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, I will always love you for the rest of my life, I wish you happiness and happiness.

  355, 520 festivals, I hope you are still an odd number, get off the list as soon as possible; You are already an even number, happy and sweet!

  356. Maybe I don't have a pair of strong arms that I can't let you rely on well, but I will use all my strength. Maybe I don't have a sweet mouth and can't please you at any time, but my life revolves around you. 520, I love you!

  357, meeting you is fate; With mini, the sky is destined; In love with you, rest assured; Like you, forever. 520, I like you, I will like to protect you, accompany you for a lifetime, I only wish you happiness, health and peace!

  358. I love you because you always make me happy. I love you because you just make me happy. I love you because you just make me happy. 520 I love you unswervingly!

  359. Your happiness, I exclusively sponsor it; I bear your worries exclusively; Your love song, I sing it exclusively; Your life, I am the exclusive companion. 520 I love you, I love you only in this life and this life!

  360, 520 confession day, not to mention the sea oath and the mountain alliance, only willing to be sweet and always accompanied. Smile when you receive the blessing, pass on the blessing, and let the happiness continue!

  361. Please cherish every encounter, remember every happiness, worry about every separation, enjoy every romance, bless every love, 520, may there be lovers in the world who will eventually become married, 520 happy.

  362. Thoughts will cross thousands of mountains and rivers to tell you, and love will follow you across the past and the future. We don't have the ingredients that love at first sight, the sweet blends, and the additives. But he has the courage to stay together, and the preparation to grow old. 520, I have been telling you with my actions that I love you.

  363, 520 husband criteria: all income is handed over, housework is actively contracted, everything is reported for instructions, everywhere is clear, all entertainment is pushed away, overtime is canceled, gifts are of high grade, romantic atmosphere is created, and the wife is happy!

  364. It takes a minute to meet someone, it only takes an hour to like someone, and it takes a day to fall in love with someone, but it will take a lifetime for me to forget you! Happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  365. Today's day is special, I believe you have received a lot of WeChat, and my WeChat is also among them, but my WeChat is different, because it brings together thoughts and love, with the purest hope, I only wish you happiness. Happy 520!

  366, 520 to the day, may you have sweet love, happy life!

  367, meet and meet, destined to know and fall in love; Lovesick and destined to go on a blind date; Holding each other, destined to cherish and love each other. 520 I love you, and I wish to be with you forever and ever!

  368, you are the treasure of my palm, I am afraid of breaking it when I touch it lightly; You are the pillar of my life, and I can't breathe without you. The heart that loves you has never withered, even if we go to the grave, we must bloom on the monument and bloom our love to the world! 520 I love you! Love until the sky is dark, and the sea is dry and rotten.

  369, another year 520, romantic spring breeze to solve the customs, you and I are like the moon, chasing the tide every night and missing the line, love you no matter how far and near, I want you to care about the yin or sunny, the world is the most difficult to be quiet, time and space are uncertain, there is a good scenery with you, and there is how warm you are. 520 I love you, I wish you and I love forever sweet, and we will never be separated for the rest of our lives!

  370, life is a serial, and you are my happy plot, the heroine of my happy script, acting as a sweet corner, please give a romantic performance, say happy lines, dedicate happy shots, 520 I love you, I wish I had you for a lifetime!

  371, May 20 thinks of you on every night with stars; Remembering your happy moments in every moment; I hope you think of you every time you think about you; Love you in every second between breaths. Online Valentine's Day, love you in the bottom of my heart!

  372. You are the river, I am the riverbank, and I will always protect you; You are the tree, I am the bird, always following you; You are the sea, I am the sailboat, always sailing in the palm of your hand; 520 I love you, and I want to tell you that I will be with you for the rest of my life.

  373, lovesickness, is a dream every night. Seeing each other is a nightly tossing and turning. Falling in love is a daily desire to wear. Love is a daily sweetness. 520 I love you, always be with you for the rest of your life, happy every day!

  374. On the day of confession, I will send you 520 roses and let romance warm you; Send you 520 drops of fine wine and let the sweetness intoxicate you; I want to send you 520 points of courage, and I hope you will use romantic sweetness and courage to harvest the surprise of love.

  375. Today is 520, send you a text message blessing, which is intended to wish you happiness, in case you are lonely, can you socialize with me? If you're happy, text back, and I'll be happy; If you don't reply, I know, it's because you're shy. Happy 520!

  376. You are an auspicious meteor shining in an instant on the vast sky, crossing my past and present lives, and my heart is instantly intoxicated by you. Deep love, infatuation, confused, because of you, I feel the lamp of hope began to light up. May 20th, baby, say I love you, may you smile every day!

  377, sweet honey, the sweetness of your smile, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze, blooming in the spring breeze. Why are you smiling so sweetly? Because I sent you a text message. 520 Happy Valentine's Day, baby!

  378. I want to say: Don't stay for a short time, as long as you are accompanied by you for a lifetime; I want to say that I hope that the last thing I see before going to bed is you, and when I wake up, I see you too; I want to say, whether in this life or in the next, all I want is you. 520 I Love You Day, just today to tell you, really, I love you.

  379, the sky without you, not blue! Without your flowers, not glamorous! Without your rice, it doesn't smell! No sleep without you, not sweet! Happy 520, dear!

  380. Take love as the center, paint a true heart that loves you, brush the color of happiness to show sincerity, paint a sweet border to show appreciation, send it to your heart, I wish you your pleasure, 520 I love you, you are the center of my life, dear to be happy every day.

  381, 520 rent myself, play the girlfriend in the cold war with you, don't answer the phone, don't reply to the message.

  382, you are my favorite baby, I am afraid of freezing in the palm of my hand, and I am afraid of melting in my mouth; You are the pillar of my life, and with your company, I will feel that life is so happy. 520 I love you, I love you for more than two or three days, I love you forever!

  383. Poverty, hardship, setbacks, failures, do not leave you, but are still willing to spend their lives with you, which is called happiness; Gentleness, thoughtfulness, care, sincerity, immutable, mutual support and hand in hand to the white head, called happiness; 520 I love you, my dear, and we pull the hook, and we will never change in life and generation.

  384. The night sky is beautiful because of the stars, the early morning is colorful because of the rising sun, life is beautiful because of friends, friends are happy because of their hearts, 520 I love you, I hope that the people who love you love you will love you more, and the people you love will understand you better! May the best things in the world belong to you!

  385. I love you, whether you love it or not, I'm here; I love you, whether you approve it or not, I can't change it; Send a message, whether you reply or not, I'm very intoxicated. 520 pinching fingers, I love you for a long time!

  386. I love you, I don't want your height and appearance, I love your politeness and smile; I love you, and I don't want your family to be prominent, but I love you for your reliable character; 520 I love you, may you and I be together day and night!

  387. If you are a flower, I would like to be the green leaf that sets off you. If you are a tree, I would like to be the land that bears you. If you are a fish, I would like to be the ocean that embraces you. If you're a miracle, I'd like to be all the books that keep track of you! 520, I love you!

  388. For your sake, it's not a pity to die; I want to love you like a silkworm and do my best for you! 520 I love you, I love selflessly, love thoroughly, love vigorously!

  389, another 5.20, the spring breeze to relieve the style. This heart is like the moon, and it travels with the tide night and night. I love you no matter how far or near I want you to be cloudy or sunny. Heaven and earth are eternal, and time and space are uncertain. If you have it, you will have the scenery, and if you have you, you will have the warmth.

  390, 520 is "I love you, it is said to the elders: and 521 is "I love you", it is said to the lover!

  391. The emotion of lovesickness is like an old tree in the desert longing for a sweet spring to nourish my dry heart; The wish to see each other is like a lonely goose in the cold wind looking forward to the coals, calling for my lonely love. 520, I love you, and I will give you the warmth of true love without hesitation! Love you forever!

  392. Dedicate tenderness to you boundless sweetness; Wrap romance and give you happiness; With thoughtfulness and gentleness, touch your heart; 5.20 I love you, I just want to give you boundless warmth in this life, and make you smile soft and sweet!

  393. Because of you, the world has become beautiful; Because of you, life has meaning; Because of you, everything is sweet. 520 I love you! This life and this world will always be with you!

  394. After a little activity, I was sincere, happy and lively; The sincerity was enlivened, and the sweetness was activated; made use of the heart, and the love was vibrant; Captured alive sincerity, you have become a living treasure, 5.20 I love you, dear, may you live a wonderful and happy life!

  395. Looking forward to meeting you often, holding hands and tasting sweetness together, looking at your gentle eyes, telling happiness, caressing your beautiful smiling face, and sending a text message to tell you in advance: 520, I love you, love you is my greatest happiness!

  396. You are very important in my heart, that is, no matter how "heavy" you are, I also "want"; You are very dangerous in my heart, that is, no matter how "dangerous" I love you, I also "want". 520, because I love you, I need you.

  397, love is a serenade, composed with true love, made the piano with romance, played with sincerity, embellished with true feelings, tasted with sweetness, confessed with happiness, 520 I love you, love you forever.

  398, the night is soft, and the moon shines 520. I held my phone tightly, edited the words of blessing, recalled the past of friendship, passed my long-lost thoughts, and brought your happy breath. In these days when 520 is coming, I will pass on my blessings to you, wishing 520 a happy life and a happy and beautiful life.

  399. In my eyes, you will always be gentle, beautiful, kind, and simple than others. 520 I love you, I want to make you a little happier, a little sweeter, a little happier!

  400. A pair of chopsticks and two bamboo sticks will live a lifetime of interdependence; I am the cup, you are the lid of the cup, I can't live without you; On the upcoming special day of "520", I wish all couples to be together for a lifetime and never separate!

  401. Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a sadness; Meeting the wrong person at the right time is a sigh; Meeting the right person at the right time is a lifetime of happiness. Meeting you is my happiness, I wish you a happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  402, love you for 10,000 years, exaggerated; I have loved you for five thousand years, hopeless; Loving you for a thousand years, ridiculous; I love you for a hundred years, too long; I have loved you for 70 years in a row, as long as I am in good health, this is my strength! 520, Happy Holidays!

  403. When the text message is sent, when the bell rings, the eyes are full of smiles. Love is self-exuding, a wisp of true love, and happiness at both ends. This love will never go away, it is my heart and your brow. May 20th, I love you, to eternity.

  404. After some setbacks, I have a long insight. Save a point of operation, a point of morality. Learn a point to retreat, and add a point to broad. One cent cheaper. Go for a point of luxury, a point of less sin. Add a point of thoughtfulness, more friendship. 520 I love you day, may you be a little more happy, and a little more wishful.

  405, 520 festival is coming again, the family is urging me to go on a blind date, I know that you are also facing such a problem, it is better to make an appointment, 520 go out together happy, if you have affection I am interested, it is not necessary to be together!

  406, 520 is a beautiful day. I don't have earth-shattering declarations of love, and I don't have a sea of dry love commitments. But, I want to tell you: I love you more than the last second! Happy to you!

  407. Love your beautiful smile, love your gentle embrace, love your thoughtfulness and generosity, that kind of happiness has an unforgettable beauty, 5.20 I love you, love you everything, never give up, I wish you beauty, health, happiness, and all the best.

  408. The roses reflect your gentle cheeks, and the shyness adorns my beautiful love; Each piece of Feihong conveys my lingering thoughts, and this kind of concern warms your little expectations; Holding the hand of the son and holding the son, this is our unchanging promise, and our love for the world can be learned. 5.20, I love you forever and forever.

  409, 520 I love you, and I am destined to be crazy for you in this life!

  410. The joy of life is not only memories, but also hope. The pursuit of dreams, in addition to sweat and smiles. Holiday wishes, in addition to lovers and friends, I wish you a happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  411. Since I met you, happiness begins with you. If you are lost, happiness will also be with you. Although I don't have too many sweet words, there is a constant love in my heart. 520, I just want to be with you.

  412. There is a kind of eyes called full of joy, there is a kind of longing called the soul is not kept, there is a kind of affection called fate in this life, and there is a kind of love called life and death! 520, I love you, I love you and spoil you, I am willing, sweet and sweet good couple!

  413. When I hear your smile, my heart beats, and when I see your face, I don't want to blink anymore because I'm afraid that you will disappear in the blink of an eye! 520 I love you, I dare not say that I am the one who loves you the most, but I can guarantee that you are the one I love the most!

  414. On this day full of love, I want to tell you that you are the most beautiful scenery in my life. 520, may this love shine like a galaxy.

  415, if you are not careful, on May 20th, "breaking love" is the most unscored, "falling in love" is the most likely, "loving the house and Wu" is the most reasonable, and "love single-mindedness" is the most cost-effective. 520, it doesn't make sense to love you, please be me!

  416. There is your oath between love and love; Between love and love there is my thoughts; And between the distance and the distance is everything we have. My dear, no matter how far it goes, I'm going to fight for it. Boyfriend, 520 happy!

  417, the first time we met, the heart was in touch, and I couldn't sleep at night; In the exchanges, the affection is continuous, and the words are heartfelt to each other; Time passes, love remains the same, hand in hand to show joy; 520, I love you, love for this life!

  418. With you, a person's life is no longer lonely; With you, I no longer feel cold on a cold day; With you, the Burrow will also become a palace; With you, the monotonous life is also full of romance. 520, I love you! I will be very happy to have you!

  419, give love an ageless face, so that love will remain unchanged for life; Give love an unrepentant vow, so that everyone who has loved each other misses each other; Give love a vast blue sky, and let that true love fill the world. 520 Happiness and Happiness!

  420, I love you, I think about you, I love you, I praise you, I love you, I hug you, I want you to love you, I miss you is the responsibility, I help you love you, you hug you is the obligation, listen to you and accompany you is the right, 520, I love you, send a text message to greet you, may my dear always be happy!

  421. I love you wholeheartedly, never abandon you, have you happily and sweetly, take care of you sincerely, love you until I am old, and express my heart in every word. 520 Happy Valentine's Day.

  422. There is a kind of love that makes people's hearts pound, there is a kind of love that makes people catch up, there is a kind of love that makes people happy and happy, 520 I want to tell you, there is another kind of love that makes people never give up, makes it difficult for people to give up, and makes people unable to forget, let me love you, let this love be vigorous, and the sky is old.

  423. Store the love for you in the sunshine, so that every corner knows that I love you, store the love for you in the moonlight, feel the tenderness and sweetness of loving you every night, and put the love in the starlight, so that you can't count in this life, I love you on May 20, and I wish you boundless happiness.

  424. Because of you, "the world becomes beautiful"; Because of you, "life has meaning"; Because of you, "everything is sweet". 520 I love you! This life and this world will always be with you!

  425, looking for your figure, unforgettable your shadow; Look for your traces, remember your shadows; Looking for your photo, looking forward to taking a photo with you. 520 I love you, I am willing to hold hands with you, never break up again, never let go!

  426. Love is actually very simple, and it can be achieved in just four steps: 1. You; 2. I; 3. Our hearts; 4. Together. Happy 520 Valentine's Day! Beloved, let us simply love and be happy together.

  427, I will not miss a minute or a second for you wholeheartedly, a word for word confession is not a minute or a second, and I will love you for a lifetime for a few minutes and a second. 520, I love you, life never stops, love you more than that!

  428, 520 I love you, I don't need too many words to love you, as long as you are sincere. It doesn't matter much to hurt you, just put your heart and soul into it. You don't need to have too many scruples to spoil you, as long as you are single-minded. My dear, I will always spoil you, love you, and love you.

  429. Time has taken away the years, but it can't take away my thoughts about you; The colored pen paints the beautiful scenery, but it does not depict my love for you. 520 Love You Day, I just want to let you remember the deep friendship today, and deeply bless you!

  430, I love you, open my heart, and show true love; Falling in love with you, I intended it, happy to be, my heart rejoicing; With you, good things are all right, life is good, love honey; I wish you good health, youth, and good luck. Happy 520, dear!

  431. Our friendship is like fine wine, and the years cannot bring away the fragrance of friendship. Our friendship is like rain and dew, and the golden light is shining and crystal clear under the sun. Our friendship is like a stream, clear to the bottom, pure and beautiful. My good friend, I love you on May 20th, it is my honor to know you, I wish you a happy life and a prosperous career!

  432, I found happiness, but sweetness left me; I found romance, but warmth left me; I found happiness, but happiness left me; I found you, only to be pleasantly surprised: they were all with you. 520 I love you, and I would like to stay with you forever and depend on each other for a long time!

  433. My love is a fine wine, which grows mellow over time; My love is the power of the square, and there is no limit to every minute and every second. In this romantic 520, I dedicate only to you dearest to me! Happy 520!

  434. The sweetest thing is to think about you every day. The happiest thing is to be with you every day. The happiest thing is to love you forever. 520, I love you, love you for the rest of my life!

  435. Husband, what we said is to hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son, I believe that we can live every day happily. When 520 comes, I want to confess to you that in the future, whether I am poor or rich, sick or healthy, I will love you for the rest of my life, love you for a lifetime, and we will never be separated!

  436, a sentence I love you, the true feelings will never change; I miss you, and my heart will never move; I love you, and I will never regret it; I cherish you, and my true thoughts will never change. 520, I sincerely hope that you will accept it.

  437, with you in my heart, no matter how good a girl is, she can't go into the bottom of her heart; With you in your eyes, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, they are no longer gorgeous; With you in life, the ups and downs will be romantic and invincible. 520 I love you, I love you to the heart, and the sea is dry and rotten!

  438. I love you point after point, but I can't part; Love you day after day, lingering is a little sweet; Love you year after year, happy and blessed. 520 days are coming, love you sentence after sentence, and tell your heart!

  439, 520 I'm here to ask for a trick and send you blessings to eliminate your troubles. I wish you good luck and happiness; I wish you skillful deeds and twice the success with half the effort; I wish you good luck and happiness.

  440. Only when you are drunk do you know that the wine is strong, and you know how important you know when you have loved. Turning back to the world to live once, just to meet you. Your smile, your tears, you will always be my 520 baby!

  441. The temperature of the palm of your hand is warm when you hold your hand, because the blood is boiling. The smile at the corner of your mouth is pure when you guard your heart, because the IQ has become low, hehe, dear, 520 I love you, may you be happy every moment, happy and beautiful.

  442, Liu Ningcui, the flowers are beautiful, a touch of spring is in the eyes, butterflies dance around the body, red dust love, looking for love, sweet companions on the line of thought, love tells romance, the moon is like a string, dreams are like illusions, love you in this life will never change, happiness will hold hands. 520 I love you, I love you morning and twilight.

  443. My love for you is silent, and I have a thousand words to say to you, but I just want to have a happy 520, 520 festival with you!

  444. Whenever you hug your lover, don't forget that there is friendship, whenever you look into the distance, don't forget that love is by your side, whenever you go through the wind and rain, don't forget that there is a rainbow, 520 Valentine's Day, dear friend, I wish you happiness!

  445, drink the old dreams of the past, and wait for this life to meet you, the prosperity is exhausted, and the landing is silent, this world is all beautiful, and it is not as moving as you. 520 I love you, and I am willing to devote my life to give you a lifetime of favor!

  446. If time is a repetitive love, I will love you for a lifetime, if time is a real love, I will love you for a lifetime, my world time passes, and my heart that loves you beats wildly, 520, I love you!

  447. Happy songs are sung in the heart, and excited eyes are looking for them in the crowd. The moment I saw you, time froze and I couldn't stop. My dear, as long as I am by your side, I am the happiest person in the world. 520 I love you, I only wish to hold the hand of my son for the rest of my life and grow old with my son!

  448. Love only has the beauty of speaking, and there is no sweetness waiting for it; Love is only beautiful when it is made, and there is no brilliance waiting for it; Love only comes out of the two unswerving, not waiting for the eternal time. 520, love you forever.

  449. Love makes people beautiful, love makes people considerate, love makes people cute, and love makes people mature. May 20th I Love You Day, friend, and I hope you will be the happiest and happiest person in the world!

  450. When I met by chance, my heart was moved, and I blew the bamboo flute wind under the moon, and I was no longer afraid of ups and downs, and the mountains and rivers were heavy. With you, spring is shining; Without you, the ground is red. 520 days, I love you.

  451. No matter the wind or rain, I have my arms to protect you; No matter how the stars change, my heart will guard you; No matter how the years change, there is my love that will never give up, 520 I love you, baby I love you very thoroughly, I wish you happiness!

  452. Worry about what you think and the flowers in your dreams; Take what you think, day after day, without end; Keep what you are guarding and protect the truth of affection all your life; Put what you love, destined for me to love you. 520 I love you, love your heart, bloom because of you!

  453. I want to use one word to describe your beauty, but I am afraid that the words will not reach the meaning; I want to sing your good with a song, but I'm worried that it won't be expressive enough; So I can only use all my love to express my deep attachment to you in this life! 520, I love you.

  454, tossing and turning, tossing into acacia; I have seen the past, and the more I look at it, the more I like it; Walking over and walking over, hands are held together; You miss me, I miss you, the more I think about it, the sweeter it gets. 520, I love you! The road is silently with you. Thousands of years of waiting, thousands of years of love, countless thousands of years of reincarnation, I and you are heart-to-heart. 520 Confession Day, I would like to give you a lifetime of love!

  455, thank you wife! Thank you for choosing me, a poor boy with nothing, and thank you for everything you have done for me, for my son, and for our family! Whether rich or poor, in this life, we are destined to walk together. If a woman is a flower, you are the most beautiful one in the depths of my heart. All my life, just for me. 520, I love your wife!

  456. If you are the sea, I would like to turn into a beach and let you kiss my face every day. If you are a migratory bird, I would like to be your wings to accompany you to the north and south. If you are a young shoot, I would like to turn into a big tree to shelter you from the wind and rain. 520, I want to say to you: I love you!

  457, 520 is here, send you a WeChat, I wish you a smooth work, sweet love, a lot of money, happy and happy love. Happiness with love arrives old, and love without love arrives. Happy 520!

  458. I didn't miss you very much, but when I woke up in the morning, I saw if there were any messages and missed calls from you; I didn't miss you very much, I just set your incoming call to the only ringtone; I didn't miss you very much, but when I was listening to a song, I was hit by a certain lyric, and all that came to my mind was you; I didn't miss you very much, I just wanted to send a message today to tell you how much I love you. 5.20 Confession Day, love you all the time!

  459, I'm moving! Address: No. 520, Lane 530, Miss Street, Love City! Landlord: I love you the most! Rent: The love of my life! Date: Unlimited! Let me dwell in your heart forever!

  460. I am truly intoxicated by you, and I love your beauty in this life; Fly high against your will, taste the good taste of love; Willing to work for you, not willing to make you too tired; I really fight for you, and I love you because of this. 520, I love you, dear, I love you.

  461. Gently hold you and feel the good delivery; Silently looking at you, experiencing the tacit understanding of each other; Quietly care for you and feel the beauty of love. 520 I love you, thank you for this love that makes my life more meaningful, love you forever.

  462, the two love each other, love each other; Sweet words, you and I are nong; Hand in hand, infinite love; Wind and snow, infinite romance; Sincerely, affectionate; Share the wind and rain, share happiness. 520 I love you, light the bonfire of love, warm you; Make a vow of love and follow you!

  463, worship heaven and earth, and from now on suffer from the wife's anger; The second worship of the high hall, work hard for her, and be busy for her; Husbands and wives worship each other and tighten their belts from then on; Sent into the cave room, I knelt down and slept on her bed. Alas - I am a sheep and she is a wolf! Happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  464, 520 I just want to say to you: I don't love you, it's impossible; I don't care about you, it's unreasonable; I don't want you, you are more wronged than Dou E; I can't do it without texting you. Happy holidays!

  465. I think you're so tired that I've drunk for you alone; Life is busy and tired, and I really want to sleep peacefully; It's really hard to love someone, you don't have to care about right and wrong; Shenma are all floating clouds, only 520 I love you, this is my truest vow!

  466. If there is love in the sky, if the dream will be spiritual, let my heart love to the end, my love for you can no longer be explained, just like the wind blows endlessly, the rain does not stop, this love is unswerving. Happy 520!

  467, 520 I love you, I wish you who are single to hold hands with the other half quickly, I wish you who are in love to enter the palace of marriage early, and I wish you who are married grow old together.

  468, the warm man accumulates 520 hearts, and we will be together forever, okay.

  469. The heart of love is amazing, sometimes it can only hold one person, and sometimes it can hold the whole world; Sometimes it is insightful, sometimes it is thick; Sometimes it's easy to get, sometimes it's easy to lose. 520 Confession Day, Deliver Love More Happily!

  470. Loving you is the most beautiful song in my life, thinking of you is the happiest stay in this life, thinking of you is the happiest pursuit in my life, and loving you is the most complacent story in my life. Even if time weathers the memory, I will still sing it with my life, 520 I love you!

  471. There is a kind of love called "life and death", there is a pursuit of "unswerving", there is a feeling called "heart to heart", and there is a lover called "confidant"! 520 I love you, I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I call for "I love you"!

  472. I will pay for your happiness, I will make up for your confusion, I will make up for your requirements, I will meet your willfulness, I will give in to your willfulness, who loves you the most, it must be me! I wish 520 a happy life, and lovers will eventually become married!

  473. If love is busy, I would like to be "your spinning top"; If love is a passbook, I would like to be "your bank"; If love is happiness, I would like to be "your pistachio"; If love is a rose, I would like to be "your rose garden". 520 I love you! Love to the end, never regret!

  474. The sky of love has no boundary, let the sun of love bathe. The love of the wind and clouds is long; Mellow and fragrant love, warm and irresistible; The love that I think about day and night makes people break their bowels. Love has a head, love has a master, you and I love each other, it has been a long time, how can worry not permeate my heart. 520 I love you and love you forever.

  475. Meeting you is the fate of my life. Falling in love with you is the luck of my life. Holding you is the joy of my life. Caring for you is the destiny of my life. 520 I love you, and having you by your side in this life is the happiness of my life.

  476. Busy at work; Career is smooth; family harmony; The family is in good health; Lovers, affection, love, love; Friends come and go. 520 love confession, may my dear friends be happy, happy and happy, and all the best!

  477. Small life, small days, small life, happy and happy; Little couples, small couples, little love, romantic and sweet; Small career, small job, small family, auspicious. Little 520, a little happiness for you!

  478、520! I love you! A hundred years of life is too short, and Noah's Ark is too far away. Walking on the road of love, a life is still too short. 520! I love you! Spend my life with you: I love you!

  479. Treasure the love for you in a box, and no one can take it away. Guard the love for you on the mountain. No one can get close. Reflect the love for you in the stream, and no one can catch it. 520, I love you, one love is a lifetime!

  480, time goes and does not look back, youth is short and not long, I like it all my life without sorrow, I don't let go of separation and concern, I like love and love is constantly flowing, I miss it all the time, 520 I like you, I like you all my life!

  481. Make your heart into a kite, paint it full of happiness, tie it with love silk, and fly it to the sky of love on 520 Internet Valentine's Day, bringing true affection and deep blessings to your beloved. May you love more happily.

  482, lively and cute, coquettish makes me pity, persistent to show true love, tolerant interpretation of great love, considerate annotation and care, romantic and full of infatuation, you are my favorite, 5.20, I love you, I will accompany you for the rest of my life.

  483, send you a red heart to express your heart, the left atrium contains that I miss you, and I think of you wholeheartedly; In the right atrium is I love you, and I love you with all my heart; In the left ventricle is your joy and anger, in the right ventricle is your cold and warmth, you have filled my heart, I can't help but love you. 520, I love you!

  484. Today is May 20th, and I want to send you 9 words: "No, far, one, change, love, me, life, eternity, you". Can you send them back to me in one sentence? 520, I love you.

  485. May 20 is a day of special significance, it is not only Wednesday, but also the small full of the 24 solar terms.

  486. On May 20th, I love you, and love will tell you out loud: love you, forever!

  487. In front of 520, I behave like a 250.

  488. Because I love you so much, I hope that you will not change your name or surname in the next life, so that I can find you again. Because I don't know if I will meet you again in the next life, I will work very hard in this life to give it to you. 520 I love you, for you, I am willing to dig out my heart!

  489. Friendship needs, a little mutual assistance, a little sincerity, and a little trust. Happy 520!

  490. The mellow red wine is drunk for you, the delicate roses are gorgeous for you, the fiery red lips are fascinated for you, the infatuated eyes are in love for you, the fiery heart beats for you, and the flowers of true love say to you: 520 I love you, unswervingly, love remains the same, to eternity!

  491. Although you don't like to do housework, although you love to buy beautiful clothes, even if you nag countless times every day, even if you are inexplicably jealous, there is a sentence that is still unbearable, who made you my daughter-in-law, tease you to make love more stable. 520 I love you, we must be sweet and happy in this life and this life!

  492. With you, no matter how hard your life is, you won't feel tired; With you, no matter how big the danger is, you are fearless; With you, no matter how big the twists and turns, I don't have to worry; With you, you have the whole world. 520 is coming, love for you, a lifetime of unchanged!

  493. The next life is very long, because I may not necessarily meet you. This life is very short, because I have you with me. Although the text message is short, it is not full of emotions and expectations. 520 words: Honey, I miss you!

  494, 520 I love you, this life is endless, accompanied and dependent!

  495, it is all you who are present; I didn't miss you very much, I just wanted to send a message today to tell you how much I love you. 5.20 Confession Day, love you all the time!

  496. No matter crying or laughing, there is your hug. No matter in or out, you have to rely on. No matter the end of the world or the cape, you accompany me to old age, dear, 520 I love you, may you be happy and enjoy a happy world.

  497, 520 I love you, my dear, I wish you a happy day!

  498. A kind of fine wine, a small drop will make people reminisce; A piece of music that is intoxicating in a short bit; A kind of friend, once you know each other, you are destined for life; A kind of love, a love is a lifetime. 520 I love you, love you for the rest of my life!

  499. SMS is an "eye", which can see your "smile" for me; SMS is the "ear", it can hear your "heartbeat" for me; SMS is "nose", it can smell your "smell" for me; SMS is the "mouth", and it is good to be able to say "520 I love you" for me. May we embrace happily and grow old together!

  500. I have a beautiful wish: to meet you in 520, hold your hand from now on, watch the stars rise and fall together, listen to the rain and the wind together, and start our romantic journey. Will you help me make my wish come true?

  501, 520 I love you, give you a smile, may you be in a good mood and have a sweet life; I send you a wish, may you be healthy and auspicious; Say I love you, love you and be loyal all your life; Wishing you happiness and good luck.

  502, singing the ballad of love, sweet tenderness wells up in my heart; Dance the dance of love, the excited pace is uncontrollable; Make a promise of love that will not change for the rest of your life. 520 I love you, love you for 10,000 years!

  503. My "Voice of Love" was sent to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, my "Dream of Love" spread to the east of the Antarctic Circle, my "Line of Love" reached the top of Everest, and my "Text of Love" was sent to the hand of the God of Love, 520, I love you, let my "Words of Love" come to your heart that I love the most!

  504, I love you. Today is "5.20", I draw you in my heart: Daimei is intentionally charming, Sakura is speechless and very affectionate, the powder face is shallow with anger and smile, Qiubo Gu Pan has a deep meaning, a hundred knots are soft and elegant, and a clear and exquisite heart.

  505, without you by my side, although I am miserable, but with you in my heart, everything disappears, we have been in the same boat for a few years, I love you without regrets or complaints, 520 dear I love you, although I don't have too many promises, but I believe that I will fulfill them, and happiness is in front of you!

  506. Love is a word, which is more memorable than a thousand words; Love is a piece of love, and there is no need for sweet words; Love is a lifetime of permanence, and the long compartment is guarded without rhetoric; Love is a lifelong care, supporting each other regardless of gossip. 5.20, I love you, dear may you be happy every day.

  507, I miss you every day and can't sleep, I always think of you and look forward to seeing each other, I love you every second and never stop, I love you on May 20th, I want to love you for a lifetime without separation, and I love you as a treasure for a lifetime!

  508, 520 confession day, this life is for you.

  509. Because I fell in love with you, I deleted the distracting thoughts, loaded the thoughts, pasted the thoughts, recopied the thoughts, filled in the infatuations, and then filled the thoughts. "520 I love you" has become the most important thing in my life! Wishing you eternal happiness and happiness to your dear!

  510. I write the words of my heart into romantic verses, I integrate sweet love into the bits and pieces of life, and I engrave the vows of true love into eternal sculptures. 520 I love you and only wish you happiness and happiness!

  511. With your smile, with your eyes, with your words, with your actions, let your lover know that you love him (her), cherish everything you have now, and say "I love you" out loud today, May 20!

  512, 520 You would rather be a dog than come to confess to me, I will write down this blood feud first.

  513. Without you, I feel lonely in the downtown area; Without you, the scorching sun can't drive away the cold in my heart; Without you, even the smallest room seems empty; Without you, even the most delicious dishes will taste like chewing wax. 520 I love you! May we never be separated from each other!

  514, a sentence I miss you, ripples in the depths of my heart; I love you, and I will never regret it; A sentence I accompany you, gentle and sweet only for you; I love you and will protect you for the rest of my life. 520 I love you day, build a happy future for you with sincerity!

  515. Life needs unexpected warmth, heart-pounding moments, deep courage, and persistence in growing old together. I love you, in my mouth, between my eyebrows, in my eyes, and most importantly in my heart. 520, my dear, give me the warmth of the heart and give me the courage to persevere.

  516. Today is May 20th, three words for you: I love you.

  517, I can't say enough words about loving you, my heart is red and gorgeous, my love is beautiful, and my love is silky! 5.20 I love you, I can't tell it, I don't know it, I love you so much, I love you so obsessed!

  518. May 20, I love you forever and ever.

  519. Knowing each other, we guard the sea and mountain alliance; We watch the vicissitudes of life; Help each other to grow old, we will experience a lifetime of ups and downs; We don't need to explain too much; Fly together, we create a better future together! 520, I love you, the white head is inseparable, and you will be with you forever!

  520. You are with you on the road to happiness, you are with you in a happy life, you are with you in difficult moments, and you are there in sweet moments. 520, I love you, I love you and never separate, I only wish you happiness and worry-free, health and peace!

  521. The most poignant distance in the world is that two people are originally very far away and do not know each other, but suddenly one day, they know each other, love each other, and the distance becomes very close. 520, I love you!

  522, 520 I love you, hold hands with you sweetly, and walk happily together. I want to write a poem for you, only to remember that I am not a literary master; I want to show you my singing voice, only to find that my vocal cords are rusty; I want to give you everything I have, as long as you want, as long as I have it.

  523. The lonely night lost the mood of dreaming because of your insomnia, but it is not that there is no dream since then, but there is still you in the dream! It is pure providence to meet you, to fall in love with you wholeheartedly, to love you without regrets, and you will be satisfied when you get it. Happy 520 Valentine's Day!

  524. For you, I deleted evil thoughts, loaded thoughts, pasted thoughts, made thoughts, filled with obsessions, and wrote thoughts; 520 I love you has become my happiest thought, protecting you has become my most desired wish, and accompanying you has become my unchanging vow in my life!

  525, going around and around for so many years, it turned out to meet you; After so many years of searching, it turned out that I fell in love with you; Hee-hee-ha for so many years, just to give you laughter; So many words are just to text you to tell you: 520 I love you, let us be happy to the end!

  526, my heart is calm, I only have you in my eyes, and Xi Shi Diao Chan is ugly; I only have you in my heart, and the delicacies are thrown around; In my dreams, there is only you, holding hands until the white head. 520 I love you, and I will use my life's struggle to make you happy!

  527, the moonlight is soft, swaying romantic feelings; The stars are shining, and the love in the heart is pleasing; Thinking about it in my heart, it is difficult to give up the sweet lingering; Send on WeChat, convey the sincere love language: the sky can be seen, the sun and the moon can be watched, 520 I love you, to eternity!

  528, the flowers are grateful, I let the clouds decorate your dreams; When it's dark, I let the fireflies light up your heart; The leaves have fallen, and I let the spring squeeze out your loss; Thank you for allowing me to appear in your life, 520 Confession Day, love you, forever!

  529. The spring breeze brings a sweet breath, and the spring rain is sprinkled with romantic flower rain. 520 has arrived, let the bell of spring wake up the sleeping love, and the people who love each other hold hands to enjoy the beautiful scenery of spring. Happy 520!

  530. Love you will never change, and flowers will be sent in front of you. Give you a fragrant kiss, and your heart will be happy. Chase you tightly and don't get tired for long. Love you love boundlessly, nothing is exchanged. 520, I love you, I love you, I can't change my habits!

  531. With you in this life, I am willing to bear with you no matter how much suffering I have; With you in this life, no matter how tired I am, I am willing to share it with you; Meeting you in this life is the fate of the previous life and the destiny of this life. 5.20 I love you, this love will never change in this life!

  532. I wish you happiness! Love is the yearning in the heart, the resonance of feelings, the collision of inspiration, the sparkle of electric light, the sweet elixir, and the intoxicating pure wine. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  533. Without you, I'm so lonely, and my empty days are gone; I miss you, I'm so sad, I sing love songs at night; 5.20 I love you, I fall in love with you, I am so happy, and my love is like fire. Infatuation doesn't change my promise!

  534. I love you, I am willing to pick the stars and the moon for you, see the flowers red and willow green, and ask you to make a promise, which is the miracle of my life. No matter how much it is still distance, paying for reality is the truth, this life is unswerving for you, dear, I love you.

  535, 520 is coming, send you a bouquet of lilies, give you a lifetime of splendor; Send you a bouquet of roses and wish you the romance of a lifetime; Send you a warm blue sky, bring you a lifetime of warmth, brightness and dreams!

  536. I don't know how many stars there are in the sky, I only know that the night sky is shining and quiet. I don't know how far the road in this life is, I only know that love will be old until the sky is sober. Valentine's Day wishes your loved ones a better life!

  537. Missing is sad, because there is less fullness and intimacy when I hold you; Missing is blissful because it is full of memories as beautiful as roses! Happy Valentine's Day online!

  538. Treat your lover as warm as spring, treat the opposite sex as hot as summer, and treat your rival as cruel and ruthless as winter. It's Valentine's Day, and I wish you all a happy and happy day.

  539. Now I can't kiss you with my lips, I have to resort to text messages to convey kisses with words! Happy Valentine's Day, dear!

  540. In spring, there is a spring breeze, there are spring flowers, there is a long time, and there are birds and flowers; There are roses on Valentine's Day, and I am a lady; Valentine's Day has spring and snow, sincerity and purity, and I love you!

  541. On Valentine's Day, may happiness be your little lover, happiness be your old lover, sweetness be your new lover, health be your good lover, good luck be your lifelong lover, sweet dreams be your eternal lover, happy Valentine's Day!

  542, the love is deep, the words are long, I love you without needing to say it directly. Rainy and misty, people are in love, if you understand, call quickly. When the moonlight becomes your gaze, my heart is already rippling. Happy Valentine's Day, dear!

  543, Valentine's Day I just want to say to you: I don't love you, it's impossible: I don't love you, it's unreasonable: I don't want you, it's more wronged than Dou E: I don't send you a text message, it's because the sky will thunder.

  544. On this day of Valentine's Day. The farther away I am, the more I love, and the farther away I am, the stronger my love becomes. May our Valentine's Day always belong to us, may our Valentine's Day always be happy, and may we belong to it.

  545, the sky is full of stars, the one you have made a wish the most, the flowers blooming, the one you pick the smile the most, the graceful melody, the one that touches you to tears, dear, happy Valentine's Day, love you.

  546. I envy the hairpin between your sideburns, I envy the cat you often caress about, I am willing to become the water cup you carefully hold up, and the fabric you pour out your feelings. Valentine's Day, accept my love!

  547. On this Valentine's Day like no other, I wear my vows on your fingers for the rest of my life. Even if my life is ordinary, I will always spend the morning and twilight together for you.

  548. I love you, please let me love you.

  549. Your every move is like a landscape in front of me. Your voice and appearance have captivated my bewildered soul. You are the beautiful goddess in my heart, I don't see each other for a day, like every three autumns.

  550. I love you, I am willing to hold your hand, travel through the distance of time and space, in the warm sunshine, just go, do not look back, do not wait, to the end of the world, to the cape, linger in the years, linger in time. Loving you is a godsend and a blessing in this life!