
Dealing with hegemony with forbearance, and gradually exerting force in forbearance, how many people can understand China's philosophy of forbearance?

author:Ploughing cattle

Some people say that in recent years, China has taken the philosophy of forbearance to the extreme in diplomacy. As the world's second largest economy, the world's military power, and one of the five permanent members of the United Nations, it has been constantly disturbed by some small neighboring countries all year round.

For example, the Diaoyu Islands are originally Chinese, but Japan often keeps tossing and turning, and it is a farce of buying the islands and a collision of ships......

For example, the islands and reefs in the South China Sea are already within the nine-dash line, and China is also working with neighboring countries to formulate a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, but the Philippines is constantly provoking China by bullying the big ones......

For example, the Sino-Indian border, which has been relatively calm for decades, suddenly provoked incidents on the border and clashed many times. Although India did not take advantage, more than a dozen successive border talks have not completely solved the problem......

For example, Mongolia, which was originally Chinese territory, is now caught between China and Russia, but it does not want to have good relations with China and Russia, and even whimsically engages in a third neighbor and tries to play tricks between China and Russia with its back to the United States......

Of course, behind all these things, there is the shadow of the United States, and it is the black hand of the United States that is constantly making trouble. Without the instigation and support of the United States, no cub would dare to be so disrespectful to the Celestial Empire.

Dealing with hegemony with forbearance, and gradually exerting force in forbearance, how many people can understand China's philosophy of forbearance?

Because of China's rapid development in recent years, the United States, the world hegemon, has a close relationship. In order to maintain their hegemonic status, they have long regarded China as a strategic competitor and have begun to implement an all-round containment strategy against China.

It is precisely because China has clearly identified who is the biggest enemy and where the biggest threat is, so China has stared at its own henchmen with wide eyes, but has not looked squarely at the scabies around it.

It is also because China is currently in a period of strategic opportunity to accelerate development, and it is easy to waste time and energy for the harassment of flies and mosquitoes.

China has always adhered to the path of peaceful development, firmly pursued an independent foreign policy of peace, unswervingly followed the path of peaceful development, unswervingly pursued a mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening-up, and was willing to establish and develop friendly and cooperative relations with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, so as to promote the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.

As a result, China has many protests and few countermeasures, repeated protests and countless protests, but rarely takes action to defeat the enemy. The most typical example is that in the past few years, the Indian army has been able to tolerate the Indian army's cheating on the mainland for a few months, and the recent Philippines has kicked its nose and face, and has been unreasonably entangled with many islands and reefs in the South China Sea for several months.

Dealing with hegemony with forbearance, and gradually exerting force in forbearance, how many people can understand China's philosophy of forbearance?

It is precisely because of this that China has given the world the impression that it is particularly tolerant, restrained, and determined. A country that can view China correctly, so it is courteous to China, and hopes to take the train of China's rapid economic development; Some countries that are short-sighted will listen to the demagoguery of the United States and, at the instigation of the United States, frequently provoke China for the sake of some petty profits.

But can China really only tolerate and only tolerate it? No, China's philosophy of forbearance is estimated to not be understood by many countries in the world today. China's 5,000-year-old civilization has a long history of forbearance, and its connotation is rich and can be understood from multiple levels.

The basic level is patience and restraint, and the origin of the word forbearance is related to the image of a knife cutting flesh, which means to temporarily endure pain or difficulty, and not rush to express one's emotions or take action. At this level, forbearance is embodied in being strict with oneself, being lenient with others, focusing on regulating one's emotions and desires, and getting along with others in a harmonious way.

The intermediate level is tolerance and tolerance. Tolerance means being open to the mistakes and shortcomings of others, not being too careful, and understanding and forgiving others as much as possible. Inclusiveness is broader and includes not only tolerance for others, but also acceptance of different opinions, cultures and beliefs.

The advanced level is wisdom and strategy. At this level, forbearance is not simply enduring, but the embodiment of wisdom. It involves the use of strategy and wisdom to solve problems in complex social relationships, taking into account the interests of the individual, the interests of the other party, the collective, and even the long-term interests.

The moral level is mainly benevolence and compassion. The highest level of forbearance is to go beyond simple calculations of interest and harm, but out of love and compassion for others. Benevolence and compassion are at the heart of traditional Chinese cultural virtues, which require not only tolerance but also compassion for others, embodying the spirit of selfless dedication.

Dealing with hegemony with forbearance, and gradually exerting force in forbearance, how many people can understand China's philosophy of forbearance?

The philosophy of forbearance has different manifestations and interpretations in different cultural and historical contexts, but in general, it emphasizes a harmonious, inclusive, and intelligent attitude and value pursuit. In modern society, we advocate and advocate maintaining calm and rationality in a complex social environment, resolving conflicts in a peaceful manner, and jointly maintaining the stability and development of society and the world.

No matter at what level, the philosophy of forbearance is not unlimited, but principled and bottom-line, and once the limit, principle, and bottom line are exceeded, there are also appropriate wisdom, strategies, and methods to deal with it.

For example, in the Diaoyu Islands, the last thing that Japan kept tossing and turning was the loss of actual control of the Diaoyu Islands;

For example, in the South China Sea, the Philippines tossed a few years ago and ended up planting a large number of islands in China's many islands and reefs in the South China Sea, which changed hands on the actual control of Scarborough Shoal. This year, after several months of tossing and turning, not only did it not take advantage of the slightest advantage, but it has increasingly become a kind of performative farce that makes the world laugh.

For example, on the Sino-Indian border, after repeatedly provoking border conflicts, India did not take advantage of the benefits it wanted, but instead lost some of the Chinese territory that it actually controlled.

Mongolia, for example, thought that the policy of a third neighbor would enable it to spend a lot of money and improve itself, but as a result, in the process of increasing cooperation between China and Russia, it has missed one opportunity after another.

Even the United States, behind these little minions, has launched sanctions against China again and again, expanding the scope of suppression again and again, but it has not caused China to decline in the suppression, but has seen China take more initiative politically and diplomatically, continue to make breakthroughs in economy and science and technology, and have the strength to compete with the United States militarily and financially.

Warlike will die, and dying in war will be dangerous, which is an ancient Chinese motto for thousands of years; It is China's historical principle to be cautious in fighting and stop war, and not to use swords if you can not use swords. Surrendering without a fight is China's wisdom and strategy for thousands of years. It is an old-fashioned Chinese routine that the United States plays with China, that is, pediatrics.

At a critical moment when the international situation is extremely complex, the Sino-US game is spreading to the in-depth field, and the great changes unseen in a century are evolving in multiple dimensions, China's living study and application of the philosophy of tolerance and tolerance are presenting a wonderful scene in different directions and on different issues. It may surprise some foreign politicians for the time being, and some domestic people may sigh for a while, but the effectiveness of the philosophy of forbearance in dealing with current international disputes and the complicated situation in the surrounding area is gradually and inexorably manifesting itself.

For example, our Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is expanding in response to US and Western sanctions, and is accelerating its development with an uncontainable trend.

Dealing with hegemony with forbearance, and gradually exerting force in forbearance, how many people can understand China's philosophy of forbearance?

For example, our Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS are playing an increasing role in coping with the G7's blockade and containment of developing countries.

For example, the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which were led by China, are playing an increasing role in countering Western financial hegemony.

For example, we have mediated between Iran and Saudi Arabia, two enemies in the Middle East, so that the United States is far less comfortable in controlling and destabilizing the situation in the Middle East than in the past.

For example, in dealing with the Syrian issue, China adheres to the line of political settlement and actively participates in the international peace process, while the United States can no longer do whatever it wants like to clean up Kuwait and Libya.

For example, we have actively mediated the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, although we have not yet seen obvious results, but compared with the continuous razor of the United States and the West, China has stood on the moral high ground;

For example, the topics and discussions that we have initiated in the United Nations, international human rights organizations, and other international organizations have completely broken the continuous suppression of China by the United States over the years under the pretext of human rights issues.


Forbearance is not to refrain from making a move, but to choose the right opportunity, the right direction, and the right way to make a move; at present, we are adopting more of a non-war and peaceful way, which is a kind of wisdom and strategy that has the greatest interests for the mainland and pays the least price. However, once someone does something that goes beyond the principle and the bottom line, the mainland will certainly not hesitate to take the opportunity to sweep away all the invading enemies with the force of a thunderbolt.

Disbelief, run!

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