
Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

author:Foodie Program

Beef, tomatoes, potatoes, these are my favorites, and pairing them together into a home-cooked dish is not only a feast for the taste buds, but also the perfect combination of health and deliciousness. Every time the dish is served, the rich aroma fills the whole home, making it mouth-watering.

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

The best feature of this beef stew with tomatoes and potatoes is its rich taste layers. The mellow of the beef and the softness of the potatoes create a harmonious music in the sweet and sour soup of the tomatoes. After a long period of stewing, the meat becomes tender and juicy, and you can feel the flavor of the meat and the richness of the soup when you bite into it. The potatoes are full of the essence of the soup, becoming soft and delicious, and every bite is full of happiness.

In terms of nutritional value, this dish is even more impeccable. Beef is rich in protein, iron and other nutrients, which help to strengthen physical fitness and improve immunity. Potatoes, on the other hand, are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, which can both provide satiety and promote intestinal health. Tomatoes, the soul of this dish, not only add a sweet and sour taste, but are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins that help slow down aging and protect cardiovascular health.

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

In addition to its nutritional value, this dish also carries the taste and warmth of home. Whenever the family sits around and tastes this beef stew with tomatoes and potatoes, the warmth and satisfaction arise spontaneously. It is not only a dish, but also an emotional bond between family members, bringing each other's hearts closer.

Beef stewed with tomatoes and potatoes, this home-cooked dish has become a regular guest on people's tables with its unique taste, rich nutrition and homely taste. Whether it's a daily family meal or a gathering of friends, it can add a touch of color to the table, so that people can enjoy the food while feeling the warmth and happiness of home. In this fast-paced era, let's slow down and savor the deliciousness and charm of this home-cooked dish!

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

【Beef stewed with tomatoes and potatoes】

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 500 grams of beef, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of white pepper, 1 teaspoon of ginger powder, 1 tablespoon of salt


1. Cut the beef into small pieces, blanch in a pot under cold water for about 2 minutes, remove and drain the water for later use;

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

2. In a cold oil and cold pan, add sugar and stir-fry until the sugar is colored, add beef pieces and stir-fry until colored;

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

3. Add half of the tomatoes and stir-fry to bring out the juice;

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

4. Start seasoning: Add 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce, ginger powder and white pepper powder; Stir-fry evenly;

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

5. Add the boiling water that has not been covered with the ingredients, transfer it to the casserole, and add the green onions; Bring the fire to low and simmer for more than 1 hour; Note that ⚠️ you must add boiling water ❗️❗️, not cold water, otherwise the beef stew will not be cooked for a lifetime!

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

6. The beef is almost cooked, add the potato pieces and the remaining tomatoes, continue to simmer for about 10 minutes, the potatoes are ripe, you can turn off the heat, and sprinkle coriander out of the pot!

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

7. This dish shouldn't be cheap in a restaurant! Follow my method, and the taste is no worse than that of the restaurant! It's really super delicious and goes well with rice, potatoes are my favorite, and tomato soup is the soul! In short, every ingredient gives full play to its greatest strengths, and makes the best use of it! Every time I make this dish, I don't have any soup left! Children eat to improve immunity and be more energetic!

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

8. It should be noted that:

(1) Add boiling water to beef stew, not cold water;

(2) Add enough water at one time, and don't add water halfway;

(3) Simmer slowly throughout the whole process, not only the beef is delicious, but the soup is also very rich!

Beef and it are a perfect match! There is no soup left every time! If you want your child to grow stronger, you should eat it often when you get sick

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