
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

author:Anshan clouds


With the advent of summer, the sun gradually warms up and everything grows vigorously. Many kindergartens in our city have carried out Xiaoman solar term courses, aiming to let children have an in-depth understanding of the traditional solar term culture and feel the magical charm of nature.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

The teachers of Angang No. 13 Kindergarten led the children to experience Xiaoman's unique solar terms through a variety of activities, perceive the diversity of traditional culture in the mainland, and stimulate children's national pride.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

Combined with the natural education characteristics of our garden, the children picked up small shovels and buckets, walked into nature, integrated with nature, turned over the soil and watered the ground for the small vegetable garden to remove weeds, helped the growth of vegetables, watered the plants, and observed the changes of plants in the small full season. By taking care of plants, the children learned that plants are not easy and deeply felt the need to cherish food. Li Yue, director of the thirteenth kindergarten of Angang, introduced.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

In order to allow the children to listen and understand, the teachers also explained to the children the origin and customs of the Xiaoman solar term with pictures and texts. "In the old days, when the harvest was not harvesting, the farmers had to rely on wild vegetables to survive. In the small full season, the mother-in-law in the north can be eaten, and the mother-in-law taste is slightly bitter, which has the effects of reducing swelling, inhibiting bacteria, clearing heat and detoxifying. In our thirteen-year-old meadow, there is also the shadow of the mother-in-law, let's go find it together. ”

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

In this way, under the leadership of the teacher, the children dug up their mother-in-law together and experienced the joy of operating labor. Later, they also made vegetable dumplings with wild vegetables they dug themselves...... Many netizens and parents sighed, "This wave of operations is amazing, I have grown so big, I can't distinguish my mother-in-law, let alone make vegetable dumplings." ”

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

Li Yue, the director of the kindergarten, said that life is education, and life is curriculum. During the Little Full Season, nature is full of life, and this is an educational opportunity to guide children to learn a lot about the knowledge and customs of the Little Full Festival. Let children experience and understand in pleasant practice, so as to give full play to the emotional education function of education, so that the excellent traditional history, culture and virtues of the motherland can be carried forward from generation to generation, and let the national culture take root in the young heart of every child.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

"Grabbing water" is the agricultural custom held by the folk during the small full solar term, in this regard, the eighteenth kindergarten of Anshan Iron and Steel carried out interesting water grabbing activities, the smart children also found a lot of tools that can divert water to irrigate the farmland, and experienced the farming life in the process of watering the water, felt the fun of watering, and understood the difficulty of farmers planting.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

I have enjoyed the tenderness of the whole spring, and my heart is full of sweetness in the summer. Loquat, bitter gourd these seasonal crops have also entered the kindergarten, its shape, color, branches, leaves, every place is worthy of children's careful observation, so, what is Xiaoman like? "Maybe the answer has already crept into the children's minds." ”

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

"The ears of wheat are full of children, and the mulberry leaves are full of fat." The children of Angang 18 kindergartens and teachers discussed the characteristics of Xiaoman's solar terms and appreciated the story of Xiaoman's solar terms. Combined with ethnic art, the children used masonry to make bunches of plump ears of wheat. Nature provides children with abundant materials for life, and children enjoy the beauty of childhood to the fullest.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults
The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

"The 24 solar terms have become a major cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, and Xiaoman is an important symbol of the arrival of summer, and it is also one of the farming plans of ancient Chinese farmers. During this solar term, the temperature of the atmosphere gradually rises and the amount of rainfall gradually decreases, so ancient farmers regarded Xiaoman as an important period, and carried out various agricultural activities such as farming, fertilizing, and watering to ensure the growth of crops. "The teachers of Angang Sixth Kindergarten explained Xiaoman to the children in the form of storytelling in the classroom.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

I have to do it when I'm done! The six-year-old children learn from the farmer's uncle, who takes care of their class's plantation and waters the crops. As they carefully poured water into the land, one child said, "I want every crop to drink enough water and thrive." ”

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

The spring breeze blows, the bitter herbs grow, and it is also the season to eat bitter herbs before and after Xiaoman. The teachers of Angang Sixth Kindergarten led the children to look for wild vegetables in the kindergarten garden, and the children got to know the common wild vegetables such as mother-in-law and camelina cabbage, which are rich in nutrition and contain a variety of vitamins needed by the human body.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

The person in charge of Angang Sixth Kindergarten said that the 24 solar terms are not only a guide to agricultural activities, but also a guide to people's daily life. Let the 24 solar terms be integrated into the children's life practice activities, and through the development of activities, not only increase the children's cognition and understanding of the 24 solar terms, but also promote traditional culture.

The reporter is at the scene丨Dig the mother-in-law Ding to make vegetable dumplings! This wave of operations is more powerful than adults

All-media reporter Shen Lujia