
Encourage "increasing beans", a new track of domestic soybeans is coming?

author:CCTV Sannong

As the old saying goes, "It's better to have no meat for a day than beans for a day." May 12-18 is the 10th National Nutrition Week, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier". Beans and their products are placed in a prominent and conspicuous position.

The Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee recommends that adults consume an average of 15 to 25 grams of soybeans or equivalent soy products per day, but more than two-thirds of the current residents of the mainland do not meet the recommended intake. Soybean intake is not only related to our health, but also closely related to the "fitness" of the soybean industry. Only by pushing backwards from the consumption side to the production end, adjusting the industrial gap with the "entrance" of residents, and optimizing the soybean industry structure can we fundamentally play the card of domestic soybean edible consumption.

Encourage "increasing beans", a new track of domestic soybeans is coming?


Dislocation competition to revitalize domestic soybeans. China is the world's largest importer of soybeans, and data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs show that the mainland will import 160 million tons of grain in 2023, of which 99.41 million tons of soybeans will be imported annually, accounting for more than 6% of all grain imports. In 2023, domestic soybean production will reach a new high, reaching 20.84 million tons. Although the uses of domestic soybeans and imported soybeans are different, there is substitution between the two, and the advantages of domestic soybeans in the use of oil, feed, high protein, edibility and other quality have not been fully released.

This year's No. 1 central document proposes to consolidate the achievements of soybean expansion, support the development of soybean and other agricultural products in the northeast industry chain processing, and build a food and feed industry cluster. This undoubtedly releases a strong signal: to compete with imported soybeans in dislocation, to create the core competitiveness of the new track of edible soybeans, and to break through the stuck points in the revitalization process of domestic soybeans.


"Increasing soybeans and reducing oil" has a profound meaning. The Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee also recently released the core information of "reducing oil, increasing beans, and adding milk". The deep meaning behind "increasing soybeans and reducing oil" coincides with "stable soybeans", that is, taking physical health as the foundation, market demand as the guide, and residents' consumption as the bull's-eye, providing more high-quality soybean edible products suitable for the Chinese physique, which is also a practical move to enhance the competitiveness of the soybean industry.

Encourage "increasing beans", a new track of domestic soybeans is coming?


The solution to the problem of consumption increment. The potential and space for soybean edible consumption is huge. Residents' intake of soybeans is not up to standard, and consumers cannot be blamed for their mouths, but they must seek solutions from various aspects.

First of all, stretch the "length" of the people's menu. With the concept of healthy diet deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, residents have a strong demand for emerging soy products such as "double protein" and "soybean polypeptide", and high-quality products that can meet diverse needs have broad prospects.

Secondly, adjust the "precision" of soybean planting. It includes the effective docking of enterprises and farmers, determining the planting area and planting varieties, guiding farmers to grow good grain and sell good beans, and providing high-quality raw materials for consumption upgrading.

In addition, it drives the "depth" of soybean processing. Taking Heilongjiang as an example, as the main soybean producing area, local soybean processing accounts for only about 30% of the output, and most of them are sold to other provinces in the form of raw grain. It is imperative to encourage enterprises to "eat more than one bean", continuously strengthen the research and development of new products and the expansion of the industrial chain, and improve the level of deep processing.

Finally, expand the "breadth" of policy coverage. At present, the support of the domestic soybean industry is mainly concentrated in the production side, and the consumption side lacks the centralized "firepower" support of the policy, and the policy support mechanism for the purpose of soybean product consumption is established to stimulate new consumption increments.

Those who know "food" are Junjie. Optimizing the soybean consumption structure, redrawing the industrial chain map, and truly "eating and squeezing out" soybeans can not only enrich the taste buds of the people, improve the health of residents, but also stabilize the national soybean security. Killing two birds with one stone, it's worth looking forward to!

Encourage "increasing beans", a new track of domestic soybeans is coming?

Written by Gao Xiang

Edit | Ren Liang

Editor-in-Chief | Li Yunan

Producer丨Liu Bing

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