
It's a summer experience

author:Book and Newspaper Digest

On the way to work, there is a section of Sycamore Avenue, and the sycamore trees on both sides have a long history, and the trunks are not as close as one person, and the branches are thick and thick, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant.

I often feel that the changes of the four seasons are interpreted very clearly by this road and these plane trees.

There must be no rain in autumn, otherwise the road will be covered with burnt yellow sycamore leaves.

In winter, the plane trees are bare and have only branches, and even the roads look empty without the decoration of leaves.

In spring, through the branches, the vitality is visible to the naked eye. Sycamore leaves grow from nothing, from a little yellow to a little green, from less to more, from the direct sunlight on the road to the light must squeeze through the gaps in the leaves, and then summer comes.

It is as if a glimpse of the secrets of nature makes every ordinary day inextricably chic.

Now, the sycamore leaves are struggling to grow, and I can already see the appearance of this road being sprinkled with greenery, and suddenly, there is a thought in my heart:

It's summer season again.


Look, the liveliness of summer

Book and Newspaper Digest

Pomegranate flowers in May, lotus flowers in June, hollyhocks in July, osmanthus flowers in August.

Pink and white acacias, orange-red Lingxiao flowers, white, pink and red oleanders, as well as sunflowers, blue snowflakes, gardenias, jasmine......

If spring is the time for flowers to show their faces, then summer is undoubtedly the soil for flowers.

And the swaggering wicker, the winding vines in the corners, the greenery everywhere, the dense branches and leaves, crowded next to each other, you hold me and tie them, I am afraid that if you get closer, you can hear them whispering.

Even the fruits and vegetables in the garden have shown signs of a bumper harvest. Cucumbers sprout, grapes begin to form clusters, and mushrooms sprout......

In the spring, the plants and trees are still carefully probed, and in the summer, it is as if they have entered their home field, and they are growing beyond control, and they are full of joy.

Experience the grace of spring and look forward to the boiling of summer. In the hustle and bustle of the outside world, life has also become lively.

One of the excitements is the graduates who are about to enter the society. Busy looking for a job, busy packing luggage, busy having dinner in twos and threes, busy looking forward to the future life......

Some people say that after the excitement of graduation, it may be a long time to move forward alone.

Therefore, "lively" is more worthy of being cherished.

In May last year, the Xinkong Choir of Lingnan Normal University staged a "temporary song change".

The members of the choir were singing "So Many People in This World", but the music suddenly stopped, and one of the boys thought that he was in the wrong beat, and the song of "Goodbye" sounded in a stunned moment, and then the boys reacted, which was everyone's graduation blessing.

It turned out that five members of the choir were about to graduate, and the younger students secretly rehearsed a surprise under the cover of the conductor.

Some people cried on the stage, some laughed, the singing did not stop, the atmosphere was warm, and the applause from the audience was even worse.

The video caused heated discussions on the Internet, with some netizens saying, "The excitement of youth never ends." ”

Yes, the flowers will bloom again after thanks, the fruits will grow again, the summer will still follow the cycle of the four seasons, and the excitement of life will also be one after another, not forever like boiling hot water, nor will it be silent and lonely for a long time.

If you encounter the former, enjoy yourself, and if you encounter the latter, feel it quietly. Every life is lovely in itself, just like every scene in summer is worth seeing.

It's a summer experience


Look, the enthusiasm of summer

Book and Newspaper Digest

You see that the pond of "the lotus leaves are infinitely green", there is no lotus leaf that is not the fullest, no lotus flower is not the most blooming, and there is never a lonely self-appreciating appearance, spreading out openly, occupying people's field of vision one by one.

When you are in a hurry, you will be caught by the stems and leaves, and the pink petals will gently fall into your arms, and the lotus canopy will also shake its head in the wind, pretending to rub your fingertips inadvertently.

To be retained by this "enthusiasm", it will take some effort to get out.

There are also the Lingxiao flowers that are hanging all over a wall, a column, a tree, like a piece of brocade and a cluster of sunset, which are very eye-catching, and can always make pedestrians stop.

As for the birds and insects, the butterflies and bees chase the flowers unabated, the dragonflies are nostalgic for the water, the frogs under the lotus leaves are noisy, and the crickets are hiding, adding another string of sounds to the night.

The vitality of summer always makes the enthusiasm for life stronger.

In August 1989, Mr. Lai Ruihe, a scholar of the Tang Dynasty, traveled to Xi'an, saying that he wanted to pursue the relics of "Chang'an".

Seeing the beautiful Xi'an women in high heels, he thought of the poem "Lady Lady by the Water in Chang'an".

On the streets of Xi'an in the summer, in front of the mobile newsstands, there are him, people with pu fans, and people with children, showing their enthusiasm for "books".

He went to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Little Wild Goose Pagoda, the Terracotta Warriors and the Zhaoling Tomb, tasted Muslim snacks in the small alleys, roamed to the suburbs by bicycle, and rented a car to go into the mountains alone, climbing to the top of the mountain alone......

The heat is still there, and there is a slight coolness, Mr. Lai has walked through the mountains, rivers and lakes, and seen the life of the world. Although he did not say it directly, his words are full of "passion", love for life, and deep affection for his homeland.

Rabindranath Tagore has a poem in The Birds, "Life should be as beautiful as summer flowers." ”

The beauty of flowers is probably due to the fact that they bloom without leaving any room, and the beauty of life lies in living each day with enthusiasm.

Do your best for work, invest in life, don't let go when you struggle, use enthusiasm to stimulate motivation, stop and walk when you rest, and understand life with inner enthusiasm.

The scorching sun, the scorching wind, the steaming heat on the ground, and the blazing summer will tell you that life is not only lively, but also enthusiastic.

It's a summer experience


Look, the eagerness of summer

Book and Newspaper Digest

The arrival of summer always seems to be warm and eager.

The day before yesterday, I was still looking at the delicate spring flowers, but the next day there was no flower shadow on the branches, but there were many traces of petals on the ground. As for the leaves, there is almost a scene every day, from late spring to early summer, as if it is just a turn of the head, and it is already the height of summer.

The temperature also climbed rapidly, and suddenly a heat wave rolled in.

Summer rain also likes to raid. One second there was a blazing sun hanging in the sky, the next second there was a dark cloud, and when I looked up again, the raindrops fell, and most of them lacked some gentleness.

Hit the window lattice, make a clattering sound, hit the petals and veins, shook the flower branches, hit the surface of the pond, and caused ripples.

And life is like a remake of a film of "Summer", sometimes warm, sometimes sincere.

Huang Zhongjian is an ordinary migrant worker in Foshan, Guangdong Province, who works as a casual worker on a construction site during the day and goes to the Hongsheng Pavilion at night to learn Cai Li Buddha boxing and lion dance.

His dream is to earn money and return to the village, teach boxing, and form a lion team. The reality is that he and his girlfriend who have been in love for many years are worried about getting married.

When he was depressed, Huang Zhongjian would practice the lion dance with a basin in his small bedroom, and when he was happy, he would pick up the guitar and play and sing to himself.

After a lot of hard work, they finally tied the knot. But when the wife got pregnant and had a prenatal checkup, it was found that the child had congenital heart disease. After several entanglements, Huang Zhong resolutely decided to give birth to the child first and then do treatment. Fortunately, everything went well.

When the wedding was held, Huang Zhongjian "had a whim", scraped together a sum of money, bought a lion head of his own, and at the entrance of the village, let people hold big flags, dance lions, and welcome the float in, and the car was a husband and wife smiling from ear to ear.

If practicing boxing and lion dance is Huang Zhongjian's inner enthusiasm, living an ordinary life with his wife and children is his most sincere pursuit of life. He kneaded the two together, Happy Coke.

Sometimes, life is like the rain in this summer, the sultry day, which comes urgently, which makes people unprepared, but they can't change it and can only face it head-on. How you face it head-on is optional.

Running in the summer rain is also a kind of pleasure, and after the summer rain, there are also azure flowers. Rushing for life is not a disappointment to life expectations, and after the ups and downs of life, you may also encounter rainbows.

Even if it is late in summer, there is also greenery. And life, it may not be as good as expected, but it does not prevent it from living eagerly.

It's a summer experience

In summer, it is Su Shi's words "green locust high willow swallowing new cicada." The smoke is beginning to enter the strings", opening with a symphony.

In summer, it is the "Lotus Pavilion Summer Picture" in the Song Dynasty painting, in the mountains and forests, a pavilion, a person, "a bamboo fan to lead the slight cool" comfort.

In summer, it is Wang Zengqi's "watermelon hanging in the well with a rope and eating in the afternoon", which is full of delicious life.

Of course, summer is also stuffy, noisy, and dry in the eyes of some people...... In the eyes of different people, summer looks like a thousand things.

But only the warmth connected to life is always the same.

Lively atmosphere, enthusiastic dedication, fervent hope.

The experience of summer, one season a year, one season and one feeling, it seems a pity to miss any season. The feeling of life is about the same as the old age, and it is natural to grasp it firmly so as not to leave regrets.

Guanxia, are you ready?

It is summer and life. May you be able to watch the beauty of summer and enjoy the beauty of life.

About the author: Meng Mu, the original creator of multiple platforms, loves the warm power of words, and also loves to share dreams and light with everyone.

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