
Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!

author:Weicheng release

Warm congratulations

Recently, the Weifang Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of "Municipal Green Manufacturing" in 2024, and the three companies recommended by Weicheng District, Zhimaid Co., Ltd., Shandong Yibaitong Machinery Co., Ltd., and Shandong Yelia Garment Group Co., Ltd. were successfully selected as municipal green factories, with a pass rate of 100%, and were rated first in the four districts.

Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!
Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!
Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!

Since the beginning of this year, Weicheng District has aimed at green manufacturing, and actively carried out policy publicity, so that enterprises can more directly understand the policy and obtain information, at present, the first round of publicity activities have achieved full coverage, and the number of training enterprises has exceeded 200; Establish a dynamic cultivation library of "green factory", in accordance with the principle of "reserving a batch, cultivating a batch, and upgrading a batch", the leaders in charge lead the team to take the initiative to provide front-line services, one-to-one, face-to-face accurate guidance, and actively guide enterprises to implement green transformation. Up to now, there are 6 municipal-level green factories in Weicheng District.

Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!
Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!
Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!
Good news丨No. 1 in the four districts! 100% pass rate!

In the next step, Weicheng District will further promote green, low-carbon and high-quality development, improve the green manufacturing system, further promote new industrial energy-saving technologies, strengthen the leadership of green manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, drive more traditional enterprises to achieve green transformation, and strive to cultivate more than one provincial-level green factory within the year, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in promoting the green transformation of the whole district.