
A fifty-year-old man died unexpectedly while exercising his neck! Don't learn this again→


Whether you're in a neighborhood or online

I've seen some "cow people" uncles and aunts

In a "hanging neck" way

to exercise

A fifty-year-old man died unexpectedly while exercising his neck! Don't learn this again→
A fifty-year-old man died unexpectedly while exercising his neck! Don't learn this again→

(Web material, not related to the event)


Many media have popularized science

This "hanging" fitness

Very dangerous! And not advisable!


Still, the dire consequences happened


A fifty-year-old man in Chongqing hangs his neck while exercising

Died in an accident

Related topics rushed to the hot search

Cause for concern

A fifty-year-old man died unexpectedly while exercising his neck! Don't learn this again→

According to reports, a man in Chengxi Town, Dianjiang County, Chongqing City, was studying online video during physical exercise, and hung his neck on the rope of fitness equipment, resulting in an accident. On May 16, a staff member of the Chengxi town government told reporters that the deceased was a man in his 50s, and that the police had been dispatched from the police station yesterday.

The staff of the Chengxi Police Station responded that the man had an accident in the outdoor public fitness equipment place in the open community, "(the fitness rope) was not brought by himself, and he hung on it for a long time".

According to Jimu News, the person in charge of the relevant departments of Dianjiang County introduced that the incident was an accidental death, and the man who was involved in the accident was 57 years old, and was accidentally hung by a rope when exercising on fitness equipment in the community. ”

In addition, the staff of the Chengxi Police Station said that they have docked with the community where they are located and will make warning signs for warning publicity.

Experts remind

"Hanging neck" fitness can damage the nerves and spinal cord

In severe cases, it can even lead to high paraplegia

In recent years, the elderly "hanging neck" fitness has become popular on the Internet, but experts remind that although this exercise method adopts the clinical traction principle, it is actually not advisable.

Zhao Qiang, vice president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that this kind of exercise is really terrible.

Zhao Qiang introduced that in the clinical treatment of cervical spondylosis, traction must be selected according to the patient's adaptability, and gradually increase. The traction force suitable for adults is about 10kg, and the maximum is not more than 12kg, which is obviously far beyond the standard of traction holding the weight of adults.

"This kind of hanging method, if you are not careful, will cause atlantoaxial subluxation, that is, the first and second cervical vertebrae, thereby damaging the nerves and spinal cord, and in severe cases, it will cause high paraplegia." Zhao Qiang reminded that this place is close to the base of the skull, and there are many blood vessels that supply the brain, and the blood vessels are tortuous, so that the "hanging neck" can easily cause insufficient blood supply to the brain and even suffocation, which is really very dangerous.

"For healthy people who do not have cervical spondylosis, it is not recommended to 'hang the neck' for fitness, which has no benefit for cervical spine health."

Zhao Qiang suggested that for people who have been working at the desk for a long time, the discomfort of the cervical spine is more due to the tension and fatigue of the soft tissues around the vertebral body, such as muscles and tendons. Therefore, if the cervical spine is usually uncomfortable, you can move the cervical spine by lowering your head, raising your head, rotating left and right, and flexing sideways to normalize the muscles and ligaments of the cervical spine.

If you feel severe discomfort and pain in the cervical spine, you must go to the hospital in time for treatment, and treat the symptoms after classification.

User Comments:

@赵无忧: Don't forget that the elderly are now generally able to use mobile phones, and are exposed to some pseudo-scientific short videos, all kinds of bizarre "exercise" postures in the park, crawling, handstands, hitting trees, yelling......

@洛晓洛跑得快呀: The fears finally came true.

@爱吃Pizza的小盆友: Hanging around your neck? Don't know that this practice is dangerous? Why is there such gym equipment?

@much's little follower: Oh my God, there are so many old men and aunts who are exercising in the nearby park that they feel like they are practicing martial arts...... But it's really dangerous, and the neck is already fragile.

A fifty-year-old man died unexpectedly while exercising his neck! Don't learn this again→

The chatter is synthesized from China News Weekly, Jimu News, Science and Technology Daily, and netizen comments

Editor: Chen Li

Editor in charge: Chen Min

A fifty-year-old man died unexpectedly while exercising his neck! Don't learn this again→