
The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...


Recently, the price of durian in many places has plunged

Let many netizens realize "durian freedom"

have started to "dazzle"

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

But a piece of doctor advice

But it made durian lovers panic

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

What are the harms of eating too much durian?

Some netizens posted

I ate 3 durians in a week

caused the eldest aunt to come half a month early......

She mentioned in the post:

"It's really too much to make up

Eating durian still has to be restrained"

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

How much durian is appropriate for the average person to eat at one time? Ma Jing, chief TCM physician of the Department of Gynecology of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that everyone's physique is different, but generally speaking, it is advisable not to eat more than two petals a day and more than one a week.

Fattening, diabetics

People with a hot constitution should eat less

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the taste is pungent, sweet and hot, and enters the three meridians of the liver, kidney and lungs.

It is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "durian can be used medicinally, sweet and warm, non-toxic, and mainly treats dysentery and cold breath in the heart". Therefore, some dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhagia, and late menstruation can eat some durian in moderation as nourishment. Modern medicine believes that durian pulp contains extremely high levels of sugar, protein, starch, fat, vitamins A, B, C, calcium, etc., which can improve the body's immunity.

Director Ma reminded that durian is warm in nature, and if you eat too much to make up for it, it will also lead to menstrual disorders of blood fever. It is manifested by an early menstrual cycle, heavy menstrual flow, irritability, and easy thirst. Dry stools. Short urine.

As the saying goes, "one durian has three chickens", durian is high in sugar and calories, and it is easy to gain weight if you eat too much. Obese and diabetic patients are not recommended to eat too much, people with hot constitution (such as dry mouth, acne, constipation) should eat less, and ordinary people should also eat in moderation to avoid fire.

Director Ma said that the diet structure will indeed affect the physique, for example, people who like to eat fried and spicy food for a long time will have a slightly hot physique, and there will be a possibility of early menstruation; People who especially like to eat cold foods such as popsicles and sashimi will have a cold physique, which may lead to problems such as menstrual cramps, delayed menstruation, and low menstrual flow.

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

The 8-year-old "durian control" girl developed early

Previously, there were media reports that the 8-year-old girl Fang Fang was in the third grade, but her breasts were slightly bulging, hard to the touch, and she always shouted "It hurts here". Mother Ms. Liu was up and down in her heart: Could it be that her daughter developed early?

During the consultation, the doctor learned that the early development of Fang Fang's breasts is related to factors such as going to bed late, loving electronic products, lack of exercise, etc., and there is also a dietary characteristic that cannot be ignored - she is a complete "durian control"!

Mom said that durian has always been Fang Fang's favorite fruit. The family also often buys durian and comes back, at least twice a week, and each time the daughter eats it all alone.

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

Special reminders are needed

Children should eat durian in moderation

Durian is high in calories and sugar

Ripe durian

It may also contain an alcohol component

Children who eat too much are prone to overnutrition

It may affect development

Leads to early development

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

Remind the "durian control" again

Eat durian in moderation!

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

The chatterbox is integrated from Orange Persimmon Interactive, Urban Express, Zhejiang Medical Online

Editor: Chen Wen

Editor in charge: Yan Ping

The nearest fruit "top stream"! But the doctor said to eat up to 1 petal a day? There is an 8-year-old girl who eats two a week and develops early...

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