
The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!

author:Cute pet healer

If you don't love it, please don't hurt it, this is the most basic requirement for stray dogs. Stray dogs are not inherently wrong, but those who abandon them are at fault! Stray dogs also long to have a home with an owner, but they continue to be hurt and persecuted, so they have to become vigilant, and eventually all the black pots will be carried by them, which is too unfair! Today I want to talk about the story of rescuing a dog that was injured, which happened in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. One volunteer received a message that a stray dog was seriously injured and is now on the verge of death and needs to be rescued urgently, otherwise it may be gone in the next two days! After receiving the news, the volunteers did not hesitate and immediately drove 100 kilometers to rescue the dog.

The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!

When I came to the place where the caller said, I saw an injured dog. Although I was prepared before I came, I was still shocked when I saw this dog! Because the wounds on its body were so bad, it was as if it had been burned, and its entire back was rotten! I thought it was just an ordinary skin disease, but it was more like being deliberately hurt! According to the person who asked for help, he works in this neighborhood and can often see the dog on his way to and from work. The dog was fine the other day, and it was fed food. But I haven't seen the dog for the past few days, and seeing it again has become like this!

The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!

This look is to be hurt by someone! I don't know if it was splashed with boiling water or oil! Now the weather is very hot, after a few days of delay after such an injury, the rotten skin has begun to suppurate and stink, and if it continues like this, it is estimated that the hospital will not be able to do anything if it is infected by bacteria! In order not to delay the condition, volunteers should send the dog to the hospital as soon as possible. Fortunately, this dog is very sensible and obedient, and the dog can't stand up when he finds it, but after seeing the volunteer, he still wagged his tail and let it into the cage, and when he let it into the cage, he took the initiative to use all his strength to enter the cage!

The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!

Seeing that the dog had such a strong desire to survive, the volunteers also secretly vowed to cure the dog. In this way, the dog was later sent to the hospital for treatment, and the doctor said that it was burned, and all the hair on its body should be shaved first. After shaving the dog's hair, the wound was really shocking, there was no good skin, how could the bad guy bear to poison the dog! Doesn't conscience really hurt? Would it be okay to pour boiling water on your body and let you try that painful taste? The volunteers decided to name it Strong, hoping that it could continue to be strong and that it would be cured!

The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!

When the doctor applied the ointment to the dog, he thought that the dog would not be able to resist it. What is touching is that the dog did not behave at all, and obediently sat in place and cooperated with the doctor! Although it was already shaking all over its body in pain, it still didn't think about dodging, probably it also realized that the people in front of it were kind people who were helping it! It's also embarrassing that such a well-behaved dog has fallen into such a state! Maybe it's because it's obedient and sensible that it's hurt one after another!

The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!

Next, the dog will be in the hospital, and the dressing will be changed every day for observation, this recovery period is very important, I hope the dog can be strong through! The volunteers also said that as long as the dog can be cured, I am willing to wait no matter how long it takes! When you are fully recovered, I will take you home, so that you can enjoy the happy dog life that your pet dog should have! Here, I would also like to thank the volunteers for saving another little life! Good people have a safe life, and the retribution of bad people is not not retribution, but the time has not come! After all, one day it will be retribution!

The stray dog was deliberately splashed with boiling water, and the entire back was burned and rotten, and there was no good place!