
In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

author:History Book Lingxuan Pavilion

There is a saying called "three hundred and sixty lines, the line is the champion", which means that no matter what industry you are engaged in, you must be serious and down-to-earth, as long as you work hard in your own industry, there will always be something to do.

The worship of the ancestor of the industry is a branch of folk culture, and in the past, all industries attached great importance to it as the protector of the industry. There is a saying among the people that "three hundred and sixty lines, no ancestors do not stand". The ancestors are all very famous people who have directly or indirectly created and supported the industry.

"History Book Lingxuan Pavilion", let's talk about the "ancestors" in various industries in ancient times. First of all, it is stated that the "ancestors" of various industries are all folk customs and culture, and there is no clear record in the historical materials of all dynasties, so the statements may vary from place to place.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

1. Winemaking - Du Kang

The ancestor of the winemaking industry is generally considered to be Du Kang. Legend has it that Du Kang was the ancestor of winemaking in ancient times, and was also named the "Saint of Wine".

Legend has it that during the time of the Yellow Emperor, Du Kang was in charge of the management of grain. In the face of the annual harvest of grain, storage has become a problem, and the damp cave keeps the grain rotting. One day, in the woods, Du Kang accidentally deposited grain in a dead tree trunk. When he returned, he found some animals lying on the side of the tree, as if they were dead.

The liquid oozing from the trunk of the tree is fragrant, attracting the animals to lick it. Du Kang tried the mysterious liquid and felt refreshed. After taking it home, people rushed to taste it and praised it. This miraculous liquid is what we call wine, and Du Kang has thus become the "god of wine" in people's mouths.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

2. Animal husbandry - Su Wu

The ancestor of animal husbandry is generally believed to be Su Wu. This stems from the story of "Su Wu shepherding sheep", Su Wu was detained when he went to the Xiongnu, and then ordered him to shepherd sheep near the North Sea, and only released him back to the Han Dynasty after 19 years.

Su Wu, the Lang official of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was gradually promoted to the supervisor of the stables in Yuzhong. In the first year of the Tianhan Dynasty, he went to the Xiongnu as an envoy, but he was unexpectedly involved in disputes and was detained by the Xiongnu. Under the coercion and temptation of the Xiongnu, he resolutely refused to surrender, and even did not hesitate to hurt himself to clear his ambition. Exiled to shepherd sheep by the North Sea, he still remained loyal to the face of the dilemma of not being able to return to China, and held the Han Festival for 19 years. It was not until the sixth year of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty that the Han and Hungarian families were reconciled, and Su Wu was able to return to the Han Dynasty. Although he was once dismissed because of the Shangguan case, he was also sealed as the Marquis of Guan for helping Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

3. Business - Fan Li

The grandfather of business is generally considered to be Fan Li. Fan Li is a person in the Spring and Autumn Period, he became a rich man through business three times in his life, but he scattered his family wealth three times, so he was worshiped by many merchants.

Fan Li, known as the saint of commerce and the god of wealth, has a legendary life story. After helping Goujian, the king of Yue, to destroy Wu, he chose to give up the high-ranking officials Houlu, scattered all his family wealth, and went away by boat. Later, in the state of Qi, he accumulated great wealth again, but returned the prime minister's seal and distributed the wealth to his neighbors. Seeing that the pottery land was a trade artery, he called himself Tao Zhu Gong and became rich through trade, but he was disheartened because of family affairs and retired again. According to the "Historical Records", Fan Li was extremely rich in 19 years, and his financial resources were so strong that he could even help the King of Yue to take revenge on Wu.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

4. Paper industry - Cai Lun

Cai Lun, a eunuch in the Eastern Han Dynasty, is also an inventor who is also Shang Fangling, he loves his job and takes the initiative to work overtime every day without a raise. Cai Lun was in charge of Shang Fang, the mecca of the palace's manufacturing industry, which gathered top craftsmen and represented the pinnacle of manufacturing at the time.

Here, Cai Lun's personality and talent can be fully unleashed. He guided the craftsmen to soak the bark, torn linen, and scraps of old fishing nets until the debris rotted, leaving behind tough fibers. After repeated stirring, pulping, and drying, a new type of material, paper, came into being.

In the first year of Yuanxing, when Cai Lun dedicated paper and papermaking techniques to Emperor Han He, the whole world was shocked. This thin, flexible paper, which was not only readily available but also inexpensive, was soon popularized both inside and outside the imperial court. Nine years later, Cai Lun was named "Longting Hou", and this paper is also affectionately known as "Cai Hou Paper".

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

5. Construction industry - Luban

Generally speaking, there is no controversy about the grandfather of the construction industry, that is, Luban, also known as the public loss class. For a long time, civil craftsmen have regarded Luban as their ancestor. Today, the Construction Industry Association has set up the "Luban Award" to commend units with excellent quality.

Legend has it that Lu Ban created a unique "hook" and "rejection" for the Chu army, making the Chu army invincible. Lu Ban showed off his invention to Mozi, but Mozi responded with the philosophy of "love" as the hook and "gong" as the rejection, which made Lu Ban speechless for a while.

Lu Ban also showed the wooden magpie he made, which can soar for three days without setting. However, Mozi pointed out that it is better to have no practical use than to be advantageous, and how can a wooden magpie be compared to an axle wood that can carry 50 stones? Lu Ban silently understood.

When Lu Ban wanted to use the cloud ladder to help Chu attack the Song Dynasty, Mozi came to the palace of Chu and competed with Lu Ban with simple equipment. As a result, Lu Ban's offensive means were exhausted, but Mozi's defense was still at ease, which finally convinced Lu Ban, and the king of Chu dispelled the idea of attacking Song.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

6. Pharmaceutical - Sun Simiao

Sun Simiao, born in the seventh year of the Great Unification of the Western Wei Dynasty, was depleted of his family property due to his young age and illness, so he decided to practice medicine. He has been smart since he was a child, and when he was seven years old, he could read thousands of words and recite thousands of words a day, and was praised as a "holy child" by Dugu Xin. At the age of 18, he felt the importance of medicine and began to study and help his neighbors.

Tang Taizong was amazed by his ability to stay in Yan and wanted to confer his title, but Sun Simiao was not here and insisted on returning to his hometown to practice medicine. During the time of Tang Gaozong, although he was summoned to Chang'an, he still had no intention of pursuing a career and only wanted to heal people. In his later years, he was homesick, and Gaozong gave him the old residence of Princess Poyang, and won the admiration of all the scribes. Sun Simiao was indifferent to fame and fortune all his life, and his medical skills were superb, which was praised by later generations.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

7. The Tang Dynasty

In ancient times, those who sang opera, also known as the children of Liyuan, generally regarded Emperor Tang Ming as their ancestors. Legend has it that Emperor Tang Ming was very fond of music, often played the pipa himself, and was also good at composing music by himself. After ascending the throne, he set up a teaching workshop "Pear Garden" in the palace, that is, a place dedicated to training actors.

8. Literati – Confucius

Needless to say, the ancestor of the literati, the "most holy" Confucius, whose Confucian work "Analects" still has a profound influence on our culture today. Confucius regarded "benevolence" as the pinnacle of morality and advocated that people treat others with benevolence. He advocated "do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you", conveying respect and care between people, which greatly promoted the harmony of interpersonal relations in ancient times.

Confucius advocated the rule of etiquette, believing that etiquette can regulate behavior and promote social harmony. In terms of education, he advocates teaching students according to their aptitude, encouraging independent thinking, and emphasizing the combination of learning and thinking.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

9, slaughtering - Zhang Fei

The butchers of the industry generally regard Zhang Fei, a fierce general in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, as their ancestors, because according to legend, Zhang Fei was born as a butcher. It is also said that the butcher's grandfather is Fan Xu.

10, cross talk - Dongfang Shuo

is Guo Degang's ancestor, generally believed to be Dongfang Shuo. Dongfang Shuo was a regular servant in the Han Dynasty, but he was witty, funny and wise, and often talked and laughed in front of Emperor Wu for fun.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

11. Stolen Tomb——Cao Cao

At the beginning of the Three Kingdoms struggle, Cao Cao's territory was still small, wars were frequent, and it became the norm for cities to change hands, and rest was rare. As a result of this chaos, it was difficult for the army to stabilize the army, and the peasants did not harvest in the spring and autumn, and their lives were difficult. Therefore, the rapid raising of military salaries became the key to the war. Rumor has it that Cao Cao relied on tomb robbing to raise military expenses,

After the prosperity of the Western Han Dynasty, thick burials prevailed, which also provided soil for the rumors of Cao Cao's tomb robbery. However, this is just rumor.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

12. Tourism - Xu Xiake

At the age of nineteen, Xu Xiake lost his father. After the end of his filial piety, he has a longing for the world, but he is in conflict because he can't bear to leave his mother alone at home. His mother's words, like a spring breeze, aroused Xu Xiake's courage, so he decided to embark on a journey. Before leaving, the long-distance crown and ardent expectations that his mother sewed for him were deeply imprinted in his heart.

Xu Xiake's journey is full of thrills and beauty. In Yandang Mountain, he searched for the legendary Yanhu Lake, and even in the face of the steepness and precipitousness of the mountain, he never flinched. When the cloth belt broke and Xu Xiake almost fell into the abyss, his wit and bravery allowed him to escape. The hardships of the journey did not defeat him, but strengthened his determination to explore.

In ancient times, who was the ancestor of various industries in the people, and how many do you know?

Xu Xiake is not only a brave explorer, but also an attentive recorder. Whenever night falls, Xu Xiake will record what he sees and hears in the light of the fire with pen and ink. Xu Xiake's story always makes her mother listen to it with relish, and those strange flowers and plants in the distance have also become a precious memory shared between their mother and son.

Even after the death of his mother, Xu Xiake still adhered to his original intention of exploration. At the age of 51, he took his old servant Gu Xing and embarked on a journey to find the source of the Yangtze River. In the Maye Cave of Chaling, Xu Xiake bravely entered the forbidden land, which amazed the villagers. Every time Xu Xiake ventures into danger, it is to explore the unknown scenery, for the love and curiosity of life and nature.

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