
The 14th meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee was held

author:Sucheng Online
The 14th meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee was held
The 14th meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee was held

On the morning of May 18, the 14th meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee was held, conveying and learning the spirit of the fourth meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, the 39th meeting of the Provincial Party Committee for Deep Reform, and the 19th meeting of the Municipal Committee for Deep Reform, and reviewed the key points of the "Four Modernizations" Synchronous and Integrated Reform in Sucheng District in 2024, the Implementation Plan for the Breakthrough Year of the Development of Modern Service Industry in Sucheng District, and the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Construction of Experimental Areas for Improving the Inclusive Preschool Education Guarantee Mechanism in the Country, and researched and deployed reform and innovation work. Chen Wei, Secretary of the District Party Committee and Director of the Deep Reform Committee of the District Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Gu Yu, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, Tao Shijiang, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress and secretary of the party group, and Shi Yong, chairman of the district CPPCC and secretary of the party group, attended the meeting.

The 14th meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee was held

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to focus on the pain points and resolutely win the battle of reform and turnover. We will make every effort to build a reform platform, give full play to the role of the platform in traction, integration and demonstration, and promote a package of reform measures in a coordinated manner. Do everything possible to strive for the pilot, focus on the reform policy documents of the central and provincial party committees, provincial governments, and provincial departments, dig deep into the clues of the pilot, and make every effort to connect and strive for it. Adhere to the "two-handed" promotion of pilot promotion and experience promotion, and strive to turn the first into the first, and the exploration into a benchmark, so that more replicable and promotable Sucheng experience can be loud and influential in the city, the province and even the whole country.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to grasp the key points and comprehensively enhance the effectiveness of reform. With the "Eight Major Actions" as the general starting point, we will promote the concentration of forces on tasks, the tilt of energy towards the list, and the concentration of elements on projects to ensure that the results are achieved. Focus on the problems of economic development, focus on the goals and tasks, increase exploration, innovate management methods, and promote the "two promotions and two promotions" of the industrial and service industries. Focus on the shortcomings of agriculture and rural areas, use reform to seek ideas and methods to effectively solve new contradictions and new problems, and promote the dislocation development and characteristic development of the area as a whole. Focusing on the shortcomings of improving people's livelihood, we have made efforts in education, medical care, affordable housing construction and other aspects related to the vital interests of the masses, and launched a number of practical measures to benefit the people; With the goal of serving the masses, we will focus on normalcy, promote long-term effect, and pay attention to details, and continue to improve the scientific, refined, and intelligent level of urban governance; Adhere to the simultaneous development of capacity building and institutional innovation, make overall plans to do a good job in "pollution control, greenery, and blank space", and accelerate the construction of a "beautiful city". Focus on the hidden dangers of safety and stability, always keep in mind that development is the first priority and risk prevention is the first responsibility, and make every effort to do a good job in safe production and the stability of letters and visits, so as to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the harmony and stability of the overall social situation.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to break through the blockages and adjust and optimize the new reform mechanism. We should improve the mechanism for grasping reform by "top leaders", and earnestly give full play to the exemplary and leading role of personally grasping reform. Improve the promotion mechanism of the whole life cycle of key reform projects, focus on key links such as project generation, progress tracking, supervision and evaluation, replication and promotion, and ensure that the reform is accurate, fast and effective. Improve the mechanism of linking and contacting leaders, so that they are truly linked and responsible, and ensure that key reform tasks are quickly advanced and produce results.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to solve the difficulties and strive to boost the spirit of reform. Be brave in the reform and take responsibility, be good at employing people for the reform, consolidate the responsibility for reform, and strictly follow the timetable and roadmap to ensure that the tasks of the reform are implemented and effective.

At the meeting, relevant units made exchange speeches.

Photo: Zhang Guokun, Zhang Jian, Wang Zhangmin Editor: Zhu Jiujiu Reviewer: Wang Ye Signed: Lu Ning Wonderful look back ✦ no hidden! Surprise spoilers sneak peek→ ✦ Meet "Sang" you, "Leaf" is a surprise~

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The 14th meeting of the Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of the District Committee was held