
【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ [Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency] How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

For friends who have been addicted to hands for too long and have functional problems, the final physical state is that the yang qi is weak, the internal organs are in a state of barely maintaining, and they can only barely live every day without any quality of life at all. In this case, we only need to replenish the yang energy of the spleen and kidneys, and the yang energy of the whole body will be vigorous.

【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

If the yang qi is weak, it will not be able to nourish the sponge body, and the tendons will naturally be weak and not used, and it will not be able to be exhilarated at critical moments, even if it is barely excited, it will not be maintained. When the yang qi is weak, the solid and astringent effect of the qi will become worse, and it will not be able to hold the essence, and the sensitivity will be too high. Therefore, Yang Qi is very important for male friends, and it is often lost with the visible essence.

【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

The spleen and stomach are the foundation of the day after tomorrow, the source of qi and blood biochemistry, and if the spleen and stomach are replenished, this problem can be solved from the source. The kidney is the innate foundation, the main reproduction, the main seal, the kidney essence is sufficient to nourish the five internal organs and improve its quality.

【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

In addition, we also need to pay attention to the problem of dampness when supplementing, if the dampness is too heavy, it is very easy to have a situation of weakness and not being able to replenish the closed door. And the dampness here is often cold and damp, after all, the essence is injured in the end, it is yang deficiency and internal cold, and the body is in a state of yin and cold and internal prosperity.

【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

Mr. Zheng from Urumqi, Xinjiang, has had functional problems for more than seven or eight years, although he insisted on trying to quit sex in the later period, but the functional problems did not improve, and he always defected in advance every time, making him very unself-confident, and he was also facing very sorrowful about his marriage, and did not know how to go to the right path. Symptoms:

1. Weakness and loss of flexibility

2. The threshold of Jingguan is too high, and it will collapse at the first touch

3. Soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus

4. Memory loss, fatigue

5. Less gas and lazy speech, afraid of cold and wind

6. The scrotum is moist, and the stool is sticky and unformed

7. The tongue is light, the moss white groove is deep, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

Dialectic: Yang Qi is deficient, and the essence is not kept

Treatment: replenish yang qi and strengthen essence

Astragalus membranaceus, Atractylodes macrocephalus, Pseudostellaria radix, Yam, Cornwood meat, Rehmannia, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Dan bark, cinnamon, licorice, dodder seed. He was instructed to insist on a light diet, eat less sweet and sweets, big fish and meat, insist on abstaining from sex from the heart, and maintain a state of pure heart and few desires. After a period of conditioning, the muscles are tenacious and strong, and they can achieve a normal state of freedom and behavior.

【Kidney, Spleen and Yang Deficiency】How to make up? [Benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil] macho men must enter

Many people have kidney deficiency to a certain extent, and the spleen and stomach are also very weak, so the purpose of replenishing the spleen and fire is achieved by benefiting the fire and replenishing the soil, and by replenishing the kidney fire. After all, only when the stool is formed, it means that it has been supplemented, which means that the symptoms are correct, and there is no deficiency without supplementation. If you can't make it up, everything is in vain, and frequent void is not replenished, which hurts people's vitality very much.