
Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

What is Jingguan for male friends? To give a more vivid analogy, if a faucet wants to control the flow of water, it needs a switch of very good quality, on the contrary, if the quality is too poor, even if the water flow is not large, it will not be able to keep it.

The same is true for the jingguan, and the less jing also needs a strong qi to fix the astringency, and this qi is often the yang qi of the heart and kidneys.

Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

The heart and kidney yang qi are strong, and the ability to control essence is strong, and when you think of it, you will rise and fall. Although the power of opening and closing is in the heart, it also needs to be completed with the cooperation of the strong kidney qi. How can I improve my ability to stick to the level? Take a look at this time:

Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

Composition: keel, oyster, aconite, white myrtle, cinnamon branch, ginger, jujube, peony, boiled licorice, centipede, epimedium weed, golden cherry seed

Function: Replenish yang qi, fix yang qi, reduce sensitivity

Application: It can be used for those who have been injured for many years

Cavernous bodies are sensitive

One-touch collapse available

Desire is heavy, but defection is available

Sluggish, less breath and lazy words are available

Cold hands and feet, chills and cold can be used

Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

Typical medical case: Mr. Chen, from Shanghai, is not guarding the door and habitually looks at the door. Symptoms:

1. The tendons are sensitive, and they will collapse at the first touch

2. Weakness of the waist and legs, easy to work

3. Memory loss, suspiciousness

4. God is tired and tired, and he is lazy and lazy

5. Don't dare to be alone, timid and afraid

6. Insomnia and dreams, and dreams are easy to wake up

7. The tongue is light, pale, and the pulse is weak

The tongue coating is as follows:

Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

Dialectic: Yang Qi is weak, Yang Qi is not kept, and Jingguan is not solid

Treatment: replenish yang qi, strengthen yang qi, and keep the essence pass

You can use solid essence soup, and tell them to stick to a light diet, eat less sweet and sweets, and don't be too irritable and anxious. After a period of time, the fine pass can be guarded and solidified.

Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

Fangzhong keel oysters are astringent and astringent, communicate with the heart and kidneys, aconite warms yang, invigorates the old function, cinnamon branch Wenyang Ping rushes down the reversal, cooperates with keel oysters traffic up and down, peony tonifies the liver and softens the liver, ginger and jujube tonify, and boiled licorice reconciles various medicines and slows down. Epimedium replenishes fire and helps yang, and golden cherry seeds are astringent and stopping. The whole party replenishes yang qi, circulates yang qi, and guards yang qi to achieve the function of solidifying astringency.

Not hard or not hard? Reuse [Gujing Soup] to replenish the fire and help the yang, and the fire continues

In fact, for most people, the weakness of yang energy is only one of them, and the blockage of yang energy is also real. Many people, whether they are anxious after getting sick or depressed before getting sick, such behavior and habits will lead to qi stagnation, so the negative energy of the whole person will be particularly heavy, especially sad, and especially easy to be emotional. Therefore, many people are always unable to get better, only know how to replenish yang qi but do not know how to pass yang qi, and the final result is that the more they supplement, the more blocked, and then aggravate the condition. Maintaining a good mindset is very helpful for recovering from the disease, it will keep your qi flowing smoothly and the road to the cavernous body unimpeded.