
What to do if soybeans don't set pods?

author:Seed bank app

In the process of soybean growth, the growth is vigorous, the leaves are thick and green, which seems to be very normal, but when it comes to the pod-setting stage, it does not set pods or has few pods, which seriously affects the final yield and wastes a season's hard work, so it is important to do a good job in prevention and control from the beginning of sowing.

1. Choose the right variety

There are many varieties of soybeans on the market, and there are also regional, so when buying seeds, we must first choose varieties suitable for local planting, and secondly, give priority to planting varieties that have been planted in the local area and perform well, and for those new varieties, have not been tested in a large area in the local area, buy cautiously, at the same time, it is recommended to go to the local agricultural stores to buy, do not buy online or go to the countryside to sell three no products.

What to do if soybeans don't set pods?

2. Rational dense planting

In this case, when soybeans enter the flowering period, the ventilation and light transmittance in the field are weak, which is not conducive to the normal growth of soybeans and is prone to no pods.

Soybean sowing density can be judged according to the fertility of the soil and plant shape, under normal circumstances, the normal plot, 18,000-20,000 plants per mu can be sown, if the soil fertility is general, the plant shape is larger, 1.3-15,000 plants per mu can be sown.

What to do if soybeans don't set pods?

3. Water management

Soybean before and after the flowering period, the demand for water is more sensitive, long-term drought or long-term water accumulation, will affect the normal flowering, resulting in no pods, summer high temperature weather, if there is no rain for a long time, the field is prone to drought, when the water absorption is insufficient, flowering is affected, on the contrary, summer is also a rainy season, if there is rainfall in the area for a long time, the field is waterlogged, it is not conducive to flowering, no pods or too few pods will appear, therefore, according to the specific local conditions, Proper irrigation, watering, or drainage is also important.

What to do if soybeans don't set pods?

4. Nutrient management

Soybeans themselves will produce rhizobia, therefore, in the management of nutrients, nitrogen fertilizer should not be used too much, so as not to grow vigorously, and the supplement of boron fertilizer is also very important, when boron deficiency, it affects the flowering and podding of soybeans, so when planting soybeans, do not only pay attention to the use of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus fertilizer, potassium fertilizer and boron fertilizer and other trace elements should also be supplemented in time.

5. Pest management

The harm of pests and diseases to soybeans will also lead to non-pods, such as pod borer, leaf roller, downy mildew, etc., which need to be sprayed with chemical agents in time for prevention and control, insecticides can be used cyhalothrin, emamectin benzoate, chlorantraniliprole, etc., fungicides can be methalin, manganese zinc, chlorothalonil, etc.

What to do if soybeans don't set pods?

What to do if soybeans do not set pods are introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield green bean seeds, you can download the seed bank app, and the country's excellent green bean varieties are available for everyone to choose.

What to do if soybeans don't set pods?

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