
"Cashless payment in China is very good!" More than 2 million inbound people used mobile payment in April!

author:CCTV Finance


Xiamen, Fujian Province is one of the popular destinations visited by overseas tourists. The reporter learned that since the beginning of this year, with the advancement of payment facilitation, the amount of mobile payment and card consumption by foreigners in Xiamen has increased significantly.

At the Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center, many international visitors stopped at the booth to choose their favorite products. Many of them are proficient in using mobile payment methods to make purchases.

"Cashless payment in China is very good!" More than 2 million inbound people used mobile payment in April!

David, Nigerian student: I think when you come to China, cashless payment is very good, people buy things conveniently, you don't need to carry your wallet all the time.

In addition, credit card consumption is also a customary payment method for foreigners. In Xiamen, merchants in major scenic spots have opened POS machines with foreign cards, which not only facilitates foreigners' consumption and payment, but also brings more business opportunities to local merchants.

"Cashless payment in China is very good!" More than 2 million inbound people used mobile payment in April!

The reporter learned that at present, there are about 90 merchants in Xiamen Gulangyu Scenic Area that support wild card swiping. According to the data of a payment platform, in the first quarter of this year, the consumption of foreign visitors to China in Xiamen increased significantly, with the number of purchases increasing by more than 870% and the amount increasing by more than 730% year-on-year.

"Cashless payment in China is very good!" More than 2 million inbound people used mobile payment in April!

On this day, Gran from Serbia walked into a bank branch in Fuzhou to inquire about opening a bank card, which supports simple account opening and card binding services for overseas people coming to China, and the process is very fast.

The reporter learned that under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, financial institutions provide simple account opening services for foreign people coming to China, for example, foreign people can only hold valid identity documents such as passports and use overseas mobile phone numbers and permanent residence addresses to open bank accounts. At present, a total of 281 key bank outlets in Fujian Province provide relevant simple account opening services.

"Cashless payment in China is very good!" More than 2 million inbound people used mobile payment in April!

According to the latest progress disclosed on the official website of the People's Bank of China, the optimization of payment services has achieved obvious results, according to statistics: in April this year, the number and amount of foreign card transactions in POS machines across the country doubled compared with February; More than 2 million inbound people used mobile payment, with both the number and value of transactions increasing by more than 80% compared to February.

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Zhang Jingye

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