
There is a relationship called a lifelong confidant

author:An Dongyue
There is a relationship called a lifelong confidant


A confidant is the kind of tacit understanding that can penetrate the heart, and it is an existence that can understand each other without words.

This kind of relationship, it is unassuming, but it is incomparably strong; It's not warm, but it's always warm. It is the warm sun in winter, the breeze in summer, the flowers in spring, and the fruit in autumn. It will not fade with the passage of time, but will become more mellow with the precipitation of time.

In the world of confidants, there is no utilitarianism, no calculation, only pure understanding and support.

He will give you solace when you are lost and cheer you on when you succeed. He understands your silence and understands your passion.

He knows your weaknesses, but he never uses them as a lever, but rather as a force to encourage you to move forward.

This kind of relationship is like a mountain and a river meeting a bosom friend, even if the whole world doesn't understand you, he is still on your side, silently supporting you, and quietly accompanying you.

There is a relationship called a lifelong confidant


Between confidants, you don't need too many words, a look, a smile, enough to convey a thousand words.

He is your safe haven when you are tired, and your sharer when you laugh. He tastes the ups and downs of life with you, and spends the ups and downs of life with you.

Such a lifelong confidant is the most valuable treasure in life. He has witnessed your growth, participated in your joys and sorrows, and recorded your bits and pieces.

You may not see each other often, but whenever you meet again, you can always find that original intimacy.

Your topics are always fresh, and your care is never stopped. No matter how the world changes, he is always the same, a beacon in your life's journey, and a sustenance for your soul.

In the heart of a confidant, your value is not measured by money, but exchanged with sincerity.

He doesn't care about your gains and losses, he only cares about your joys and sorrows. He will not be deterred by your failure, but will be closer because of your persistence.

With such a confidant, the storms in life no longer seem so terrible, because he gives you courage and strength.

There is a relationship called a lifelong confidant


Some people say that it is enough to have a confidant in life.

Indeed, having a confidant is enough.

In front of your confidant, you can remove your mask, you don't have to disguise, you don't have to force a smile. You can show your true self to the fullest, because he has already accepted the most authentic you.

In his eyes, you are a unique being, an irreplaceable soul.

In the journey of life, how lucky it is to have such a confidant.

He accompanied us through spring, summer, autumn and winter, accompanied us to see the flowers bloom and fall, and accompanied us to experience all the tastes of life.

He shares our joys and sorrows, grows and grows old with us.

In the long river of years, this friendship is like wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes.

There is a relationship called a lifelong confidant, which is not only fate, but also a lifelong commitment, a lifelong waiting, and a lifelong concern.

For a long time, what a blessing to have such a confidant by your side!