
When people reach middle age, the biggest sorrow is not that they have no money, but that they only understand these three sentences after the age of 40

author:Art Scene
When people reach middle age, the biggest sorrow is not that they have no money, but that they only understand these three sentences after the age of 40

Life is at different stages with different perceptions and experiences.

And when a person enters middle age and looks back, perhaps the greatest sorrow is not that he is penniless, but that he has only understood some crucial truths about life.

In this article, we'll delve into the connotations of these three sentences and what they mean for middle-aged people.


No one asks when you are poor, and you have distant relatives when you are rich

As children, we may not understand the true meaning of this phrase.

But as we get older, we begin to come to realize that true friends don't care about your wealth, but people who lend a helping hand in your most difficult times.

When we are poor, we may feel the coldness and alienation around us, or even the feeling of being forgotten.

However, when wealth comes, distant relatives and friends have written and called, concerned about your current situation, as if they have long forgotten your past difficulties.

Middle-aged people can appreciate this more deeply.

They may have experienced the ups and downs of life and understood who a true trustworthy friend is.

In middle age, it's crucial to know how to cherish true friendships and know how to keep in touch with those who are truly good for you.

Because in life, the only people who really accompany you through the ups and downs are often those one or two true friends.

When people reach middle age, the biggest sorrow is not that they have no money, but that they only understand these three sentences after the age of 40


People are poor and do not visit friends, and people are in trouble and do not seek relatives

This sentence speaks of a sad reality of life: when you are poor, you often find that you have fewer friends; And when you are in trouble, it is difficult to find relatives who can really help you.

When we are poor, we may feel ashamed and unwilling to let others see our embarrassment.

In this mindset, we often choose to go through difficult situations alone and are reluctant to ask our friends for help.

But often when we need support the most, we find that those friends who once resonated with us have drifted away.

In the same way, when we are in trouble, we may think of our families.

But life is not always as ideal, and the emotions between family members are often disturbed due to interests, concepts and other reasons.

When in need of help, we may find that family members are not as selfless supportive as we would expect, and may even be unable to reach out for a variety of reasons.

What middle-aged people should understand is that friends and family are important, but it is more important to learn to rely on yourself and build your own career and wealth.

Only in this way can we not be lonely and helpless in the face of difficulties.

When people reach middle age, the biggest sorrow is not that they have no money, but that they only understand these three sentences after the age of 40


The world looks at the cold and warm, and the human face is high and low

Life is like a play, and the world knows the warmth and coldness.

Between success and failure, we can clearly see the attitudes and reactions of those around us.

And this phrase also implies the idea of hierarchy between people.

When a person is successful, the people around him may look at him with adoration and follow him.

And when a person is in trouble, he often sees those who used to travel with him leave or treat him with indifference.

Middle-aged people understand this best.

In the workplace, they may have experienced promotions and salary increases, or they may have experienced job losses and layoffs. In social life, they may have experienced honor and shame, joy and loss.

All this made them realize more clearly that they can only cope with the warmth and coldness of human feelings on their own, rather than hoping for the sympathy and support of others.

In addition, the increasing number of people also reminds us to be humble and not to be complacent about our own successes, and not to ridicule the failures of others.

Because the cycle of life is impermanent, today's scenery may become tomorrow's past.

When a person reaches middle age, it may be a turning point in life, and it is also a moment to think about the meaning of life.

By interpreting these three sentences, we can better understand the true meaning of life: cherish true friendship, know how to be independent and self-reliant, and treat others with humility.

These are the truths that middle-aged people need to deeply understand, and they are also the source of strength for them to continue to move forward.

Because in the journey of life, the most important thing is not wealth and status, but the kindness and sincerity of the heart.