
How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

author:Gastroenterology science

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach? The doctor gives the answer

Aunt Zhang has always been worried recently, she should have enjoyed life after retirement, but recently, her stomach has always been uncomfortable, especially after eating, she always feels that her stomach is turning upside down, and she has a faint pain.

Son Xiao Li saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. One day after dinner, he watched his mother cover her stomach again and frowned, and couldn't help but speak: "Mom, you can't go on like this, why don't we go to the hospital for a gastroscopy." ”

As soon as Aunt Zhang heard the word "gastroscope", her face changed, "Gastroscope? I've heard it's uncomfortable, and if I do too much, will it break my stomach? ”

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

Xiao Li was silent after hearing this, he had also heard some rumors about gastroscopy, and he began to wonder in his heart: What kind of examination is this gastroscopy?

With the improvement of people's health awareness, gastroscopy has become more and more important, however, many people still have doubts about the frequency and safety of gastroscopy.

So, how often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?


Gastroscopy, as the standard for the diagnosis of digestive diseases in modern medicine, is incomparable in accuracy and directness with other examination methods.

By inserting a long, thin fiberoptic gastroscope through the patient's mouth, the doctor can look directly into the inside of the stomach and observe the smallest lesions in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.

This direct observation method can help detect early diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcer in time and prevent the occurrence of early gastric cancer.

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

In addition to basic observations, gastroscopy enables tissue biopsy and cytology, which are essential to confirm the diagnosis of certain diseases.

For example, for lesions suspected of cancer, a biopsy sample obtained through gastroscopy can be analyzed pathologically to confirm the diagnosis.

At the same time, gastroscopy also has therapeutic functions, such as hemostasis, removal of small tumors and polyps, etc., which greatly improve the efficiency of treatment and the speed of recovery of patients.


How often a gastroscopy is done depends on the individual's health, whether there is a family history of digestive disorders, and the results of previous gastroscopy.

For most healthy adults who do not have stomach symptoms, regular gastroscopy is not necessary.

But for those patients with a history of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, or individuals with a family history of gastric cancer, regular gastroscopy may be very necessary in order to detect early and deal with possible lesions in a timely manner.

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

For patients who experience digestive symptoms such as stomach pain, indigestion, and difficulty swallowing, doctors usually recommend a gastroscopy to determine the cause.

In this case, the frequency of examinations should be adjusted according to the improvement of symptoms and the effectiveness of treatment.


Although gastroscopy is a relatively safe medical procedure, it is not completely risk-free.

During gastroscopy, the gastroscope is passed through the patient's throat into the esophagus and stomach, which may cause minor physical irritation to the mucous membranes at these sites.

Most of the time, this irritation causes only temporary discomfort and does not cause long-term health effects.

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

However, in rare cases, mucosal bleeding or small tears may occur during the examination.

Although gastroscopy itself is relatively safe, its frequency should be chosen carefully, and for most healthy people, it is not necessary to have frequent gastroscopy.

Excessive testing not only increases unnecessary medical intervention, but can also cause unnecessary psychological and physical stress.


Gastroscopy can be divided into two types: painless gastroscopy and ordinary gastroscopy.

Painless gastroscopy, as its name suggests, uses mild anesthesia or sedation to make the patient feel little to no pain during the examination, greatly reducing the patient's discomfort and fear.

This method is especially suitable for patients who are sensitive to pain or have a fear of medical procedures.

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

Ordinary gastroscopy may cause patients to experience some degree of discomfort, especially when the gastroscope passes through the esophagus.

While the accuracy and efficiency of a normal gastroscopy is the same as that of a painless gastroscopy, a higher level of patient tolerance is often required because the patient may feel pain.

When choosing the type of gastroscopy, patients should further communicate with the doctor according to their condition and psychological tolerance.


1. Persistent stomach pain and stomach upset: This can be a sign of gastritis or stomach ulcers.

2. Indigestion and loss of appetite: These symptoms may indicate more serious stomach problems.

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

3. Melena and hematemesis: This is a clear sign of bleeding from the stomach or duodenum that requires immediate medical intervention.

4. Weight loss and anemia: These symptoms may be related to chronic diseases of the digestive system.

5. Recurrent symptoms of chronic gastric disease: such patients have regular gastroscopy to better monitor the changes in their condition and the effect of treatment.

How often should a gastroscopy be done? Does doing too much hurt my stomach?

After careful consideration, Aunt Zhang finally went to the hospital for a gastroscopy accompanied by her son.

The results of the examination showed that she had a slight stomach ulcer, and the doctor prescribed medication for her and told her to have regular follow-up visits, and after a few months, Aunt Zhang's condition was effectively controlled, and the symptoms of stomach pain disappeared.

Health is invaluable, and regular check-ups and necessary medical check-ups are an important part of protecting your health.

Although gastroscopy may cause temporary discomfort, it can help us detect and treat stomach problems in time, preventing small problems from becoming big problems.