
Putin sent three major gifts, China and Russia have reached an agreement, and the United States, NATO, and the European Union have threatened not to allow China to help Russia

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

Will China compromise when Putin visits China with three big gifts, China reciprocates, the United States almost failed to contain China and Russia, and the White House makes crazy threats against China?

Against the backdrop of the recent frequent interactions between the United States and Europe with China and the demand for China and Russia to "sever ties", the biggest purpose of Putin's visit is to stabilize Sino-Russian relations and prevent Russia from losing the full support of the East and thus falling into a more isolated diplomatic and economic dilemma. In order to achieve this goal, Putin has carefully prepared three "big gifts" for the Chinese side: First, in terms of energy, Putin announced that he will jointly develop the construction of the "Power of Siberia 2" natural gas pipeline with China, which will provide about 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas to China every year after its completion, and greatly reduce China's transportation costs. Second, in the field of science and technology, Putin proposed that China and Russia must unite scientific research forces and continue to cooperate in the field of high technology and innovation, and senior Russian officials said that Russia is ready to cooperate with China in manufacturing "long-range aircraft" and is considering providing Russian-made engines for the aircraft.

Putin sent three major gifts, China and Russia have reached an agreement, and the United States, NATO, and the European Union have threatened not to allow China to help Russia

Most importantly in the geopolitical sphere, Putin and the Chinese side reached an agreement to jointly develop the Black Blind Island and engage in constructive dialogue on matters related to the navigation of Chinese ships to the sea in the lower reaches of the Tumen River. Taking the energy field as an example, China, as a major industrial manufacturing country and the world's largest energy importer, attaches great importance to energy demand and energy security, and Russia has increased the construction of gas pipelines to China, which will help alleviate China's "stuck neck" problem. The Russian-North Korean railway bridge on the Tumen River has always been a "roadblock" for large Chinese ships to go to sea because of its low height, and if this "nail" can be removed, Jilin Province's freight channel to the sea will be opened, which is of great significance to the revitalization of Northeast China.

Putin sent three major gifts, China and Russia have reached an agreement, and the United States, NATO, and the European Union have threatened not to allow China to help Russia

Russia's practice shows that under the encirclement and sanctions of the West, "looking eastward" has become an inevitable choice, and China is well aware of this, and has reciprocated it and made clear its position on matters of concern to Russia. On China-Russia relations, China's highest level said that China is willing to work with Russia as good neighbors and partners that trust each other, consolidate the friendship between the two countries for generations to come, and uphold fairness and justice in the world. After China and Russia reached talks, on 16 May, the two heads of state issued a joint statement further confirming the framework for future Sino-Russian cooperation in energy, economy and trade, science and technology, and security.

Putin sent three major gifts, China and Russia have reached an agreement, and the United States, NATO, and the European Union have threatened not to allow China to help Russia

The deepening of Sino-Russian cooperation in various fields has made the US side uneasy. On the day of the joint statement issued by China and Russia, the deputy spokesman of the US State Department threatened China with not being able to "have the best of both worlds" and wanted to develop Sino-European relations while "supporting Russia's defense industry", saying that this was the position of the United States and other members of the European Union and NATO, stressing that the United States is ready to take additional action to hold relevant entities accountable, with the implication that more sanctions should be imposed on China. The next day, Kirby, the coordinator of strategic communications at the White House National Security Council, spoke out again, stressing that the United States is uneasy about the development of Sino-Russian relations. However, it is a "pity" that the Chinese side has learned many times the routine of US threats and sanctions, which only highlights the incompetence and rage of the US side.

Putin sent three major gifts, China and Russia have reached an agreement, and the United States, NATO, and the European Union have threatened not to allow China to help Russia

The United States, Europe and NATO have demanded that China not help Russia with sanctions and tough means is a sabotage of China's sovereignty and development rights, and will only further promote the deepening of Sino-Russian cooperation.

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