
What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

author:Dr. Curious's lab


What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?
What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

If someone asks you what ethnicity you are

You will definitely answer subconsciously

"I'm a Yellow"

But, when you answer

Have you ever hesitated?

Obviously, many of us Chinese are quite white

Why is it defined as "yellow-skinned"?

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Maybe when we dig deeper into the definition of "yellow race".

A huge scam will be discovered

There is even "stigmatization" from the West


It all starts with the origin of the "yellow race".

Although the way in which the race is divided originated in modern times

But in fact, the origin of the "yellow race" is much older

At the beginning of human civilization

Yellow is the color of gold


What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

In the frescoes of ancient Egypt and ancient Romans

Yellow is used heavily to indicate gold and skin tone

But with the origins of Christianity

Judas, clothed in yellow, betrayed Jesus

So yellow is defined

The color of "jealousy and deceit".

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Egyptians don't like Jews

So the Jews were considered yellow

It's not that yellow

The Romans, again, did not like the Egyptians

So it was thought that the Egyptians were yellow

Later, it was believed that the Romans were yellow

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

With the fall of ancient Rome

The ideology of Westerners is bound by religion

White skin is given

The meaning of "noble, pure, holy".

And yellow skin is considered

A symbol of "savagery, evil, and lowliness".

With the opening of the continental Silk Road

After the Europeans saw the luxury of silk and porcelain

I began to wonder about the skin color of the Orientals

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

At that time they learned about it from the Indian population

Chinese are all white-skinned

It has a large ship and countless treasures

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Thus, "rich, mysterious, elegant"

It became their "first impression" of the Chinese

The darkest period of 13th century Europe

Italian Marc Polo travelled the Orient

He was impressed by the powerful Yuan Dynasty

In his travelogue

We can learn about his definition of skin color for Chinese

It's "white".

And to give the definition of the skin of the Indians

It is given a "yellow" label

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Until the 16th century

Domer Pilez, a Portuguese visiting China

It was also recorded as follows:

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

But why 100 years later

The skin color of the Chinese is in Western literature

What has changed?

It all started with one man – Matteo Ricci

This man came to China as a missionary in 1582

It took a full 15 years

There are only 100 followers in Guangdong, China

This completely aroused his dissatisfaction

So he wrote this statement:

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

As more and more missionaries came to China

The skin of the Chinese is in their mouths

Strange changes have taken place

In addition to yellow, it is also derived

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

In short, it's all dark

None of them are associated with white or bright colors

But these people alone are not convinced

In order to put the idea that the Chinese "are yellow" in stone

It needs the "deliberate" of Western scientists


Swedish biologist Linnaeus

There are four types of human skin tones

Caucasian, red, black, brown

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

This statement was put forward by the time of the tenth edition

Just change "brown" to "yellow" (luridus)

In Latin, "luridus" in addition to yellow

It also represents death and ghosts

Later, he even bluntly wrote in his paper:

When the color of the plant changes to luridus

You may be suffering from a sad disease

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

1795 German anthropologist Blumenbach

Through the so-called "skull morphology"

Put East Asians, including Japanese

All named ""

And firmly believe that the race is yellow-skinned

But modern human genetic research has shown that

This is complete

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

The East Asians were named

It is a historical shame that stems from Westerners

In the 5th century, Attila, the leader of the Hun Empire

Swept across Europe and became known as the "Whip of God"

In the 12th century, the westward migration of the Turks led to the Crusades

This eventually led to the demise of the Eastern Roman Empire

In the 13th century, the Mongol cavalry swept across Europe

Left a deep psychological shadow on Europeans

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

To the German Emperor Wilhelm II

It also allowed the artist to draw a "yellow peril map"

At one time, discrimination against Chinese was put into account

It has been pushed to the climax of history

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?


Westerners also directly from ethnographic characteristics

Insulting Chinese

They put some people present in the skin folds at the corners of the eyes

Recognized as "Mongolian pleats"

Indicates that all East Asians are "small-eyed"

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

At the same time, a person will be born

The birthmark on the buttocks that is present is called "Mongolian spots"

It was assumed that it was excess pigment in the blood

It is a trace of a monkey's tail

They even put "Down syndrome"

Identified as a characteristic of Chinese

The appearance of this disease in Westerners is considered "atavistic"

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Only through limited observations

It is determined that the Chinese are not fully evolved

It is physically defective

Labeling the Chinese as "low-level".

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

But by the end of the 19th century in the late Qing Dynasty

These ideas were taken by some to study abroad

The "Chinese intellectuals" took it all

At this point, the yellow race, the yellow skin

It has gradually become the identity of the Chinese

Even Liang Qichao in "Young China Says".

It also expresses the view that "yellow does not lose white".

Although it is meant to express a kind of national self-confidence

But it has fallen into the trap of Western theory

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Nowadays, we Chinese speak of yellow skin

In fact, it is not the same as the yellow skin defined in the West

We define the "yellow" of yellow skin

It is in traditional Chinese culture

Yellow of great significance

It is the color of the center, the color of the earth

It is the yellow of the Yellow Emperor, the common ancestor of China

If placed in antiquity

Except for the emperors

Other ordinary people simply can't be free to be pornographic

This is what we think represents the "noble" Huang

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Therefore, the yellow skin of the Chinese identifies

It can also be understood as a misunderstanding

After all, it began as early as the Spring and Autumn period more than 2,500 years ago

Handsome guys and beauties of all dynasties

are all recognized as "skin like cream" white and tender complexion

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?


Westerners are also not as white as we think

Chinese are not necessarily yellower than Westerners

Modern genetic research has shown that

The genes that determine the whitening of skin color

It originated in Asia tens of thousands of years ago

Twenty or thirty thousand years ago

Genetic changes in East Asians and Western Europeans

Only then did it evolve into a light skin tone independently

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

Of course, that's not the point

Fall into the trap of "white is beautiful".

It doesn't matter what kind of skin color

There is never a distinction between high and low

True strength should come from

The people's "cultural self-confidence"

and the "prosperity and strength" of the Motherland

It is the backbone and confidence that can say "no" to the great powers

I hope every one of us Chinese

can be self-improving

Kudos to our mighty Motherland!

What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?
What? The Chinese are not yellow at all? What is the truth?

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