
Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

author:39 HealthNet

Aunt Wu is 49 years old this year, and when she enters menopause, she not only has a lot of discomfort on her body, but even normal sexual intercourse has become very difficult.

Every time she had sex, she felt dry and sore in her private parts, even if her husband had done enough foreplay. Every time she broke up, she was a little scared when she thought about sex.

Last week, she finally mustered up the courage to go to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with her body, which was caused by the changes in estrogen in her body. If you want to change, you can do more foreplay or seek the help of a lubricant.

But Aunt Wu was reluctant to use lubricants, she felt that these foreign objects were not clean and would make her sick. In this regard, the doctor felt very helpless, but also explained the pros and cons for Aunt Wu, which made her feel at ease.

Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

1. Women's menopause is equivalent to saying goodbye to married life?

It is undeniable that women's amenorrhea will have a certain impact on their desire to have sex, but the vast majority of women still have sexual needs after menopause. And some studies have found that women have sex appropriately after amenorrhea, which can increase the secretion of sex hormones in women's bodies and keep their bodies in a healthier state.

However, the main reason why many women are powerless to face married life is the dryness of their private parts.

After menopause, the estrogen level and ovarian function in the body will decline, and the body cannot secrete enough estrogen to maintain the functioning of the body, which will make the female private parts become abnormally dry;

And women will also undergo great changes in their psychology after menopause, and some women will even have a rejection of married life, which is also easy to induce vaginal dryness.

Data shows that more than 75% of women experience vaginal dryness after menopause, but most women do not seek medical help.

Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

The International Menopausal Society (IMS) latest recommendations on postmenopausal hormone therapy clearly state that hormone replacement therapy can improve the quality of life of menopausal women. In addition to estrogen supplementation, women can also use lubricants to aid their sex life.

Second, is the lubricant "technology and hard work"? Is it harmful to humans?

A good lubricant is a supplement to the body's secretions and can help women relieve dryness caused by insufficient secretions. And a sufficiently humid environment can prevent condoms from breaking and falling off, and can also play a certain role in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

To find out whether it will cause harm to the human body, let's first take a look at the three most common types on the market.

1. Oil-based lubricants

The main ingredient in most oil-based lubricants is mineral oil, which is very greasy and should not be used with condoms, which can cause dissolution. In addition, mineral oil cannot be decomposed when it enters the woman's body, so there is a greater risk of infection.

Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

2. Water-based lubricants

Water-based lubricants contain water, glycerin, and small molecule humectants, which are skin-friendly and easy to clean. However, the composition of the water machine lubricant is relatively close to the water and is easy to volatile, and it can only last for about 15 minutes.

3. Silicone-based lubricants

The main ingredient of silicone-based lubricants is silicone oil, which is widely used in condoms and lasts for a long time. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to clean and more expensive.

Most of the existing lubricants in China are food-grade lubricants, which are not harmful to the human body. Generally speaking, most of the lubricants produced by regular manufacturers are safe, and there will be no discomfort during use.

Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

However, there may be a "hot" situation, which may be caused by buying counterfeit and shoddy products, or the user's physique is more sensitive and allergic to some ingredients in the lubricant. It is recommended to wash this situation in time, and if the symptoms are still not relieved after cleaning, you should go to the hospital for relevant treatment.

3. If the lubricant is used incorrectly, the body will inevitably suffer

It should be reminded that there is a lot of knowledge in the use of lubricants, and these things must be paid attention to.

1. Inferior lubricants

Lubricants must be purchased from regular manufacturers, some inferior three-no products, there may be some harmful ingredients to health, which can easily lead to allergies and induce gynecological diseases.

Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

2. Excessive use

The amount of lubricant used at a time should not be too much, otherwise it will make subsequent cleaning difficult, and it is easy to leave lubricant in the private parts, providing an opportunity for bacteria to grow.

3. Lubricant substitutes have great hidden dangers

Do not use shower gel, hand cream, etc. to replace lubricants, although these items have a lubricating effect, but they have not undergone sterile treatment, there are more bacteria and additives inside, which will bring great threats to the health of private parts.

Is the use of lubricants harmful to couples? Before men and women "do things", they might as well find out

Women are prone to dry private parts after menopause, and they should seek help from a doctor in time after discovering the problem, and don't feel embarrassed!


[1] "After menopause, how to solve women's dryness? Use 3 methods to help you "fight drought". Health Daily Newsletter 2020-11-19

[2] "Answering Readers' Questions: Is Lubricant Harmful to the Body If You Use Too Much Lubricant?" Why does it hurt so much? 》. Family Doctor 2021-06-12

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