
The Municipal Family Planning Service Center held a publicity activity with the theme of "Cultivating a Beautiful Family and Enjoying Health".

author:Yangtze River Network

Yangtze River Network News (reporter Nie Olin correspondent Li Dan Ye Zixian) parent-child catwalk, interactive games, expert free clinics...... On May 18th, the theme publicity activity of "Cultivating a Beautiful Family and Enjoying Health" was held in the Water Chestnut Lake Park Square, which was lively and attracted many citizens to participate.

The Municipal Family Planning Service Center held a publicity activity with the theme of "Cultivating a Beautiful Family and Enjoying Health".

At the event, the staff of Wuhan Family Planning Service Center brought wonderful dances. Photo by Yangtze River reporter Nie Olin

The event was co-sponsored by Wuhan Family Planning Service Center, Wuhan Family Planning Association, Wuhan Medical Doctor Association, Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianmendun Community of Tangjiadun Street, and Water Chestnut Lake Park. Zhang Shixin, a first-level researcher from the Department of Family Development and Maternal and Child Health of the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, attended the event and delivered a speech.

"Baby, look here, look at the camera, let's compare hearts together." "Spring Time, Parent-Child Catwalk" kicked off the event. Five teams of parent-child families organized by the Municipal Family Planning Service Center and the Party Building Co-construction Unit of the childcare institution wore their own unique costumes on the catwalk, showing the baby's healthy state and happy family atmosphere. Five teams of parent-child families ran and jumped to the rhythm of the music, carrying their children with plastic rings and turning back and forth between the cones and barrels, and many citizens cheered for them at the scene.

The Municipal Family Planning Service Center held a publicity activity with the theme of "Cultivating a Beautiful Family and Enjoying Health".

On-site parent-child group photo. Photo courtesy of Wuhan Family Planning Service Center

The Municipal Family Planning Service Center held a publicity activity with the theme of "Cultivating a Beautiful Family and Enjoying Health".

In the interactive game session of the parent-child sports meeting, parents wore plastic rings and carried their children back and forth between the cones. Photo courtesy of Wuhan Family Planning Service Center

In the expert free clinic area, citizens lined up in front of the free clinic. Well-known experts from the Wuhan Medical Doctor Association in gynecology, pediatrics, genetics and eugenics patiently answered the public's questions and popularized science around the issues of eugenics, scientific pregnancy preparation, scientific parenting, and adolescent health. After the event, the citizens and families who participated in the event said that they had benefited a lot. Ms. Zhang, who lives in the Tianmendun community, said: "Through the introduction of experts and the exchange between parents, I have learned a lot of 'parenting scriptures', and I will pay more attention to cultivating good family education and family style to build a harmonious family atmosphere." ”

The Municipal Family Planning Service Center held a publicity activity with the theme of "Cultivating a Beautiful Family and Enjoying Health".

Well-known experts provided free on-site consultations and patiently answered questions from the public. Photo by Yangtze River reporter Nie Olin

"This event organizes a team of experts to serve the masses in close proximity, so that the concept of health can enter the family, help young people establish a correct concept of marriage and childbirth, and spread a new type of marriage and childbirth culture." The person in charge of the Municipal Family Planning Service Center said that in the future, it will continue to carry out such activities to serve community residents, actively promote the development of childcare services, so that more families of infants and young children can enjoy inclusive childcare services, realize childcare and care, and continuously improve the public's fertility willingness and the happiness of infant families.

Zhang Shixin said in his speech that he hoped that through this event, he would guide the public to pay attention to family happiness and health, establish the concept of eugenics, promote the family virtues of upward and benevolent, and better implement eugenics. In the next step, we will adhere to the realization of the people's yearning for a better life as the starting point and end point of our work, continuously reduce the cost of childbirth, parenting and education, and strive to achieve childcare and childcare, improve people's livelihood and well-being, and improve the quality of people's life.

Editor: Zhu Xidong

Duty Officer: Chen Qi

Editor-in-Chief on duty: Chen Zhiyuan

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