
Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

author:Song Pharmacist

#唱歌时会导致脑出血吗?##头条创作挑战赛#唱歌是一种广受欢迎的娱乐活动 many people use singing to release stress and express emotions. However, some people are worried that singing, a seemingly simple activity, will have a negative impact on health and even trigger a brain hemorrhage?

Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

1. What is intracerebral hemorrhage?

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) refers to the hemorrhage caused by the rupture of blood vessels in the brain, which is a serious cerebrovascular disease. Intracerebral hemorrhage usually occurs suddenly and is dangerous, with symptoms including sudden, severe headache, vomiting, coma, and neurological deficits (eg, limb weakness, speech impairment, etc.). Intracerebral hemorrhage has a high mortality rate and disability rate, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients.

Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

2. Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

1. The relationship between mood and blood pressure

When singing, especially high-pitched and intense songs, it may cause mood swings and an increased heart rate, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the important risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage, so some people worry that singing can cause intracerebral hemorrhage.

2. Vocal cord and chest pressure

Singing, especially when straining high notes, may increase intrathoracic pressure. Does this increase in pressure affect the blood vessels in the brain? Theoretically, an increase in chest pressure can be transmitted through blood vessels, resulting in a temporary increase in blood pressure. However, under normal circumstances, the human body is able to balance this change in pressure through self-regulating mechanisms.

3. Special circumstances of high-risk groups

For some high-risk groups, such as people with high blood pressure, severe arteriosclerosis, and people with a history of cerebrovascular disease, singing with too much emotion or force may increase the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, these groups of people need to be extra careful when singing.

Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

3. What factors increase the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage?

1. High blood pressure

Hypertension is a major risk factor for intracerebral hemorrhage. Long-term hypertension causes the walls of blood vessels in the brain to thicken, harden, and become more brittle, and they tend to rupture when blood pressure fluctuates.

2. Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis causes the walls of blood vessels to lose their elasticity and become stiff and fragile. When blood pressure rises sharply or pressure fluctuates, these fragile blood vessels are more likely to rupture.

3. Smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking alcohol can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of bleeding in the brain. In particular, people who drink heavily for a long time have poor vascular health and are prone to blood vessel rupture when they are emotional or physically exerted.

4. Hyperlipidemia and diabetes

Hyperlipidemia and diabetes accelerate arteriosclerosis and increase the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Controlling blood lipid and blood glucose levels is essential to prevent intracerebral hemorrhage.

5. Family History

If there is a family history of cerebrovascular disease, the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage is also increased in the individual. This group of people needs to pay special attention to vascular health.

Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

4. How to protect your health while singing?

1. Control your emotions

Maintain a happy and relaxed mood when singing, and avoid getting too excited or exerting too much force. Violent mood swings can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure and should be avoided as much as possible.

2. Practice in moderation

When singing, you should do what you can and avoid singing at high intensity for a long time. Moderate practice not only protects the vocal cords, but also prevents excessive pressure on the ribcage.

3. Monitor your blood pressure

People with high blood pressure should monitor their blood pressure before singing to make sure it is within the normal range. If blood pressure is high, appropriate rest or treatment should be given first, and singing activities should be carried out only after the blood pressure has stabilized.

4. Lifestyle health

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, can help maintain cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage.

5. Regular physical examinations

Regular health check-ups, especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular examinations, can detect and intervene early in potential health problems and prevent the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage.

Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?

5. Precautions for specific groups of people

1. Patients with high blood pressure

When singing with high blood pressure, patients with high blood pressure should pay special attention to controlling their emotions and the degree of exertion to avoid violent fluctuations in blood pressure. It is recommended to carry a blood pressure monitor with you to monitor blood pressure changes in time.

2. Seniors

Older people have poor vascular elasticity and are susceptible to fluctuations in blood pressure. When singing, you should choose soothing songs and avoid overexerting yourself and getting too emotional.

3. Those with a history of cerebrovascular disease

Patients with a history of intracerebral hemorrhage or other cerebrovascular diseases should be extra careful when participating in activities such as singing to avoid all factors that may cause increased blood pressure and increased pressure in blood vessels.

Can singing cause cerebral hemorrhage?


Although mood swings and increased chest pressure while singing may affect blood pressure, overall, singing activities within a moderate range in healthy people are unlikely to trigger intracerebral hemorrhage. However, for patients with high blood pressure, severe arteriosclerosis, and other high-risk groups, attention should be paid to controlling emotions and the degree of exertion, and appropriate precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regularly monitoring blood pressure and vascular health is key to preventing intracerebral hemorrhage.