
The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

author:Pistachio mom nursery

Hello everyone, I am the family education instructor Guo Ma~

Is your child literate?

Pistachios began to read and write when they were in kindergarten class.

At that time, a mother said to Guo's mother: "Your family was only literate at the age of 5, our family began to read at the age of 2, and now the literacy of 5 years old has reached 1,000." ”

Another mother opened her mouth wide and said, "Ah, my family is 5 years old and hasn't started to read yet, so let's talk about it when I'm ready to go to the big class!" ”

In fact, depending on the children around you, the age of literacy is not the same.

Some are 2 years old, some are 5 years old, and some don't start reading until they are about to enter primary school.

The purpose of parents to bring their children to literacy is also different.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

Some are out of the consideration of the child's "literacy sensitive period", and want the child to be literate as soon as possible;

Some are for the purpose of learning, so that the child reaches a certain level of literacy and then goes to primary school.

Of course, literacy is the best when children are in the "literacy sensitive period", because this can make children's literacy efficiency and literacy explode.

However, when is the "literacy sensitive period" for children?

01 About the "Literacy Sensitive Period"

At what age children begin to become literate is a controversial issue in the parental circle.

China Children's Publishing House once held a seminar on bilingual education for preschool children, in which many education experts from Beijing and Shanghai believed that the best age for children to learn Chinese characters is 3-6 years old.

It is beneficial and harmless to cultivate children's reading interests and hobbies at an early age.

Literacy is not recommended for children before the age of 3.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

Because for children under the age of 3, they have not yet entered the "symbol-sensitive period", and if they associate symbols, pictures, etc. too early, children will only feel bored and collapsed.

Don't let your child do things that don't meet the level of awareness, it will only backfire.

The child's "literacy sensitive period" is at the age of 3-6 years old, parents should not take the baby to read in advance at the age of 2, and do not wait for the baby to be 5 years old before starting to let the child contact words, because it is too late.

Instead, at the age of 3-6 years old, find the way that children like and take children to enlighten Chinese characters.

If you do something that is in line with your cognition during the sensitive period, then your child's efficiency will be higher and your literacy will explode.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

02 Regarding the "literacy method", these methods should not be used immediately

In terms of literacy methods, the methods of parents are really varied.

Guo Ma first talked about several literacy methods that are not recommended.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

Literacy APP

One thing to say, literacy apps can really effectively improve children's literacy.

However, there are several significant drawbacks to this approach:

The first drawback is that children's literacy has improved, but farsightedness reserves are declining, because too early and too long exposure to electronic products is very unfriendly to children's eyesight;

The second drawback, the fun is greater than the literacy itself, although the child knows the words, but the efficiency is very low, the middle of the game is too much, a bit of the cart before the horse;

The third drawback, too interesting, will make children lack interest in other learning, to put it bluntly, children begin to like this kind of "indoctrination" learning, like gorgeous, animated teaching, is not conducive to the development of children's reading habits, as well as the cultivation of concentration.

Four or five quick reads

I have to admit that the four or five quick reading is very classic and very efficient.

However, it is not recommended for children who are just beginning to recognize words.

Four or five fast reading, it is recommended that children reach a certain level of literacy, and then use it when they need to expand their literacy.

Because, compared with the literacy app, the literacy method of four or five quick reading is too boring!

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

Literacy cards

Like the four or five quick readings, the literacy cards are also relatively boring, and there is a bit of a "test-taking" feeling.

And after all, there are sentences and phrases to understand the meaning of words.

Literacy cards are just words, which is not conducive to children to understand a word.

This can only be done as a supplement to literacy, not as a mainstream approach. Moreover, Guo's mother also has literacy cards at home, and to be honest, I haven't used it, because there is a better way than this.

Graded reading

Now there is a mainstream way, which is "graded reading".

To be honest, this is a good choice, but Guo's mother thinks that this is limited to when the child is about to enter primary school and the literacy level cannot catch up.

This can develop a good reading habit because the child may enjoy the story in it.

However, the lack of understanding of Chinese characters can only lead to mechanical literacy, which cannot stimulate children's interest in Chinese characters.

To put it bluntly, graded reading is more suitable for children's independent reading enlightenment, but not for children's literacy enlightenment.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

03 Teaching children to read and write in this way makes it easier to lay a good "foundation"

Children's literacy also needs to lay a foundation.

If you really want your child to have a good foundation in literacy, then you need to choose a way that is suitable for the brain development characteristics of children aged 3-6.

From the perspective of the law of whole brain development and development, because Chinese characters are figurative words and graphics, so letting children know Chinese characters is actually a process of understanding graphics.

Rote memorization is nothing more than a way to strengthen the child's left brain.

In order to cultivate children's subtle observation and thinking skills, it is necessary for children to carefully observe Chinese characters.

For example, many children do not distinguish between "big and too much", "earth and him", "this and over", etc., and often mispronounce them, which is the result of children's rote memorization and ignorance of Chinese characters.

Therefore, if you want to achieve true literacy enlightenment, you have to start with the Chinese characters themselves.

Laying a good foundation of Chinese characters is more conducive to children's reading and Chinese learning.

The pistachio is used for the enlightenment of Chinese characters, which is this set of "Interesting Chinese Characters that Children Love".

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

There are 4 books in this set, each of which is a Chinese character theme:

One word one animal;

One word, one life;

One word one plant;

One word and one natural.

Let children understand the meaning of a Chinese character and its evolution in the context of pictures and texts.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

For example, the character "dragon", this book details the evolution of its Chinese characters: oracle bone inscription - Jin script - small seal - Lishu - regular script.

Coupled with the illustrations, meanings, phrases, and related stories of dragons, children will be able to understand the method of character making, evolution, and use of Chinese characters, and form a relatively complete "view of Chinese characters", which is even more profound.

The "best age for literacy" for children is neither 2 years old nor 5 years old, and the literacy level of this age group is more likely to explode

And this is the real enlightenment of Chinese characters, and it is in the interest that children have completed the enlightenment of Chinese characters.

The whole book is selected from the 180 words that primary school students must know, after this layer of Chinese character enlightenment, and then use various other ways to understand Chinese characters, the effect is different!

Not only will the child's literacy efficiency be higher, but the child's understanding of words will also be higher!

There are 3-6 year old babies at home, no matter whether the child begins to read or not, this set of "children's favorite fun Chinese characters" can help your children lay the foundation of Chinese characters!

【Waiting for the Wind to Come】All 4 volumes of 5-9 years old children's favorite fun kanji animals, living plants, etc. color book edition ¥49 Buy

Hurry up and get a set!

PS: The picture source is the Internet, invaded and deleted!