
20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

author:Play with drawing

From a carefree girl to a woman, the changes are hard to talk to others. Hesitation and confusion is the inner portrayal of every girl who has just entered the society, no one can tell us how to be an excellent woman, we hate to change and have to change ourselves, external pressure and the dilemma of self-survival, causing many young girls to suffer from slight anxiety and depression.

Giselle Decker, a young girl born in Vienna, Austria, suffered from a mild depression after graduating from university because she couldn't find a suitable job, which cost her a lot, but fortunately, she came out through her own efforts.

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

Let's take a look at the story of a girl who studied art in high school and textile design in college, where she wanted to be a textile designer because she loved to draw different patterns.

After graduating from college, she tried to find a job that matched her major, and after going around and hitting a wall, a few years passed in a flash, and Gisele Decker regretted to find that her life had hardly changed in any way, and the goals of her college years were getting farther and farther away from her, and the world was not as simple as she imagined. This is not only a portrayal of Gisele Decker's life, but also a vulgar plot that is constantly reproduced in many art students, and giving up has become the best choice among the most inappropriate.

In order to survive, Gisele Decker can only engage in repetitive and boring work like most people, with no achievements, no goals, and no creativity, which makes her lose her purpose in life for a while, which is the root cause of her mild depression.

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

The world poured basins of cold water on Gisele Decker, who was at the lowest point physically and financially in a deep predicament 3 years ago, and she began to spur herself on, and the extinguished flame of art was rekindled, and after a lot of attempts, she decided to draw digital illustrations to depict her own real life, experience and mental state. With her illustrations of her life, Gisele Decker became loved and resonated with many girls like her.

When Gisele Decker uses her illustrations to inspire others, she also regains confidence in life little by little, and in her illustrations, there are thoughts on life, love, and social phenomena. Each illustration is very intimate, showing people the most real state of a young girl's life, let's take a look at these wonderful illustrations and see if the scene she depicts is your life state.

1. Girls will perform "magic".

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

2. Work status on rest days

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

3. Irritability

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

4. Too lazy to move your body

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

5. Pile up a week's worth of clothes

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

6. I want to hide myself completely

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

7. Frequent laziness

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

8. Lie on the bed and watch TV series on your side

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

9. Disgusting Monday

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

10. "Daily" as a mother

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

11. A cup of coffee on the bed

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

12. Lie on the sofa and bury yourself with a pillow

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

13. The battle against dirty clothes

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

14. Get up and lie down

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

15. Empty yourself

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

16. The most comfortable state

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

17. Practice the correct posture of yoga

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

18. Irritability

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

19. Like green plants

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

20. Monday gives people the feeling

20 intimate illustrations depicting a woman's private life, so real that you want to cry

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