
She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

author:Yihan said gossip

1. The starting point of dreams: an ordinary girl who struggles for her dreams

Li Jingjing, a child from an ordinary family in Inner Mongolia, has developed an incomparable love and talent for acting since she was a child. Looking back on the past, my grandmother sighed: "Whenever she watched a TV series, she would always stand quietly in front of the mirror by herself and imitate the appearance of the actors in the play, immersed in the world of the characters all night, unable to sleep.

When she woke up, she was always excited to describe to me how she played that role."

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Showing her outstanding acting talent since she was a child, Li Jingjing is like a budding flower waiting to bloom, full of endless yearning for her acting career. At the age of 15, she bravely lied about her age, successfully passed the interview, and was fortunate enough to participate in the performance of Zhang Yimou's new film commercial, although it was only an insignificant role.

Director Zhang Yimou was full of praise for her: "You can pass the first interview smoothly, your performance is natural and smooth, showing your great potential as an actor." ”

Although it is just an inconspicuous role, for Li Jingjing, a girl with a dream, this is undoubtedly a key step on the road to realizing her dream. During the filming process, she went all out and devoted herself wholeheartedly, for fear of missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Every movement, every expression, she is carefully carved, like a young eagle about to fly, its wings flutter slightly, eager to soar into the blue sky.

After completing this role, Li Jingjing was not satisfied with the status quo. She strengthened her belief and decided to carry out the road of acting to the end, so she resolutely applied for the acting department of Beijing Film Academy, and finally became a professional actor as she wished.

During her time at the school, she studied diligently, delved into acting techniques, and worked hard to tap into the inner world and emotional changes of each character. Classmate Wang Min commented on her: "Whether it is acting skills or professional class results, Jingjing is the leader of our class and our pride."

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Everyone can feel her persistent pursuit of her dreams and fiery enthusiasm.

2. After tempering: 20 years of waiting, the baptism of life

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, Li Jingjing devoted herself to her acting career with enthusiasm. However, reality poured cold water on her, and her dream seemed to become unattainable, and for 20 years, she could only play some insignificant small roles and tricks.

However, Li Jingjing has never abandoned the light of dreams shining in her heart. With unwavering perseverance, she regards every insignificant role and every insignificant performance as a good opportunity to hone her talent, and in these seemingly mundane experiences, she has consistently devoted herself to studying and honing her acting skills.

Although she always seems to be calm on the outside, the pain and struggle in her heart can only be experienced by herself.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Sometimes, she will fall into deep self-questioning, is there a deviation in the path she chose in the first place? Are you really destined to spend your life in obscurity? However, whenever this emotion comes to her, she quickly adjusts her mindset and rekindles her passion for her dreams.

She told herself that as long as she persevered, she would one day be discovered and recognized.

Over the past two decades, she has consistently worked hard, accumulating a deep foundation of acting skills day after day. When the interview process is slow, she flips through old scripts and looks in the mirror over and over again.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Whenever a new drama is about to start, she will be fully engaged, and her grasp of lines, movements, and emotions is extremely rigorous and meticulous.

Everyone thought she was submissive, but her deep hopes and expectations for the future could not be concealed. She is convinced that as long as she puts in enough effort and perseverance, opportunities will eventually come.

After a long process of waiting and grinding, 2005 ushered in a turning point in fate. That year, 35-year-old Li Jingjing got the opportunity to audition for the supporting actress "Sister-in-law Zhuang" in the TV series "Golden Wedding".

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

She put all her might into preparing for the audition, eventually won the role with a stellar performance, and became famous overnight after the show aired, finally feeling the joy that comes with a successful career.

In the journey of life, there are countless difficulties that require us to wait patiently and sharpen with our hearts in order to make the ideal flower bloom with brilliant brilliance. Li Jingjing, with her own perseverance, perfectly interprets this truth.

3. Emotional twists and turns: the marriage that was missed three times

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Just as her career was booming and her dream finally came true, Li Jingjing's love life fell into a stormy turmoil. She has entered the marriage hall three times, but each marriage failed to reach the end for various reasons, leaving an inhealing scar on her soul.

In 2006, 36-year-old Li Jingjing met Zhang Jinhua, and soon after the two met, they decided to spend the rest of their lives together. "At that time, they looked so compatible, and we were all sincerely happy for Jingjing.

A year after her friends recalled that good time, Li Jingjing was overjoyed, and the family of three shared the joy of family.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

However, the good times did not last, and only three years later, in 2013, the two former lovers chose to part ways because of differences in each other's life philosophies, and finally ended in divorce.

"It seems that their dispute is mainly due to their very different concepts of life," Xiao Zhang, a former assistant, recalled fondly.

The impact of the breakup left Li Jingjing physically and mentally exhausted, but this strong lady did not give up the pursuit of new happiness. In 2014, Li Jingjing bravely stepped into the palace of marriage again, and although her new husband Wang Haosen is much younger than her, she firmly believes that this relationship can last for a long time.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

"At that time, I felt that Jingjing chose the wrong person this time, and the emotional foundation between them was not strong." My sister said worriedly. As expected, just a year later, the contradictions between the two gradually revealed, and they finally chose to break up.

For Li Jingjing, the third marriage is undoubtedly a big regret in her life. In 2016, at the age of 46, she and Liu Zhen, who was 21 years younger than herself, met and knew each other, and despite the huge age gap, they still decided to join hands in the palace of marriage.

"Liu Zhen treats Li Jingjing meticulously, and I deeply feel his sincere feelings for her." Assistant Xiao Wang said with emotion.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

However, after a heated argument, the couple, who are 21 years apart, eventually chose to break up. In 2022, Li Jingjing will be alone, bearing all the hardships of life alone.

The road to love is always full of variables, and even those stars who were once brilliant will inevitably encounter setbacks on the battlefield of love. However, each fall makes us more mature and more determined to move forward until we find the destiny that truly belongs to us.

Fourth, the difficulty of fighting cancer: the merciless blow of fate

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

In 2021, Li Jingjing, who has experienced three failed marriages and a low point in her career, suffered a heavy blow from breast cancer. The news was like a thunderbolt in the sky, completely crushing her.

"Cancer has brought great pain to Li Jingjing, she has become extremely sensitive and fragile, her mood swings are great, and she often suddenly bursts of anger and conflicts with those around her." The attending physician gave an in-depth analysis of her psychological condition at the time.

In the face of the relentless erosion of the disease, Li Jingjing's spiritual world almost collapsed. She had many thoughts of giving up, and she had deep doubts about the value of life. Whenever she was alone, she often burst into tears, asking why fate had tormented her so cruelly.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Just when her inner belief was the weakest, the only thing that supported her tenacity was the only faint wish left in her heart - her daughter Xiaoyue. Xiao Yue experienced all the hardships her mother encountered on this road, and resolutely decided that no matter what the difficulties, she would guard her mother and do her best to bring hope to her survival.

In daily life, Xiaoyue devoted herself to taking care of her mother's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and ignited the courage and hope of life for her mother with her witty and humorous words. Sometimes, she would share stories that made her mother laugh and regain her joy.

In response, the mother, Li Jingjing, also has a deep dependence on her daughter. Whenever the disease hits, as long as you stare into her daughter's gaze, it seems that she has the courage and strength to be reborn.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

This mutual encouragement and support between mother and daughter enabled them to successfully get through the most difficult period of the road to fighting cancer. A former shining star, a young girl who has just entered society, and they give each other invaluable hope with the tenacity of life.

Under the relentless blow of fate, the most precious thing is the courage to survive. As long as the flame of hope remains unextinguished, please never give up your passion and desire for life.

Part 5: Mother and Daughter Strength: Rely on each other's strength

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

In the long years of fighting cancer, Li Jingjing's only spiritual sustenance is her daughter Xiaoyue. The mother and daughter are in love with each other, and meet the challenges of the future together with a firm heart and love for life.

"My mother is not in good health, and I will always be there for her." Xiao Yue said firmly, her tone full of determination. She always waits by her mother's side, taking care of her mother's three meals and daily life every day.

In addition, Xiaoyue used her witty and humorous words to inject courage into her mother's life. She knew that what her mother needed most at this time was optimism and hope.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Whenever her mother was depressed, Xiaoyue would always tell some interesting trivial stories, or look back on the good old days, so that her mother could smile and regain her joy.

On the contrary, her mother Li Jingjing also regards Xiaoyue as the last support in her life. Whenever she was sick and tormented and she was physically and mentally exhausted, as long as she saw her daughter's concerned eyes, she seemed to gain the courage and strength to survive again.

In the world of this mother and daughter, there is only each other's warmth and firm faith, they support the severe tests in life with unyielding love, and bravely bear the heaviest cross on the road to fight cancer.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Although it seems to be extremely resolute on the outside, every step is extremely difficult.

However, it was this ardent desire to survive that allowed them to get through the darkest period of their lives.

The once brilliant stars and young newcomers in society nourish each other with the resilience of life, ignite the faint flame of hope in each other's hearts, and become each other's most solid backing.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

It is precisely because of this selfless protection between mother and daughter that Li Jingjing can get rid of the trouble of illness and welcome the sunshine of life again. And Xiaoyue also completed the transformation from a girl to a mature woman in the process.

They proved with practical actions how precious the power of family affection is.

6. Dream Chasing Journey: The Flower of Perseverance That Will Eventually Bloom

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

From her first involvement in the entertainment industry to her rise to fame, and then to the low ebb of her career, Li Jingjing's life has experienced ups and downs, but she has never given up her love and pursuit of acting. On the road to chasing her dreams, she has experienced hardships and setbacks, but she has never stopped moving forward.

We sincerely hope that Li Jingjing can overcome her illness and return to the peak of her career. became famous for playing the role of "Sister-in-law Zhuang" in the TV series "Golden Wedding", and her superb acting skills have already won high praise from the audience.

Now, after all kinds of twists and turns in her life, she will definitely show people how a real actor never gives up with more skillful acting skills and deeper emotional expressions.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

In addition, we also wish Li Jingjing can find her own happiness on the road of affection. Although she has experienced three failed marriages, who can say that the next person is the one who is destined to be? It is inevitable that many opportunities will be missed in life, but we must not give up the right to pursue happiness.

The story of Li Jingjing, an ordinary woman, tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts, we must be brave enough to pursue it, even if fate often sets up many obstacles for us. Because, those who are obsessed with their dreams will eventually see the flower of their dreams bloom in the journey of life.

Starting from an ordinary family in Inner Mongolia, Ms. Li Jingjing has gone through wind and rain and staggered forward. Although her life was shattered several times and brought her endless pain, she always stuck to the original dream in her heart, and gradually realized her ideals with unwavering determination and unremitting fighting spirit.

She has been married three times and divorced three times, her husband is younger than a child, she has breast cancer, and she is 53 years old and depends on her daughter!

Now, the double blow of illness and emotion has brought unprecedented challenges to her life path, but I firmly believe that as long as she can maintain this perseverance, one day, the flower of her dreams will bloom in her life, radiating a dazzling light!