
"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

author:Manga big

He Jie and Wang Hongwei, two young runners, ran the marathon field, and their photos became an instant hit on the Internet, why? Because everyone is ridiculing that after running such a race, it seems to be several years old all of a sudden! Is there anything wrong with this? Isn't running supposed to make people more energetic and younger?

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

First of all, let's talk about the changes in He Jie. He Jie participated in the 2024 Wuxi Marathon, and after the race, his face was full of fatigue and his skin looked a little saggy. After the friends saw the photos, they all exclaimed: "Is this still the guy we are familiar with?" Why haven't I seen you for a year, I feel several years older! And Wang Hongwei's situation is even more dramatic, and the photo of him when he won the 2023 Hangzhou Marathon makes it hard to believe that he is only 24 years old. Everyone is speculating whether the champion has some secret to making him look more "mature".

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

Now, let's find out, does running really make people look old? In fact, long-term high-intensity exercise may indeed have a certain impact on the skin and body. For example, prolonged outdoor exercise can expose the skin to sunlight for a long time, UV rays can be damaging, and the salt in sweat can also cause irritation to the skin. Combined with the mental stress of competition, it can make an athlete look out of shape for a short period of time.

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

But don't worry, that doesn't mean running isn't beneficial. Scientific training and proper maintenance can effectively alleviate these negative effects. For example, Zhu Xun is a positive example who not only participates in marathons regularly, but also pays great attention to nutrition and skin care. His daily training routine includes a moderate amount of running and a comprehensive muscle workout, and his diet is also high in protein and multivitamins to ensure the best recovery for his body.

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

As for He Jie and Wang Hongwei's performance on the field, although they look old on the outside, their physical fitness and endurance are definitely at the top level. Ho Jie saw a significant increase in stamina and speed during the race, and despite his tired face, he finished a full ten minutes faster than last year. Wang Hongwei showed outstanding tactical wisdom and perseverance in the difficult track.

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

So, while running may make people look a little tired for a short period of time, this "old state" is only temporary. In the long run, the health benefits of running far outweigh its side effects. We can completely stay young and energetic through scientific training and small tips in life, like Zhu Xun.

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

In conclusion, running is a sport that is both physical and challenging and fun. Although it occasionally looks "three years older" in the photos, these are not a big deal. After all, health and vitality are the truest gifts that running can bring to us. Although the match between He Jie and Wang Hongwei made them look old in the photos, their physical fitness and mental state are getting younger and younger.

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?

So, I heard that the horse race is a year, and the old is three years old? This is just the appearance. As long as we train scientifically, eat reasonably, and take good precautions, running is definitely a good way to make us healthier and more energetic. Let's be like He Jie and Wang Hongwei, not afraid of difficulties, continue to move forward, and meet a better self on the road of the marathon!

"Running a horse for a year, three years old!" Doesn't it say that the more you run, the younger you get?