
Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

author:Dr. Zhao, Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine
Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you
Lao Wang is 60 years old this year, and he has always felt that his physical fitness is not bad. One day, he came to the park to press his leg as usual, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his leg and had to go to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor told him that his knee was wearing out and that he was advised to reduce the frequency of leg presses and stretches in the future.

This made Lao Wang very confused: why did the seemingly healthy way of exercising take a toll on his body?

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad?

Wang's experience is not unusual. For middle-aged and elderly people, it is very important to maintain the flexibility of the body and perform appropriate exercise, but the wrong way of exercising can bring unexpected injuries. Seemingly simple exercises such as leg presses and stretches can have a negative impact on the body if not done in the right way and frequency.

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

At a young age, the joints and muscles of the body are in optimal condition and the recovery capacity is also very strong. But as we age, the body's systems begin to degenerate, especially the bones and muscles. The articular cartilage and ligaments in middle-aged and elderly people gradually lose their elasticity, bone density decreases, and muscle strength weakens. Without the right approach and moderate exercise intensity, these changes can easily lead to sports injuries.

Leg presses and stretches are more common stretching exercises designed to increase flexibility and range of motion. But for middle-aged and elderly people, special attention needs to be paid to the manner and intensity.

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

Wang's situation is typical, he may have pressed his leg too hard, or his movements were not gentle enough, resulting in knee damage.

Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the following points when pressing and stretching legs:

1. Moderate and gentle stretching: When middle-aged and elderly people press and stretch their legs, the action should not be too vigorous, and should focus on gentle and slow stretching to avoid excessive force. It is recommended to hold for 10-30 seconds each time you stretch, and feel a slight stretching sensation without feeling pain.

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

2. Pay attention to warm-up and cool-down: Before engaging in any exercise, a thorough warm-up is essential. Middle-aged and elderly people can warm up by walking slowly and moving their joints slightly, so as to increase blood circulation in the body and reduce the risk of sports injuries. And after the exercise, you should also carry out appropriate relaxation, ease the intensity of the exercise, and gradually let the body return to calm.

3. Don't ignore the body's signals: Middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention to the signals sent by the body during exercise. If you feel discomfort or pain, you should stop exercising immediately and rest appropriately. If the pain persists, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly to avoid a small problem becoming a big problem.

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

4. Choose the right way to exercise: Middle-aged and elderly people can try more low-impact exercises, such as swimming, tai chi, yoga, etc. These exercises not only enhance the flexibility and muscle strength of the body, but also effectively reduce the burden on the joints and reduce the risk of injury.

5. Check up your body regularly: Get regular check-ups to understand your health, especially bone density, joints, etc. Based on the results of the examination, adjust the exercise plan to avoid injuries caused by excessive exercise.

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

Later, under the advice of the doctor, Lao Wang began to try some low-impact exercises to replace leg presses and stretches. He found that swimming and tai chi not only kept his body flexible, but also helped relieve the pain in his knees. More importantly, he learned to listen to his body's signals and no longer blindly pursue the amount of exercise, but focus on the quality and safety of exercise.

When middle-aged and elderly people do exercises such as leg presses and stretches, they should not only pay attention to the benefits of exercise, but also be alert to possible risks.

Middle-aged and elderly people often press their legs and stretch their muscles, is it good or bad? The doctor will make it clear to you

All in all, middle-aged and elderly people should take safety and moderation as the principle when performing exercises such as leg press and stretching, pay attention to warm-up and relaxation, do not ignore the body's signals, choose an exercise method that suits them, and regularly check their physical health.

Only in this way can you avoid unnecessary sports injuries while maintaining good health.

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