
In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

author:Ash laughs about the past and the present

You are a commander of a military district, and when you are inspecting a unit, you suddenly see a soldier who catches your eye, not only because of his extraordinary skills, but also because he gives you a sense of déjà vu. What's going on? The commander, You Taizhong, discovered this special soldier during an inspection in 1982, and the subsequent development was even more unexpected.

When he returned to Guangzhou in 1982, when You Taizhong had just assumed the post of commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, his enthusiasm and sense of responsibility drove him to go deep into the grassroots level of the army to conduct inspections. During an ordinary troop training, a tall and mighty soldier caught his eye. Not only was the soldier physically impressive, but his training was unbeatable enough to thrill any military leader.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

After the competition, You Taizhong also deliberately walked up to the soldier at the commendation meeting, patted him on the shoulder, and praised his outstanding performance. This kind of scene is commonplace in the army, but You Taizhong's heart has made waves. He always felt an indescribable familiarity to the soldier, but he couldn't think of the specific reason for it for a while.

After the inspection, sitting in the car on the way back, You Taizhong's thoughts have not been calm. He mentioned the soldier to the secretary next to him, wanting to see if he could get some clues from others. Unexpectedly, the secretary's answer surprised him, it turned out that this soldier actually had an unusual background.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

The secretary told You that the soldier was the son of Wu Kehua, who was not only a veteran military leader, but also a prominent figure in the party. This sudden information made You Taizhong feel that he had to have an in-depth exchange with Wu Kehua.

Wu Kehua, this name has a very high reputation in the army. Born into a poor family in Jiangxi, he endured hardships in his early years, but he always insisted on loyalty to the revolution and service to the people. From a simple apprentice cobbler to a hero in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Wu Kehua's life is full of legends. He was not only a strategist, but also a leader who was loved by his subordinates.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

You Taizhong dialed Wu Kehua's phone, and Wu Kehua's calm and deep voice came from the other end of the phone. You Taizhong didn't go around the bush and directly pointed out what made him feel dissatisfied. He believes that as a senior leader in the army, Wu Kehua arranged for his son to mingle with ordinary soldiers without informing him in advance of the commander of the military region, which to some extent disrespects his authority. What's more, if this matter is known to the outside world, it is likely to arouse unnecessary suspicion and discussion, and affect the image and discipline of the army.

Wu Kehua was silent for a moment after hearing this, and he explained that this was an attempt to hope that his son could hone and grow up in the most ordinary environment, rather than relying on his father's power. He believes that such an experience can forge the qualities of a true soldier and allow his son to better understand and experience the life and challenges of ordinary soldiers.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

Although You Taizhong understood Wu Kehua's good intentions, he still insisted that as the commander of the military region, he had the right to know the true identities of his subordinates so that he could better manage and use talents. Although the dialogue between the two veteran generals was not intense, it was full of different understandings of each other's concepts of military management and personnel training.

While the call did not completely dispel Mr. You's misgivings, he began to rethink how to find a better balance between respecting personal privacy and ensuring the management of the troops. In the aftermath, You Taizhong decided to pay more attention to the growth and performance of this special soldier to see if he could stand out from the rigors of military training and daily tasks.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

Time flowed, and the soldier who caused the controversy did prove his abilities and worth in the days that followed. He not only performed well in various trainings, but also demonstrated extraordinary courage and wisdom many times in actual combat exercises. His performance won the respect of his colleagues and the appreciation of his superiors, and gradually made You Taizhong respect Wu Kehua's decision.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

Although this incident caused some small waves at first, it eventually proved that Wu Kehua's good intentions have their deep meaning and effect. Through his own efforts, his son not only won the respect of a soldier, but also set a good example in the army, showing that even the children of generals can grow up to be excellent soldiers in an equal and strict environment.

In 82, You Taizhong inspected the work and saw that 1 soldier was familiar, and called Wu Kehua: Chief, you are not right about this

The military is not only an organization that executes orders, but also a big family full of humanistic care and educational wisdom. Although You Taizhong and Wu Kehua differed in management philosophy, they both demonstrated a deep sense of responsibility to the army and the country.

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